Ideal Puffer Set Up...

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Feb 16, 2006
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Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
Hey, I've decided that I want to clean out my empty 5 gallon and get a dwarf puffer. What conditions do I need for it? Substrate? Filter? Plants? ect. I want to make sure I give the little guy the perfect home!! It'll be my first puffer!! :wub: :wub: Thanks!!
You want a ph of at least 7.0 and the temperature of at least 80degrees. They're pretty messy so you want a pretty good filter a HOB is suitable. and conver the intake because puffers are a bit small.

for more information! www.####
Dwarfpuffers are Missy is spoiled rotten and my daughter reminds me all of the time that I made her that way! :p
Unfortunately, you can't help but spoil them, or they won't survive. Mine will only eat live foods or frozen bloodworms, which makes life more complicated, but hey...she is queen of her tank!
Check out dwarfpuffers .com for lots of info
These little guys are great! I have one in a 5 galllon myself, you really have a lot of options for your setup. Basically I'd agree with fella, get some sand or other fine grained substrate. Plants are not really that crucial, what ever you want that will work with the hard water, I always use plastic but only because I haven't been able to grow live ones well. Make sure to monitor the water temp and quality continuously, the puffers don't have gill covers and this helps make them more succeptible to disease, and poor water quality. Feed on brine shrimp, bloodworms, really you can try many different frozen foods my dwarfs have never been too picky. Also it's really fun to watch them eat snails, before I got my current dwarf, I allowed the tank to become somewhat snail infested, then the puffer spent a few days happily buzzing around hunting snails. You won't be able to keep a snail colony in the tank once the puffer is in there because they will eat them all. I find that most lfs's are all too happy to give me all the snails I want for free. Be advised that you should find a place that you feel comfortable with as this may introduce disease into the tank, I've been lucky and never had a problem yet.

Man I could write a book about puffers, they're so very addicting. once you get one, it's hard to care about any other types of fish.

Good Luck

I know it's alot, and it's hard to read but it'll help


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