Search results

  1. elisew

    Tang Compatability

    You`d be much better off going for the standard size cyps, the jumbo cyps do get very big and I wouldn`t say your tank is big enough in length to house a large number (which is how they`re meant to be kept together). I was considering the possibility of having the Jumbo cyps when sorting out a...
  2. elisew

    Dodgy Email?

    Is it an email associated with an ebay listing Mark? If so then would it not be better to reply through ebay? :unsure: Weird that you can receive an email yet not reply without it failing, sounds a bit suss to me :look: :look: If I`ve got it completely wrong then I`ll just shut up...
  3. elisew


    I'm presuming you mean the leptosoma? I have 11 cyps in my 105 USG along with ventralis (feather fins), punks, dickfeldi (which was bought as a marlieri), lucipinnis and bristle nose plecs. Cyps are at their best when a larger number are kept together. Even though I have 12 of them I would...
  4. elisew

    Tanganyikan Tanks

    They all look to be doing really well :good: I'm really sorry to hear you have to look at selling :sad:
  5. elisew

    Bb Torch.....anyone Got One?

    Well after 4 weeks of having the BB I`ve decided to go back to my iphone after the tariff changes back in 6 days time. I really can`t get used to the Torch and it`s beginning to niggle me now :crazy: :lol: It`s in excellent condition (like new) so I`ll be listing it on ebay in the coming...
  6. elisew

    Poorly Macbook Pro

    Could have done without spending out on another one but the knackered one is being dealt with by the insurance company now. I received the new Macbook this morning, 4 days from ordering it to receiving it :D I now have to mess around waiting for either the insurance company to sort out...
  7. elisew

    If There Were No Fish In There.... What Would Your Hobby Be?

    I'd probably be setting up a Springer Spaniel rescue centre/kennels. I prefer animals to people so although I'd be kept busy I have no doubt it would be extremely rewarding :)
  8. elisew

    What Would You Do?

    I meant the previous setups with the discus and oscars didn't float your boat and it was a case of dealing with that as you saw fit and its a huge shame about the malawis because I know they do. I wouldn't say you're being irresponsible, it's just a shame that because you have the opportunity...
  9. elisew

    What Would You Do?

    Ok, I'm going to be the blunt one who says it as I see it. Not meant to offend but you've asked what people think...... I actually think you're mad in a way to have had so many different setups yet you've changed them all because you didn't feel they were for you. Don't get me wrong, I fully...
  10. elisew

    Poorly Macbook Pro

    We'll be checking the policy details tomorrow but are sure our laptops are covered. We're not bothered whether they replace or repair to be honest, if they could/do repair then hubby will probably keep it for his work but if they replace it then we may sell it to pay towards the cost of the new...
  11. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    I ended up with an extra lab :lol: I'll try and keep a close eye on them and get some pics or vids if I can. Hubby got me a great new camera but I'm stuffed for uploading any pics until my replacement MacBook turns up, sods law huh :rolleyes: Let me know how things go with your malauna :good:
  12. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    I'm really sorry about the usisya, as you said before it could have been stress that caused it :sad: Good news on the malauna though!! My Sunset pair are at the point of sitting in a pit that the female seems to have made inside a caved area so fingers crossed :hey: :good:
  13. elisew

    Anybody Clued Up On Ebay?

    Ummm that's naughty! :hyper: Send me the link to your listing :lol: :lol:
  14. elisew

    Anybody Clued Up On Ebay?

    The person who has bid has probably made a bid and then made another bid which will be their maximum bid, you just won't see it unless someone else makes a bid and you'll then see the first persons bids going up until it's overtaken by the other persons bids........hope that makes sense...
  15. elisew

    Poorly Macbook Pro

    hubby has ordered a new one from Apple so if the knackered one can be fixed then he'll probably keep it but we'll see :look:
  16. elisew

    Multifasciatus Fry.....yayyyyy!

    I think I have approx 5 that look more like the parents now and approx 10 smaller 'tadpole' looking ones. There may be more but I'm not sure :unsure: Another tank? Me thinks we'll have to be buying a blimmin mansion at this rate :lol: :lol: Yeah I'll leave them with the parents for a...
  17. elisew

    Multifasciatus Fry.....yayyyyy!

    :blush: :lol: :lol: I'm only claiming one of the tanks as being my fault! :lol: I have no idea what I'm going to do with the baby multis yet to be honest :unsure:
  18. elisew

    Multifasciatus Fry.....yayyyyy!

