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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. K

    A Frightened Platy Dad To Be

    All 5 of my platy deliveries happened without any apparent stress on the fish. They just swam around popping out these little wriggling miniatures of themselves! If I see her delivering I catch her and put her into breeding net, if I miss it, my daughter spends the next few days rescuing them...
  2. K

    Collecting Your Own Bloodworm

    Well, my dps won't eat the frozen glassworms....but live they might go for it! Shhhh.....just don't tell the neighbors that I am purposely allowing skeeters to breed! Approx how long from when you see the wigglers to the point when they become flying pests? I wouldn't want that to happen.
  3. K

    Collecting Your Own Bloodworm all seem to have a handle on the live mosquito larva/bloodworm thing so maybe you could answer a few ????s for me since I have several fish who would love to have live over frozen! Honestly, I have never paid any attention to the breeding of mosquitos, and have only ever noticed when...
  4. K

    Thinking About Getting Blue Rams

    The male blue ram I had nipped the heck out of my 2 dwarf gourami's, and beat the crap out of a female I bought him and a bolivian ram. He left the tetras alone only because they were fast enough to get away when he chased them. But, also be rams are known to be hard to...
  5. K

    Which Corys Do You Have?

    Beautiful cory shots everyone! I have albino, bronze and orange laser. Although the oranges are gorgeous, they are much shyer than the others, and I would have to say my albino is my favorite...very active in the tank. do you like the shark filter I see in your pic? When...
  6. K

    African Dwarf Frogs.

    Mine are with dwarfpuffer and oto and haven't bothered either one. They have jumped at both but are too slow to get anywhere! I have seen them eat frozen bloodworm, and the frog bites I put in always disappear so someone is eating those. Since I seriously doubt it is the dp or oto, and the...
  7. K

    Long Finned Oscars...

    I just saw 2 of them for the first time yesterday also, the little one was priced like $90....WOW! When I saw the fins I didn't even think it was an oscar until a store employee told me it was, and then showed me the one for sale.
  8. K

    Food For Corys

    Mine eat just about anything that gets offered....froz bloodworm, flake, tropical tabs, algae wafers, shrimp pellets, live brine shrimp.....haven't see them turn their noses away from anything except freeze dried bloodworm (none of my fish will eat it).
  9. K

    Gourami Being Bitten

    Try watching, watching, watching until you find out for sure who is the culprit and remove either the culprit or the gourami to allow the gourami to heal. What type of frog is it? My understanding is that the african clawed frogs get larger and are more aggressive than the african dwarf frogs...
  10. K

    Fun With Super Macro Mode!

    Great pics...and I totally understand the zillion pics for a couple of great shots! Try getting the zipping zooming fish shots, I am still learning camera settings and spend lotsa time practising to only end up with 2-3 I keep!
  11. K

    Pics Of Rainbow Are Here

    Well, tank was loaded with snails before Rainbow, on purpose for my dwarfpuffer, now it looks a little bare, but with the addition of the plants and cave for Rainbow they could just be hiding. I knew it wasn't likely that Rainbow would eat my snails before getting him, and that is the way I...
  12. K

    How To Naturally Change Ph

    I use a combination of RO and tap water to keep it down. My tap is at 8 so that is a little high for some of my fish so I use 1 gal RO to every 2 gallons tap and it has worked so far.
  13. K

    Pics Of Rainbow Are Here

    That is what I was leaning towards to...veil tail. Thanks for the input from everyone, it was so much easier to venture into the world of bettas with you guys behind me! Any suggestions on whether he is possibly eating small snails? Like I said, I have noticed that snails don't seem as...
  14. K

    Pics Of Rainbow Are Here

    For those of you that helped me (and my daughter) decide to house a betta in her 5 gallon tank...Here are pics of Rainbow and his new home. I am surprised at how active he is since I have only seen bettas in way too small of containers. Quick questions far, not eating much...
  15. K

    Arrrgg! Snails!

    Just send all of your snails to me for my dwarfpuffer!!! :hey: Although the mail services may not like it :sly:
  16. K

    Considering Betta For 5 Gal

    Haven't gotten any pics yet, it has been a busy week, but Rainbow LOVES his new home. I have been really surprised at how much he swims around since I have only ever seen bettas in small containers or bare tanks and they don't do much! I believe the ghost shrimp is gone..will know for sure...
  17. K

    Questions About Blue Rams.

    I don't have a lot of ram experience but here is what I have found with my 3, 2 females, 1 male. My male is extremely aggressive to both females, they were removed from tank. Neither female showed any aggression to any other fish. My male also showed aggression to my dwarf gourami, and has on...
  18. K

    Why Boxers Are Great Family Dogs

    Kids and dogs just soooo go together! We have a boxer, newfoundland and golden retriever and they are all the girls' best friends! Here is my 4 yr old with my boxer on Easter...she is forever wanting to walk him...and in a fenced in yard a leash isn't necessary, which he seems to realize and is...
  19. K

    Krib Pics

    Beautiful pics! Gotta love kribs, I just wish they were better community fish :)
  20. K

    Wanting To Buy A African Clawed Frog

    What are you looking for....african CLAWED frog or african DWARF understanding is they are 2 different frogs, one gets huge and can be aggressive, the other is small and although yes, dwarves jump at most anything, they are too small to do any damage to my dwarfpuffer.
  21. K

    I Need To Catch One Of My Fish....

