Tang Compatability


Fish Herder
Mar 9, 2006
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I think i have decided to go from a tropheus tank to a mixed tank now just wanted to check compatabilty of the following fish :)

Cyprichromis Leptomusa (Not sure on variety yet) maybe Jumbo Kitumba
Neolamprolgas brevis
Neolamprologas Leleupi
Neolamprologus Tretocephalus
Ophalmotilapa Ventralis
Synodontis Multipuncatus
Xenotilapia bathypilius

Most prob wont have them all but just wanted to see if they got on first :)
I think i have decided to go from a tropheus tank to a mixed tank now just wanted to check compatabilty of the following fish :)

Cyprichromis Leptomusa (Not sure on variety yet) maybe Jumbo Kitumba
Neolamprolgas brevis
Neolamprologas Leleupi
Neolamprologus Tretocephalus
Ophalmotilapa Ventralis
Synodontis Multipuncatus
Xenotilapia bathypilius

Most prob wont have them all but just wanted to see if they got on first :)
The Cyps and the Xenos will work , as will the Brevis, I have heard the jumbo varieties (cyps)are a bit more aggressive :unsure:
I'm guessing the Ventralis is a featherfin ? , general rule of thumb is they don't get on with sandsifters, i.e. Xenos, the Xenos are easily bullied also, I have 7 in a group and they seem to be doing ok :good:
The leleupi will give the Brevis a hard time (tryin to raid the shells), the tretocephalus (five bar cichlid) or (tret cichlid) is a bit of a mean one, would probably work with the Leleupi :unsure:
I don't know what size tank you have, the xeno, cyp, brevis mixture would be nice, similiar to what I have in a 4footer :good:
Sorry if I havn't been much help, but I hope you can take something usefull from this :good:
Sean :good:
Hehe nope thats fine I just wanted to make sure they were compatable or not :)

The tank is 39"x30"x24"

hoping to have the tank wet this weekend if I have time :p
Hehe nope thats fine I just wanted to make sure they were compatable or not :)

The tank is 39"x30"x24"

hoping to have the tank wet this weekend if I have time :p

It's a nice feeling setting up a new tank, dry canvas so to speak,,, you dimesnsions , is that 39L x 30W x 24H , WOW , if thats the case your width is the same as the length of tank I had a "community" in.
Good sized tank, I'm sure you'll get a nice mix of Tangs in there :good:
You`d be much better off going for the standard size cyps, the jumbo cyps do get very big and I wouldn`t say your tank is big enough in length to house a large number (which is how they`re meant to be kept together). I was considering the possibility of having the Jumbo cyps when sorting out a stocking list but realised that for a tank the size I have the smaller cyps would be much better :good: :good:

Personally I would advise against the leleupi, although they give a tank a splash of colour they are nasty little bug gers, not just to each other but also to other species. Maybe if you kept just one you might be ok but be prepared for the possibility of taking it/them back to where ever you buy from or rehoming :look:

The Neolamprologus Tretocephalus (five bars) are meant to be pretty aggressive and would do better with species that are known to be on the same aggression level, i.e leleupi, sexfasciatus etc. Not a species that I would recommend as a 'community' fish unless it`s with those that match their aggression from what I`ve heard and read :no:

The featherfins I have do chase each other a lot, they`re very busy fish but not aggressive towards their tank mates in my tank, I can`t comment on how they get on with Xenos though, kiriyama would be better qualified to do that B-)
Yip thats the size its covered in Coraline at the moment so I need to get the vinegar out tonight and scrub scrub scrub its also sumped with a 28" x 15" x 15"

I have managed to get hold of a trickle tower as well in my sump.
Have had a look and came up with this list

15 x Cyprichromis leptosoma Mpulungu

6 x Opthalmotilapia ventralis (unsure of the variety yet :) ) orange cap poss

3 x Synodontis lucipinnis 'Dwarf Petricola'

will these be ok are there too many ?

would I be able to squeeze a pair of shell dwellers if so which are better ?

Have had a look and came up with this list

15 x Cyprichromis leptosoma Mpulungu

6 x Opthalmotilapia ventralis (unsure of the variety yet :) ) orange cap poss

3 x Synodontis lucipinnis 'Dwarf Petricola'

will these be ok are there too many ?

would I be able to squeeze a pair of shell dwellers if so which are better ?


It`s a nice, peaceful selection but.......I would personally advise against 6 of the ventralis because they do grow quite big and are very, very zippy, busy fish. I think 4 would be better with possibly 1 Calvus?
As the ventralis and cyps are mid-top you could indeed have some shell dwellers, a pair or even a couple of pairs of multis would be ok, or a pair of caudopunctatus? Both are pretty peaceful but are capable of shoving the other fish away if they come too close to their shells but they`re definitely entertaining ;)

15 is a good number of cyps, 12 would be ok though...and cheaper :)
Thxs 4 is fine the orange caps I have seen are not cheap but I need to do some sourcing ;)

A pair of the caudopunctatus look good as well with the synos and them the bottom should be busy how many/type of shells would you add ?

BTW here is my nearly clear scaping ;)



plenty of sand space
Looks nice and clean :good: I bought my synodontis lucipinnis from Mikes Rifts, I have 6 because with a small number you'll rarely see them. I know my local MA has some lovely little petricola in as I bought 4 for my Malawi setup a couple of weeks ago :)

As both the synos and the punks are both bottom dwellers you would be better off with either the punks OR shell dwellers, not both. The punks do like shells to spawn in, but do spawn in rocks if shells aren't available, therefore IF you go for the punks I would suggest either trying to put one of your right hand boulders on top of the ones on the left to make a cave area OR adding some escargot shells on an open area of sand (shells would be better IMO).
IF you go for shells, I personally would suggest the multifasciatus, not only are they lovely to look at but they''re funny, feisty and very entertaining.

As said, either punks OR shells but not both. :good:
Oops sorry I meant a pair of puns no shells

so list would be

15 x Cyprichromis leptosoma Mpulungu

4 x Opthalmotilapia ventralis (unsure of the variety yet :) ) orange cap poss

3 x Synodontis lucipinnis 'Dwarf Petricola'

2 x neolamprologus caudopunctatus
Oops sorry I meant a pair of puns no shells

so list would be

15 x Cyprichromis leptosoma Mpulungu

4 x Opthalmotilapia ventralis (unsure of the variety yet :) ) orange cap poss

3 x Synodontis lucipinnis 'Dwarf Petricola'

2 x neolamprologus caudopunctatus

Yeah that would work well together, 12 of the cyps would be enough and would keep costs down too :good:

As you have a nice open area at the left hand side you could put about 6 escargot shells there, the punks would have a nice area with a choice of shells and the boulders then, it'd look really nice :cool:
Hmm would a pair of Eretmodus cyanostictus or Spathodus erythrodon be ok with this lot or not ?

15 x Cyprichromis leptosoma (Non Jumbos)

4 x Opthalmotilapia ventralis (unsure of the variety yet :) ) orange cap are fave

3 x Synodontis lucipinnis 'Dwarf Petricola'

4 x Ocealltus Gold 2 pairs hopefully
Gobies? :unsure:

If you`re on about Gobies then I would advise caution and lots of it. My local MA had a pair that they`d ordered in for a customer but they`d got stuck with them as the customer changed their mind :rolleyes:

You need to have a proven pair to have these guys in a tank, they`re known to be very aggressive even to a 'partner' and have been known to kill tankmates once they`re established in their territory.
Be very careful and do lots of research before deciding to add these to your setup :good:

Not sure if you`d consider them but the compressiceps and calvus are a good addition, especially with the other peaceful fish you`re looking at having, they`re slow growing too :good:

Still think you`d like the multis better than the occies though ;) :nod: :lol: :lol:
I was nt sure about the gobies thought I would ask seen a few articles about not liking there own but where ok with others

dont calvus or compressiceps eat fry ?

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