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I see no problem with leaving the accounts active, since they don't really eat up any resources. And as William said, its does make the forum seem the much more active. Not that this place isn't extremely active. I am always amazed every mornign when I log in, at the number of posts since I logged out the previous evening.

That and many people join and just lurk. They could lurk for years. There are so many knowledgeable folks on here and so many questions being asked and answered, that one could almost get by with never even having to post since more than likely the question they'd ask has already been asked. Thats how I am on another hobby related forum. I've posted maybe a handful of times shortly after I joined, but its been about 6 months since I've posted there, I just like to read and absorb. Often I think thats how it is here.

As for William's ideas about the Newbie Guide, think it would be great if some folks wanted to collaborate and brainstorm some ideas of things YOU all would have liked to know about this forum and forums in general (like how to use them, how to post, where to post pictures, etc) when you first joined. Things that would have made being a newbie that much easier. Not necessarily fish care related, but forum how-tos......... Maybe that would help to actually formulate a Guide.
Newsletter: didn't you ask about that before will, as a poll? I thought most people said they would not mind at all...
like mam, I am a member of literally dozens of sites. in fact I don't even remember all of the sites I have been too and am a member of. I have surprised myself lots of times by thinking that I have found a new site and oh I am already logged in. but I can honestly say that I am a member at some of the most notable cichlid forums out there and I think that I have 77 posts on one and just over 100 posts on another and have been a member for at least a year and a half or so.
William said:
Another possibility is sending out a newsletter to all members on the forum (by email) - would anyone have a problem with this? Potentially - if it's a success we could perhaps do a biannual newsletter detailing updates here on TFF for your inbox- or would that upset people?
Great idea ! And I certainly see no problem with it - especially as there is a function to say whether or not you want to receive emails from admin. So in effect there is an opt-out. And it would be a good thing for people who sign up and then just disappear into thin air - that could be a gentle reminder to coax them back.

I've also (in my short time) seen many people joining up as say XYZ, just to sign up again a day later as ZYX and yet a day later again as YZX etc. etc.
Surely those accounts are just "duff" accounts and will never be used (apart from the one that is).
I'm all in favour for a tidy up of several user names assigned to one IP address. Yeah of course there could be more than 2 people using the same IP address in the same household, but if they are both active posters then it's not a problem.

But I think there are lots of "duplicates" and triplicates just sitting there doing nothing.
Why is everyone so worried about inactive members?

I say leave alone,when I joined i did look for a forum with alot of members,if I'd saw a 1000 on here and 5000 on another I'd have joined the other.

If its working like it is I say leave alone.

The inactive names are doing no harm ,I just can't see the problem you all have with it -_-
I have to agree, I see no problem with inactive members. If I had three accounts and choose to use only one of them for whatever reason I saw fit then why should it matter?

Also, regarding similar nicknames, I've joined forums before where the nickname I want to use has already been taken so I've just jigged it about a bit, swapping words around or adding numbers to the end etc since knowing how sieve-like my brain can be to change the nickname completely would throw me into turmoil!
Yes but remember that "lurkers" aren't inactive members. They are still active - but just "behind the scenes". ;)
It's really no big deal to have an extra few thousand members who join up for one or two posts when they have an emergency or need some quick info and advice.
And yes, I do suppose it matters when you see a site with 20 thousand members as opposed to one with 10 members - you sort of know that you'll get more input and feedback on a larger more active site.

But just personally (being ultra organised), I just like things neat and tidy - I'd cleanse the data base of members who haven't logged on (not lurked!) for a year.

But at the end of the day, I actually couldn't care, as this site does not belong to me :)
a suggestion. Bloozoo you say that it would tidy things up, imo the only time that you see them is if you are looking though the member lists. as such there is really only one reason to be there and that is if you are looking for someone to look at their profile. IMO it would be much easier just to do a search for their name and go through it that way. there is no real reason to really be up in arms about it no harm no foul.
I really was not up in arms about it at all :/
This is a thread and I stated my opinion.
Mine only.
I did not complain.
I did not ask for things to change.
It was an opinion - no more no less.
well i do agree about them, but at times, like now, I am not into fish posting, and what if I dont post for 7 months, I shouldnt have my account deleted, as I may intemnd to come back.

But then if I really did want to come back, I probably would have posted a bit beforte that time.
MAM said:
That and many people join and just lurk. They could lurk for years. There are so many knowledgeable folks on here and so many questions being asked and answered, that one could almost get by with never even having to post since more than likely the question they'd ask has already been asked. Thats how I am on another hobby related forum. I've posted maybe a handful of times shortly after I joined, but its been about 6 months since I've posted there, I just like to read and absorb. Often I think thats how it is here.
i've been here for over and year and i consider myself a lurker. most of my questions have already been answered... and theres always the search button. :nod:
Why is everyone so worried about inactive members?

I say leave alone,when I joined i did look for a forum with alot of members,if I'd saw a 1000 on here and 5000 on another I'd have joined the other.

If its working like it is I say leave alone.

The inactive names are doing no harm ,I just can't see the problem you all have with it -_-

The problem i have is that i was trying to find a member and i had there rough name but not the exact name and i wanted to send a pm to that person. but i didnt at the end because after spending 2hrs going through the members list. I was fed up and didnt send the information he wanted.
Because of theat he lost 4 fish. ooppps sorry but hey.

Hey then contacted me 2 weeks later tring asking me what happened and i said i couldnt find him in the members list.

So bad... Unlucky

It would haev just been better if i could have search for active member that had been active in the last two weeks or an amout of days but thi is not possible. So i say lets get rid of all members from before the big crash that havent logged back in.

There accounts are screwed anyway. The only reason my account still works is because i remembered my password. if your password doenst work then you have to make a new account as the email notification doesnt work for any members that come back from after the big crash.
What is so wrong with lurking? I joined several forums when I had a question, and have since made a daily check on posts that interest me. I am not an expert by far, but regularly learn something from someone elses experiences or find something that I want to research further. Since I haven't had too many major issues (thank goodness :shifty: ) I am happy to read, see others pics or find out something I didn't know. I would be thrilled to have a 6 month period where nothing happens to any of my fish and I don't have the need to post any questions! I don't feel comfortable giving advice when I don't have much experience, so I may not post much, but I enjoy the forums nonetheless.
Just an opinion from someone who isn't a regular poster!

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