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  1. omega59

    My Platy Has Had Babies

    yes they will be eaten, remove all fish and ornamints i found helped to catch them quicker.. just put them in a bucket or something. feed them crushed bloodworm and flakes.
  2. omega59

    Guppy And Worms

    yes. ammonia 0 nitrate 0.25 nitrite 0 ph 7.6 or so
  3. omega59

    Guppy And Worms

    Hello. My male guppy who i received from my local shop 2 months ago, has developed internal worms. The last few days I have noticed he was swimming sluggish and this morning he was sitting on the sand. I placed him into a breeder box for isolation and no one to bug him and shut the lights out...
  4. omega59

    Whats Wrong With This Platy? (Picture)

    in my experiance, once the fish has sticking out scales, its gonna die ad nothing to save it. cus the kidneys are gone at this point. a lot of this is caused by bad water quality.
  5. omega59

    Time Remaining?

    She may be , a dark gravid means not much IMO, read the stickies. Also if she is pregnant she is no where near ready to have fry.
  6. omega59

    When Will My Sunburst Platty Give Birth? (Pictures Included)

    little more longer 1-2 weeks i'd say.
  7. omega59

    Are My Guppies And Platy Pregnant?

    looks pregnant to me, but also maybe over fed the way the front bumps out.
  8. omega59

    Guppy Pests

    Thank you, I will get some next time. I also got rid of the two male guppies ( was siblings) to prevent inbreeding. I got a new orange-red guppy male just one in place. So i have 1 female platy, two female guppies, and 1 male guppy. Also the lfs owner was nice enough to give me a baby black...
  9. omega59

    Can Platys Change Genders? O.0

    I had 5 guppies all females, and suddenly two became male. not sure if its the same as platies but if you keep all females together from what i read, some will become males.
  10. omega59

    Guppy Pests

    Oh i have plants and rocks.
  11. omega59

    Guppy Pests

    Just an update. My platy gave birth but since i was late at finding, i was only able to find 5 fry and 1 died in the trap over night. awww needless to say the fish looked nice and plumped lol. I hope next month i will be able to catch them fry babies. Mom is doing well so are the fry. I feed...
  12. omega59

    Platy Fry & Colour?

    I agree, it is normal for fry to be born with some colour. Some platy's can even already have dark tails or the mickey mouse ears :)
  13. omega59

    Guppy Pests

    No babies yet but she does act weird. She scoots alon up and down the corner of the tank and doesn't eat and hides. She hasn't gotten any bigger though
  14. omega59

    Are They All Gone?!?!

    Remove all ornaments and inspect. I hope next time you have fry you seperate them :D
  15. omega59

    Guppy Pests

    I guess what I read was wrong then. She is very pretty and I am pleased so far. I have a spare tank ready to hold her babies. But I will let her drop in the main tank I guess. Too much moving for her I don't want stress.
  16. omega59

    Guppy Pests

    Looks like your text cut off OldMan :( Are these tuxedo fish tattooed to look like that, does this mean the fry will not be like her? I read they are tattooed fish how sad i was not aware.
  17. omega59

    Guppy Pests

    Agh yes it is a tuxedo very cool. I read when you see the white tube near her bottom fins, it means she is going to have the fry. Are there any other signs?
  18. omega59

    Guppy Pests

    I uploaded pictures. She is yellow with a twin bar tail and some black on her sides. What kind of platy is this?
  19. omega59

    Guppy Pests

    I'm in Canada Ontario Woodbridge
  20. omega59

    Guppy Pests

    A few hours together. No poking on her side or top. Like with their mouths like a bunt. Should I put her in a large breeder container till she drops?
  21. omega59

    Guppy Pests

    I have 4 females 1 male. The tank is running for 8 months now without any problems or disease. The guppies never showed sign of agressiveness before new platy arrived. I do plan to keep the fry whatever survive I guess. I raised these guppies from babies.
  22. omega59

    Guppy Pests

    Hi. I have a 10 gallon tank with 5 guppy juvenials. I just got an adult female platy and my guppies are poking her. I added plants to trick them, will they leave her alone? She is also pregnant I can also see the tube near her bottom and she is squared very much so. I will post pics shorty so...
  23. omega59

    What Will Eat Guppy Fry?

    ALL fish will eat guppy fry :)
  24. omega59

    Pregnant Molly Strange Poop

    Turn lights off leave her and stop peaking.
  25. omega59

    My New Guppys

    Why does hi link go to another site and not a pic? is it spam?
  26. omega59

    Is My Balloon Molly Preganant

    How do they create balloon mollies anyhow, what species are they breed from to create the distortion?
  27. omega59

    Albino Platy

    This is an albino
  28. omega59

    Help, Balloon Belly, Is Fry Stuck Or Are Insides Coming Out?

    just boil water and drop it in, it will die instant. sorry it is harsh but reality.
  29. omega59

    Help, Balloon Belly, Is Fry Stuck Or Are Insides Coming Out?

    I guess you could try saving the fry. But it will be harsh to do. Also any pressure you may place may just kill the fry too.
  30. omega59

    Help, Balloon Belly, Is Fry Stuck Or Are Insides Coming Out?

    Hmm that is very odd indeed. Not sure looks like a tumor?Also i find it odd she has a buldge at the front and side
  31. omega59

    Pregnant Platy (Pics Inside)

    AHAHAHAHHA. well keep the lights off and stop peaking :D
  32. omega59

    Pregnant Platy (Pics Inside)

    very nice. yes those are Harlequin Rasbora.
  33. omega59

    Do You Guys Use Breeder Traps?

    i dont use them i find them terrible. :P
  34. omega59

    Fluval Edge Tank

    yes i agree, placing fish in a cramped box no matter what size small one or the larger ones is terrible method. apply coverage for the fry or get a tank divider. good luck!
  35. omega59

    Balloon Mollys

    many fish that are not even pregnant have the gravid spot you so called "bit." i like to tell you to read the sticky notes created by 5teady about the stages. I never go by the gravid spot colouring to see when a fish will drop because as i said many unpregnant fish got this spot dark, orange...
  36. omega59

    New Platys......pregnant?!

    talk about stress. first she gets traveled into a new tank, then placed into a box. i say take her out and let her have the fry in the open.
  37. omega59

    My Guppy Breeding Set Up

    very nice setups :)
  38. omega59

    What Is The Maximum Fish Tank Size For Guppies?

    1 gal per-inch of fish size, is a general idea.
  39. omega59

    Guppy Breeding

    My tank is in an unfinished basement. The ac runs too but the water is always at 76-80f as I check once a week. In the winter it's the same temp even though the furnise runs. Odd ain't it lol. So I'm gonna but a male soon. Should qt him and if so for how long, and will a container bucket do?
  40. omega59

    Guppy Breeding

    I never use a heater in my tank at all and they are doing great. As for the parents, the mom was grey with cream powdered blue tail and fins. The father I have no idea I guess he was dark because some of these fry have slight dark on half their bodies but they are still very grey. At the shop...