I Got New Fish , , , Yay


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2009
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Picked up some Tanganyikan last night, took loads of pics. of them in the bags ets but all blurred, must have been the excitment :lol:
Had to rush off to cover a nightshift (even though it's my weekend off) :grr:
Lights on this morning, forst feed, fish still skittish bt seemed ok, the Cyps are MASSIVE , the Kungweensis are seriously lovely, even though still pale they have bright blue ayes and a silvery flash on there sides, nice when there fins flare up :wub:

Cyprichromis Leptosoma mpulungu, Xenotilapia Bathyphilus mtoto, Altolamprolgus Compressiceps "Sumbu Shell" (got a new female) 190ltr "shop counter"My link
My link
My link
My link

Tropheus Duboisi kigoma Fluval Roma 240My link
My link
My link

Lamprologus Kungweensis :wub: 48ltr "fisbox"My link
My link
I love them!! They look gorgeous....all of them :good: :good: :good: :good:

The cyps are a great size, they`ll be even more lovely when the colour comes out more too. The Duboisi look brill the way they swim together, very busy :lol:
Xenos, kungweensis look really lovely :wub:

So new female sumbu? Babies soon hopefully :hey: :lol: :lol:

You must be absolutely chuffed to bits with them all, they really do look great and well worth the wait :D :D
It was all a bit of a rush and a tad stressful :lol:
I had to rush off to work, came home this morning, lights on, food in :good:

Scrounged this when I met up with youknowwho :good:

Gav (GDH) had been holding the Sumbu for me for months now, probably OCT/NOV, so really pleased she's here, she's "cute" in a weird way that Sumbus look. The Tropheus are still a bit skittish but I'm sure they are just settling in, I freaked when I saw the size of the cyps and xenos, HUGE, but they should eventually bring the Sumbus more out into the open.
I totally agree about the Kungweensis, never thought I would say this but they are my favourite, very nice wee fish, will try get some pics. up soon.
I am avoiding the "fish room" as I am due to leave for work in half an hour, if I look in I will stay there all day gawping :lol:

Must say I like the pics. of your new tank set up, I'll be on looking tomorrow to see your new fish, SWEET :good:
Once they`ve all settled down they`ll become even more interesting and you`ll be able to see their characters coming out, they`re all really nice though :good:

I got some of the Tanganyika krill and squid flakes, it`s very brittle though and I have to soak it for a while before feeding it to the Tangs, they`re a bit blase' about it and don`t seem too interested in it. I think I`ve spoilt the fussy bug gers with all the frozen food i.e daphnia, cyclops, greenfoods, mysis and brine shrimp in garlic :blush: :lol:
liking your new fish, the Lamprologus Kungweensis are bloody lovely. another option for my shells :)

i wish i could have a bigger tank for some Cyprichromis, they are so striking.
Great looking fish!

The Tropheus are so busy, from the schooling in the video they could easily be mistaken for a group of tetra or rasbora!
Just in from work, AAHH, I can relax now and escape to the fish room :good:
Kungweensis have settled in and chose some shells next to the Java Fern :good: I can't belive how nice they look , even if I do say so myself :lol:
In the other tank the Cyps look settled and the Xenos are constantly sifting through the sand :good: Going to add the marine blue on to the 2 white bulbs, think the Xenos will look even nicer, the have the biggest eyes, and as predicted the 2 male comops have been out displaying and guarding there turf from the new arrivals :good:
As for the Tropheus, I can't take my eyes off the tank, I'm dizzy watching them, I thought Danios were nuts :lol: They find and end of the tank and squirm and swim up and down the galss then race from one end to another, nutters, they seem to enjoy weaving in and out all the nooks and crannies in the ocean rock. They hide when I come into the room but I think they will soon associate me with food and start scrounging when I enter the room :good: Have seen a few swimming at the higher levels and more open water so a good start.
Maybe I should have put tem in the 190 and the cyps and xenos in the fluval or the cyps in with the trops, :hyper:
Going to feed them now, I'll try post some pics. :good:
Pics would be great! :good: :good:

Do you reckon you`ll swap and change the fish between tanks or will you just leave them where they are now? :unsure:
Pics would be great! :good: :good:

Do you reckon you`ll swap and change the fish between tanks or will you just leave them where they are now? :unsure:

That's them till the Dubs go to a BIGGER tank :lol:

Might sound weird but I am still getting used to them, have been looking at 3 empty tanks for ages, I finally see the Sumbu out and about, it's busy, the Tropheus tank ives me sore eyes :lol: I can't stop watching the Kungweensis though :wub:
The original idea was 2 Kungweensis, 3 Xeno Bathyphilus , and the female Sumbu..
Got a bit carried away :blush:
How are your new additions getting on? :)
How are your new additions getting on? :)

Kungweensis are fine , female quite shy using rocks a lot :wub:

I am needing to get another proper lamp for the 190ltr, so will post pics. soon, the cyps are fine and I really enjoy the xenos , they go everywhere and are very peaceful...
I am already looking for a biger tank for these guys and then move the Kungweensis and some punks in here :nod:

It's spinach time
lol did they actually manage to break it up and eat it or did they give up on it? :lol: :lol:

Bigger tank? Some major sucking up to the missis coming up soon then ;) :lol: :lol:
lol did they actually manage to break it up and eat it or did they give up on it? :lol: :lol:

Bigger tank? Some major sucking up to the missis coming up soon then ;) :lol: :lol:

It's gone they just wreck it, I was told that they might turn there nose up the first time or so but they just shred it, funny watching them tug small pieces from each others mouths :lol:
As for the suckin up we're probably talkin Maldives wedding or something so watch this space :lol:

Quickly redone the rockwork in the 190ltr, as all the fish just hung about centre of the tank, I put all the rocks in the riht hand side making it more open for the sand sifters, all the fish are hanging ny the rockwork on the right now :grr:

Really need to knock up some sort of reflector system on the hood and get another decent bulb in there so I can try get some decent pics up :blush:

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