

Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
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North East UK
i was gonna get a tadpole form the local pond (theres about 4 million!)and try and rasie it and see what it grows into cept where shall i put it ad how shall i care for it?it cant go in the goldfish tank because the goldieds will eat it...any ideas? :p
ok thanks!do ui have to get a tank for them then where shall iput it ? :lol:
Whatever you do make sure it gets good light, they grow slower and are weaker, and I even had some die by not getting enough light.
I have raised tadpoles in aquariums before. They require plenty of algae to survive. You can grow algae on rocks in a sunny spot outside and then place the rocks into your tank for them to graze on. I've had varying degrees of success with them, there are lots of factors to take into account including which species of frog or toad you have and which type of algae they require. Very interesting to observe however and very cool when it works.
I raised two Green Frogs from tadpoles and kept them for several years. I fed them mainly on algae tablets. Green Frog/Bullfrog/Leopard Frog tads are generally too big to be eaten. If they are small and black, then they're toadpoles. I have around ten billion of them in my fish pond right now, and the goldfish don't touch them--apparently they're toxic.

What kind of setup you'll need once they're grown up depends largely on what kind of frog/toad they'll be, if they live in the water, on land, or in trees. Mine I kept in a 25gal tank filled up about 1/3 of the way with pebbles as the substrate forming a small island on one side of the tank. Unlike many reptiles, frogs/toads do not need UV lighting to survive, but they do require liberal amounts of crickets, so be prepared for that.
Well if I where you I'd get a few, they tend to die sometimes. You can raise them in a kitty Litter pan actually, done it a few times.
i used to have about 20 in a little tank when i was about 8 and most of them lived to little frogs but ony thing was i put a large rock in there when they were little frogs and one morning and they were jumping all over my bed room lol my mum went mad i used to feed them on chicken! we have millions in are 2 ponds at the mo and sum are toads talking about toads has any one ever held a toad when its in the mood for mating i had 3 on my hand and they just wouldnt let go!the harder you shake the harder they grip lol :wub:

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