Im getting a Pacman frog


Fish Addict
Jun 2, 2005
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A pedestrain paradise where the catwalk got it's c
Well i went to petstore yesturady and fell ijn love with a pacman frog. I didnt buy it so i could do some research first. Well i read all i could read. Anyone have any personal experience they could tell me about. Or any experts just help me out. I have a ten gallon with 3 little reptile dishes. There shallow enogh for the frog to sit in and not drown. I put gravel in it and soon watter to the gravels level. Im gonna buy crickets at the petstore so i think im set. Oh and the frog lived in a little 1 gallon tank at thr petstore with gravel and a little peat moss on top. I dont have petmoss and on my reserch it appered unnesesary as long as u have gravel. Tell me what you think. Thanks :p
as long as you don't plan on holding it I'd say go for it, just keep it humid in there with daily spraying X3 (morn, afternoon, night)

<insert sarcasm> and when you get brave enough, wiggle your finger around in front of its head, they love that!

when they are of size they will eat pinky mice and any type of worm that is good for them

but here's a hint of warning, they have teeth so watch out
Dont they get rather large?
Would a 10 gallon be big enough?
I was gonna buy one awhile back myself, but decided against it because my lfs said they got pretty big and a 10 gallon wouldnt be big enough.
I wasnt about to buy a larger tank for a frog, I've got my hands full with my clawed frog atm.
I didnt read anything saying more than a ten gallon was needed but i have a 20 gallon in spare so if he gets to big i got him a home . Oh and i got him yesturday. He hasnt eaten any crickets yet though. Should i be worried. I have a constant room tempature. Warm enough that my tropical fish tank heater rarly blinks on. So the temp must be in 70's whicj is advised for them. Maybe he's just settling in. Im putting a pic and does he look albino? I know hes not completly white but i see snakes that are albino with light yellows. His eyes have a redish tint. Thans guys. oh and P.S I am not even gonna touch them i heard they mistake fingues for food alot. Ouch! :p



Edit: Sorry the pics are so bad. And i just saw him try to jump at a cricket so im releaved. He didnt get it though so im gonna put 2 more in. Thats what most sites said to feed daily 4 crickets anyway. Oh and in the little box im keeping the crickets in theres a dead one is it ok if i feed it to him? :p
Not a good setup there, actually. In their natural habitat, pacman frogs live in moist dirt and leaf litter, and should be able to burrow down in the dirt. My own likes sitting in the dirt with just his face visible, and will sometimes disappear under the dirt altogether, often for long periods of time (something quite normal for a pacman). Half land half water is also a good setup, or you can just provide them with a large, shallow waterdish. They are sit-and-wait predators, so they don't move whole lot except to spring out of the ground and pounce on their prey. Because of this, even though they get quite large (8 inches in diameter), they can be quite comfortable in a ten gallon for their entire life. Another thing--these guys have very slow metabolisms, so its not hard for them to get fat (AKA: wider than they are long instead of perfectly round). At my frog forum, one of the #1 rules when it comes to feeding them mice of any size is either don't feed them mice often or don't feed them mice at all, since they are very fattening and not at all healthy for them.
Anyway, please get that pacman some dirt!! He will be WAAAY happier.

A few good web sites:
website I
website II
website III
And one more...

--Mr. Bones is right, by the way--when they're full grown, pacmans can have a seriously nasty bite. Technically, they don't have teeth, but they do have a sort of sharp, horny "tooth" on their bottom jaw, and they can easily draw blood when full grown (feed it with a tongs if you want to keep your fingers!).

--And yes, it is an albino. Normal coloration is bright green with dark brown spots.
Panther, I've still thinkun 'bout gettin a pacman myself.
The folks at superpet told me I could use moss and/or a combination of forest bed.
A little water hole for him made of anything I could use too.
Is there any expertise information you could give me asides from whats already been told?
Thanks. :D
Panter the only problem i have with putting dirt for the tank is how to clean it. Like would i through all the dirt out after a while. And how often. If i could do it once a month i think i would do it and leave the dish with water. Please describe your tank and what kinda soil you use. Oh and how u clean it and how often . Thnks for the help i just wanna make Buda Happy. :D Oh an anyone else that has one can help out too. ;)
I'm going to go with a combo of moss and forest bottom substrate.
Unless of course I hear something bad about it.

If and when I do get one, I'm planning on putting him in a 20 gallon long terrarium.
3/4 land-1/4 shallow water for him to sit in.

Should I have some sort of air exchange?
What about lighting? Do pacman's need special UV lighting?
Or will a regular flourescent do?
Any air exchange needed? IE: fan blowing in one blowing out?
Misting is required I know, but could I use a fogger or will this be too much?
What about a DIY mister, possibly a submersable filter with a fitting on the end to "spray" the water, or have it spray lightly on the glass and splash about so as to actually mist the tank sides?

He'll be in a terrarium "with" water, so, do I actually need to mist the tank at all?
I'll have a screen top covered by a sheet of plexglass, this should keep the humidity in right?
Lotsa questions

sorry wwestar2000, not trying to take your post over, figure any info here will help you too :D
spagnum moss should be a good substrate,bark chippings,as to feeding try to vary the diet as much as possible. If you are feeding insects gut load the feeder insects first ( feed them on wid plants non toxic ones, small pieces of vegtables and a damp sponge for the crickets to drink, they will live longer)you are what you eat. thye will take anything that is the same size or smaller than them. fresh meat, boiled eggs,worms, rodents. in the wild one of there main food sources is other pacman frogs
make sure you wash your hands before handling as any chemicals will transfer to the frog (toad) via the skin. like all sit and wait predators they like to hide with subdued lighting and secure close fitting spaces in which to wait. as to tempreture not to sure, but at a guess high 70's ( not to sure )

sorry that I can't be of any more help, snakes are more my thing
watch you fingers they bit with vigor :(
I use 50/50 mix of peat moss/potting soil for my frog that I usually replace once every month or so. It's not hard; take the frog out, empty the tank, put in more peat/dirt, put the frog back.

SJ: Pacman frogs do not need fans or even lighting of any sort--UV or otherwise--though if you do get a light, I'd go with fluorescent because it doesn't heat up the tank as drastically as incandescent. If you want to use a fogger, that should be fine. I don't think it matters much whether you mist the sides or inside the tank itself as long as it is kept humid. You can get a hygrometer in the reptile section at your local petshop to keep track of humidity. Plexiglass should keep in the humdity quite well, but try to leave a little open space in the cover to allow for ventilation. A small undertank heater for the winter months is about as high-tech as is needed for pacman frogs; they are pretty low-maintenance. Moss and forest bottom should be fine for a substrate. Bark chippings always made me a bit nervous, though, as they might end up getting swallowed by the pacman along with lunch, and could cause digestive problems. Gravel/small stones should also be avoided for the same reason.

Hope that helps!
Sure does Panther, thanks!

I Figured I'd have to leave at least a 10% gap on the top for ventalation.
I have heard of people using small computer fans to do the following:

1-keep the front pane of glass dry, for viewing reasons.
2-using two fans, one in and one out for ventilation purposes
3- to keep their lighting cool.

I think I may reconsider putting a pacman in a terrarium and just go with a basic setup of moss and another, peat, forest bark, potting soil.

As for the terrarium, thats still a project Im still very wanting to do. :D

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