Snail eggs???


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Jul 3, 2005
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Hi there I have a 30 gallon tank for my snails and 2 days ago I found little eggs white see through all in a seethrough jelly like cacoon that seems to be pretty strong there is about 20-30 eggs in it...I have 2 apples 1 mysters and 2 Ramhorns...And I have been reading that if eggs atre under water they will drown the snails adn they will die..Is this true if so what do I do.Thank you for your time :)
If they are in the water they are probably the ramhorn snails and they need water to survive. Apple snail lay their eggs out of water, but I should think they know that, so I wouldn't worry. :D
Geez, don't be so surprised! Snails are infamously prolific. You'll be up to your gills in baby snails in no time!
Maybe. Or you could get a few fish that like to eat snails, such as loaches or puffers. I breed lung snails (which have thin shells and no trapdoors) to feed to my Clown Loaches.
You might be able to find a fish store that will give you in-store credit for them.
You could always do EBAY. Thats where I got my starter snails for my tank. Shipping isnt alot on them either.

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