Do You Name Your Fish?

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Feb 16, 2006
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Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
I know that a lot of people name their fish. while a lot of others don't. So those of you who do name your fish what are their names, and those who don't, why don't you?? I name all of mine :D But so far I've mostly been able to tell them apart, I guess it'll get harder when I start getting fish who look exactly a like :D so here are my fishies names.

Male Bettas:
Peanut butter

Female Bettas:

Albino - Baby, Jaque, Napoleon
Panda - Bert and Ernie
Peppered - Pepper
Julii - Gus Gus

Long finned blue danios:

Blue Ram:

Common Plec:

Male - Cosmo
Females: Jewl, Gem, Wanda

Daybreak, Twilght, Midnight

Juvie Jelly Bean Parrot:
P B & J

My dwarfpuffer is Missy
My male german blue ram is Demon
My kribs are ma & pa Krib
My bristlenose pleco is Fugly
My bolivian ram is Sissy

Most of my others I can't tell apart from each other, but these guys earned their names!
Hey vancouver! All my danios are named George too... in my case, it's in honor of George Foreman and his kids which are all named George (or Georgetta).
my tetras aren't named because they're all pretty similar and i would have to look pretty hard to see the small differences. my gourami is sal. I had two that I dubbed Hal and Sal, but one killed the other (was unable to move him, lfs wouldn't take one back). Thought sal sounded like the more aggresive name. Snail has no name.

the bettas take time to get their names and really only get them after i've had them for a while and begin calling them names... only the girls are named right now, Tiny, who's tiny, and Betty, who reminded me of the song black betty (who knows why...?)
All mine have names. Sometimes though, like with neons, I'll name the original group but if one passes away I just replace it and keep all the same names. Right now my fish are Paul the gourami, Wraith, Leo, Mambo, Tango, Pewter, and Samson the bettas, and Shimmy the goldfish. The rest have names too but they're dropping like flies due to Ich. :(
not all of my fish are named in fact only 2 are not. or atleast I can't remember naming them.

but here goes.

my big JD= Bert
my GT female= Gertrude
my Festae male= Dude( my 2 year old son named him as it is his fish)
my Cobra pike female= whatsitsface as when I got her there was no way to tell the difference between a male and a female
my Crenicichla Semifascita male= Oliver
my Midas Male= Aries
my Crenicichla Frenata male= Thanatos

I think that is all of my named fish not too sure though
My kids name mine, I only get a look in occasionally.

mainly after friends at school:

Sarah the guppy (RIP)
Tara, Alicia, Jazzie, Kyle, Tom, Alex, Jess- all platies

sometimes after appearance:

Silverdot, Sky, Midnight- guppies
Smudge (RIP), Jewel, Bobbin (slightly deformed, keeps bobbin' up and down in the water), Pricken (=Spot)

and a mixed bag:

Pixie (after my son's invisible friend), Waterlily- platies
Prince, Prince, Prince and King- the corys

A few platies are still unnamed.

The kids insist on having names and I find it handy for identification purposes, particularly as I have several fish of the same species, but which I can tell apart: easier to say 'Alicia' than to say: 'the pink platy from the first batch with not quite so much black in her tail'. Don't suppose I'll name my tetras when I get them.
I've started naming them recently, never used to bother, always try to pick the most obvious names I can

Oscar - Oscar
Parrot Fish - Polly
Firemouth Chiclids - Vicky (Beckham) and Leslie (Ash) cos they have trout pouts like they've had a bit much collagen
July Corys - me julies.... and you have to say it ali g style
Spotty Catfish - Spot
Royal Plec - Lord Eric the 14th Earl of Findom (if I can't think of a name then it's always Eric or Erica)
Mollys - Molly

god I'm so original :D
How? Hmmm... the fish I name are usually singular fish - such as, "I only own one Apple Snail... what should I name it?" (example, I know snails are not fish)... and then I observe the guys and gauge my own reaction to them.

Often, their names are founded in current research projects of mine. My first red Veiltail Betta, was named "Soroban", for a Japanese abacus. My latest female betta was named "Veruca", for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (lame, I know).

I'm expecting 4 Apple Snails this week, and I figure I'll name one of them 'Waffle House' for Dead Like Me (and other reasons)...

I suppose it's partly founded on their observed personality, and my transparent obsessions.
I haven't named my fish and I don't think I'm going to. I can tell all of my danios apart but to name them would make it hard when one of them dies :(

I name some of my fish.

Male VT - Midnight (Due to colouring)

Female HM - Lola (after fish in sharks tale), Honey, Sapphire and Aqua (Due to colourings)

Female Platies - Big mama (cos she is constantly pregnant and /or fat), Little Big Fish ( cos she is smaller than the adults but bigger then the fry),

Male tetra - Bolshy (cos he is)

I have other platies and tetras but they are too similar to name.
My tetras are all called Bill. The platys are Napoleon, Trotsky, Caesar and Nelson.
The shrimp is Banzai.

The omnipresent snails are 'yerlittlesodstheresanotheronedie!'

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