    Try using 2 nets....a larger one to let just "innocently" hang in the water in one hand, coral the fish towards the "innocent" net because he is running like the devil from the net trying to catch him and all of a sudden he is scooped up with the big net! It is the only way I have ever been...
  22. K

    I Should'nt Of Done That...

    You might be okay since alot of the bacteria is supposed to be present in the decor and gravel also. Do you have a test kit to keep an eye on water parameters in case something starts to go down hill? With my built in filters they have replaceable filter pads so when I replace them I am...
  23. K

    6 month limit

    What is so wrong with lurking? I joined several forums when I had a question, and have since made a daily check on posts that interest me. I am not an expert by far, but regularly learn something from someone elses experiences or find something that I want to research further. Since I haven't...
  24. K

    I Cant Get Rid Of Ich Please Help!

    You could also try some stresscoat. I don't know what you are treating tap with, but that is what I use and when I had my only case of ICK it seemed to help. I noticed it immediately, cleaned the tank, added stress coat according to label directions at 1ml per gallon for helping repair damaged...
  25. K

    Dwarf Puffers, Are They Easy Or Hard To Keep?

    Mine has been real easy to keep once I learned about her! I wanted clown loaches for snails....tank was too small according to the LFS I went to even for just a couple of weeks waiting for large tank to be ready and sold me a dp as a community fish. Things went great, and she was moved to...
  26. K

    Cheap Ro Water

    I am too lazy for that....I can buy RO for $.25/gallon in town so I invested in a couple of 5 gallon jugs from clearwater! :hey:
  27. K

    Feeding New Tetras

    Try crushing the flake into a neons won't take pieces of flake and ended up munching on snail eggs until I tried them with some that I had ground up for platy fry...but they will take brine shrimp and occasionally frozen bloodworm so go figure. Wouldn't touch micro pellets...
  28. K

    Considering Betta For 5 Gal

    Well, Wendywc, you were right...she fell in love with the bettas and didn't care less about the tail. We ended up with Rainbow, who is very striking, and I think he caught her eye because he actually came over to see us! Not sure what tail type as he has been a little quiet tonight...
  29. K

    Do You Name Your Fish?

    My dwarfpuffer is Missy My male german blue ram is Demon My kribs are ma & pa Krib My bristlenose pleco is Fugly My bolivian ram is Sissy Most of my others I can't tell apart from each other, but these guys earned their names!
  30. K

    Dwarf Puffers...

    Mine will only eat frozen bloodworms or live foods....we allow common snails to multiply in a 5 gallon tank just for her! Check out dwarfpuffers .com for more info
  31. K

    You Know You're A Fish Keeper When...

    These are too funny...and I can relate to some...hubby now spots rocks on the side of the road because of his mbuna tank I have gone over 300 miles (but round trip) for fish I frequently go an hour away for fish or live foods Several store workers at local storeSSS, know me by name, and keep...
  32. K

    Considering Betta For 5 Gal

    did look thru IBC, didn't have much luck finding a local breeder. Can't find anything on tri state bettas. Looks like I won't have much luck unless I want to order.
  33. K

    Considering Betta For 5 Gal

    I don't know, maybe I am weird, but I hate the idea of trying to pick a great betta by looking at all those guys in cups! Online purchase will be my second choice, my first choice is hoping to find a local breeder that will allow us to come by and look at his/her bettas for sale and pick one...
  34. K

    Plain Vanilla Water Conditioner Or Stress Coat?

    I have always used stress coat as a tap water conditioner (was on the advice of another store patron, not the store) and had read on the bottle that you can use a higher dosage to help repair damaged fins. My daughters fish showed up with ICK one morning....was new to fish, had no idea what to...
  35. K

    Considering Betta For 5 Gal

    Thanks for the tips. I showed my daughter a page with pics of different tail styles and she is totally in love! Forgot all about the I guess we may go shopping tomorrow! The other thing I have noticed is some of the websites I searched on mentioned that most stores only carry the...
  36. K

    Ideal Puffer Set Up...

    Dwarfpuffers are Missy is spoiled rotten and my daughter reminds me all of the time that I made her that way! :P Unfortunately, you can't help but spoil them, or they won't survive. Mine will only eat live foods or frozen bloodworms, which makes life more complicated, but hey...she...
  37. K

    Brine Shrimp

    The kit was very easy...comes with a black box and a catch container for the top. We substituted salt water for the fresh water recommended in the directions so that she could transfer them to another container to grow out. Once the science experiment is done the kit will be able to be used to...
  38. K

    Snails For Puffers

    After about 3 weeks you will probably see dozens of itty bitty snails! I have been thru snail populations, population destructions, and repopulating again. I have the common pond snails I believe, and I let them populate for my dwarfpuffer (which are freshwater, not brackish) and have lost my...
  39. K

    Brine Shrimp

    Nope, I am lazy, I bought one! It was like $12, well worth my saving the time to do it myself, and since it was for my daughter's science experiment it came with directions and everything necessary to hatch so she was able to do it herself.
  40. K

    Considering Betta For 5 Gal

    Any suggestions on what to look for to get a personable fish? I plan on staying away from the cup bettas I see at most places...we have a store about 30min away that has a whole wall of bettas in small cube tanks so at least this way I know they have been given some type of decent place to...