    Found another batch of babies on the other side of the tank today :) :) I'm not sure how many there are at the moment though :unsure:
  19. elisew

    Poorly Macbook Pro

    Lucky!! :lol: I've taken the back off it and it's now sat in the airing cupboard.....fingers crossed :unsure: I went to PC World to price up a new one and spoke to one of the 'Tech Guys' who reckons Apple charge ridiculous price for repairs, probably best trying to dry it out myself...
  20. elisew

    Poorly Macbook Pro

    My MacBook was near the sink (yeah stupid I know), unfortunately when hubby turned the tap on a bit too fast it sprayed water all over the MacBook :shout: I turned it off straight away and wiped it dry but since then I can't get it to switch back on, even the green light on the charger plug is...
  21. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    Hopefully it`ll sort itself out but it obviously hasn`t affected his 'performance' :hey: :lol: :lol:
  22. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    The quality of the oak tanks is fantastic :good: :good: You asked for them! :lol: :lol: :lol: sunset male Labidochromis caeruleus hap sp.44 Sunset pair neon spot jacobfreibergi colour select pair
  23. elisew


    Hi Morri :) I have a Malawi setup and do run a sump on there, the details of how it`s setup and what media I use are here: I have 2X T5 39W tubes on my 380L so smaller T5s would be fine on yours. I also have...
  24. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    I would apologise.......but I`m not sorry so I won`t :lol: :lol: I can`t honestly say I prefer one over the other :no: The Malawi are colourful and interesting in their own way but the Tangs are more interesting the way they interact with each other. The Tangs will also colour up as they...
  25. elisew

    Tanganyika Spotter?

    The cyps aren`t much cop to be honest, (should have said, sorry), they`re quite thin, maybe just need a good feed but both me and hubby have said the ones I have are pretty chubby compared to those at the store. I feel like buying them all, feeding them up and the returning them but I know I...
  26. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    Hi Goat :) Thanks B-) Yes it is an sp.44 like Mark has, a couple of the fish have flicked a few times but I think it could be because they came from bare bottomed tanks and have never been in a tank with sand. Possible irritation but I`m keeping an eye on them and doing regular good water...
  27. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    How are they getting on now? My malauna male is out and about with the rest of them now. Jacob male is being a right tart with all of the females! :lol:
  28. elisew

    Tanganyika Spotter?

    Not sure if my 'local' MA at Wimborne would be close enough for you (about an hour away from you?) but they have cyps, punks, five bars, frontosa, Pearl-lined Lamprologus, few brichardi erm, erm....can`t think of any more at the mo :unsure:
  29. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    :lol: :lol: Not got any different pics yet, will have next week when I get my new camera though :hey: :lol: Another couple of vids:
  30. elisew

    I Got New Fish , , , Yay

    lol did they actually manage to break it up and eat it or did they give up on it? :lol: :lol: Bigger tank? Some major sucking up to the missis coming up soon then ;) :lol: :lol:
  31. elisew

    75 Gallon African Cichlid Tank

    They`re lovely, great pics!! :good: :good: But then I`m biased as I absolutely love the multis anyway :wub: :wub:
  32. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    My dogs are both really soppy and daft! My son has 2 musk turtles, the dogs are scared of them :lol: :lol: The new Sunset male really is a stunner, hubby got home and was completely gobsmacked. He absolutely loves them! :D I keep sitting watching them and managed to get some more pics...
  33. elisew

    I Got New Fish , , , Yay

    How are your new additions getting on? :)
  34. elisew

    Ram Not Eating Much?

    I had a similar problem with some of my Tanganyikans a little while ago and it was suggested that I try some frozen brine shrimp in garlic........well what a result, they love it and I feed it to them daily now :good: :good: Maidenhead aquatics sell the brineshrimp in garlic in blocks that...
  35. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    There`s definately something going on in different areas, the female malauna has taken to being protective over a rock area already, the neon spot males are already playing 'get dizzy' with each other, the 3 big males are still hiding away, the female jacob is shoving everyone else out of the...
  36. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    The haps have had a bit of a spat already but nowt serious. One is definately dominant, his colours are really deep compared to the other one who looks quite pale in comparison. The labs are fun to watch, very confident little things who don`t seem to give a toss about any of the others :lol...
  37. elisew

    1 X Frontosa (5"male)

    Oh bless! I know you`d only have rehomed him if it was neccessary, I bet he`ll be fine but it doesn`t make it any easier though huh :X
  38. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    I`ve just sent hubby the link to my photobucket pics.......he`s already said he`s itching to get home and see them so I thought I`d wind him up a bit before he gets back tomorrow :lol: :lol: :lol:
  39. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    Yeah Tony said after about a week the colours will get even better. The jacob and sunset males are utterly stunning, can`t choose between them because they`re both so nice. I honestly would have been committed to the funny farm had anyone heard me when I was taking the bags out of the box, I had...
  40. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    Thanks, I`m really chuffed with them and I know hubby`s going to be gobsmacked when he sees them too :lol: So you do have some new fish then! ;) :lol: I noticed that my multis have got a second batch of fry now too :good: