I Cant Get Rid Of Ich Please Help!

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
USA, Michigan
I have been treating my tank for about a week and a half now, i have tried to different medications for ich and nothing is getting anything better its actually getting somewhat worse. I do the water changes, add the medication, add salt, the temperature has been raised to 85F and the things are still on my fish!! The two medications i used are:

1st time - mardel, maracide used as specified
2nd time - current - jungle brand ich guard II (because of my guppy fry)

someone please help i dont know what else to do.
Just carry on with the med, have you increased aeration in the tank, it can take two rounds some times.
Yes i increased the aeration, removed the carbon, increased the heat, i always keep salt in my tank, i have done daily water changes and added the medication just like it said to. This is my second round of treatment. They have never had it very bad but it is just not going away and everyday all the fish have more spots than the day before. Im lost i dont know what else to try treating a tank that size isnt very cheap either!
You should be able to get rid of ick without medication.. The temp is already raised which is good, adding salt will help, and keeping the water clean should also help to get rid of it.
You could also try some stresscoat. I don't know what you are treating tap with, but that is what I use and when I had my only case of ICK it seemed to help. I noticed it immediately, cleaned the tank, added stress coat according to label directions at 1ml per gallon for helping repair damaged fins and haven't seen it since. Supposedly the stress coat helps the fish keep their own slime coat healthy, it seemed to have worked for mine. There are those that say ICK is always present in a tank and just wait for a fish to have it's defenses down, others don't agree. I don't know for sure, but since it helped, I will use it again if I ever see ICK again.
Ok well i moved all my fish into a smaller tank so it will be easier to treat and less expensive. So i have my 29 gal now sitting with no fish in it. Will the ich surivive in the water without any fish?? or should i disasemble my tank and throughly clean it to get rid of it?
It won't survive without a host in the tank, leave it a week. Good luck.
I raised the temp in the empty tank to about 90f. So the ich does die without any fish? Do i need to change the floss in my filter and wash my plants and all that stuff or just leave it?
Ick need a host to survive, so you shouldn't need to remove plants or clean filter floss.. you should be fine just raising the temp.. you should probably do a few water changes too just to be safe.

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