Carnivorous FROG!!!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2005
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My ACF recently ate...or tried to eat my loach. I found the loach half out of his mouth and managed to save him. Now I'm forced to move him(which i was going to do when he got bigger) to another tank. I know I don't need to airate the water, but I do have the haeter in making it comfortable for him. My question is...filter? Is it necessary? The water is getting cloudy, what do i do?
first of all, I'm not sure if yur talkin about moving the clawed frog or the loach.

So heres two replies in one:

What kind of loach is it?
If its a dojo (weather loach) it will be fine in unheated water, but will also be fine in heated water up to 78 F or so.

"If" its the clawed frog, then you should have heated water 70-75 F.
Yes, you can use filtration, some say its no good for the frog, its as though a "jackhammer" is going in the tank to the frog because of its sensitivity to moving water and currents etc etc.
I myself, as I'm sure many people do, use a filter.
I used an aquaclear 150 and even use an airstone for airation (my goldfish need that), and have had no reason to think its bothering him.
He actually sits on the bubbles for extended amounts of time.
It looks as though he's giving himself a message.

Sorry, your right. That wasn't very clear. I moved the frog. He's in his own tank, which only has a heater. But I wanted to know if it was ok, because i dont have another filter for him. Any tricks on keeping the water clear without a filter? he seems happy, and i dropped 2 ghost shrimp in there in case he wants a snack. They can also clean too.
I don't use a filter with my ADFs. I just do regular large water changes. The frogs have been fine, never had an illness and eat like pigs.

If you keep up with water changes and vacuum out anything dead, uneaten, or fecal matter, then the water should never get cloudy and you won't need a filter.
I recently read that a 100% water change everyday for frogs without a filter in nessecary.
I 'dunno bout that, but yea, like the post above said, regular water changes, daily cleaning, and careful feeding habits (not too much, no foods that disapate into the water easily, etc etc) should be enough.

You could always buy a cheap little filter, like a Corner Filters / Box Filters, drivin buy an air pump, or a small aqauclear mini/dynaflo.
The first being the cheapest.
Either way, things will be fine as long as you keep an eye on things.

I really doubt a 100% water change would be a good idea--maybe 50% or so at most regularly should keep it clean, though.

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