Guppy Breeding


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
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My guppies turned six month old yay and they survived all female oddly lol. Anyhow since they are pure virgins I would like to mate them to produce neat offspring. What do you suggest. ATM they are light grey with specs of blacks. Some are grey with a light cream blue on the tail in fins it's pretty. I was thinking of getting a tiger spired one but I dunno please tell me your ideas. Also there are five of them in the ten gallon setup :)
All female is indeed a bit unusual unless your original tank was quite warm. Warm water tends to skew the numbers toward more females even though the sex of guppies is determined genetically. There is speculation that it results from more of the males not surviving to be born. At reasonable temperatures, about equal numbers of males and females are born.
A tiger type pattern might look nice if mixed with a blue color but you are looking at the phenotype of your fry. What are the genetics of the fry? Do you know what both parents looked like? With pet shop guppies, we almost never know what the real genetics of a fish may be. All we can do is go by what we see, which can be very misleading.
my guppies just turned 6 months too :)) and i have 3: a female, 2 males and i need to buy a male guppy soon to cause i dont want the brother and sister thing goin on.hes trying to mate with her and the new female gup i got..even tho he looks nice i want it different and nice like u
my guppies just turned 6 months too :)) and i have 3: a female, 2 males and i need to buy a male guppy soon to cause i dont want the brother and sister thing goin on.hes trying to mate with her and the new female gup i got..even tho he looks nice i want it different and nice like u
A few generations of inbreeding wont make much difference. That how people start new strains buy breeding 2 fish then inbreeding 2 of there fry that have the characteristics they want and so on.
I never use a heater in my tank at all and they are doing great. As for the parents, the mom was grey with cream powdered blue tail and fins. The father I have no idea I guess he was dark because some of these fry have slight dark on half their bodies but they are still very grey. At the shop they were mixed females in the tank separated from the males.
I dont use heaters either and i get 50/50 mix with perhaps slightly more females
That is a lot of unheated guppy tanks. It must be warmer in your homes than it is in mine. If I want the water to be over about 70F a heater is required. That would be definitely on the cool end for a guppy although it could be done.
mine is 74f or so

little cooler in the winter but with central heating it's never a problem.

I do use heater though to keep it up 76-78 for other fish that need it that little bit more

Many show guppies are kepet around 65 to make the grow slower and allow for a stronger fish.
They can go down to 60 safely but once you get to 56 then your on the very edge of starting to kill them.
My tank is in an unfinished basement. The ac runs too but the water is always at 76-80f as I check once a week. In the winter it's the same temp even though the furnise runs. Odd ain't it lol. So I'm gonna but a male soon. Should qt him and if so for how long, and will a container bucket do?

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