Search results

  1. elisew

    Wanted - Green Phantom Or Rusty Plec/plecs Decent Size

    They don`t have the L077 and the L200 will cost me £58.90 from there so I don`t think I`ll be getting them from there :hyper: :lol: :lol: Thanks though :good: :good:
  2. elisew

    There Coming Tuesday

    Which filter do you have already? Not sure about you replacing filter sponge with the oyster shells, it`s usually crushed oyster shell I believe although hopefully will correct me if I`m wrong :unsure: IF you have an external filter such as the Fluval 405 for example, you should be able to...
  3. elisew

    Wanted - Green Phantom Or Rusty Plec/plecs Decent Size

    Item Wanted: 1 or 2 Green Phantom Plecs (Baryancistrus demantoides L200) OR 1 or 2 Rusty plecs (Hypostomus sp. L077/137) Condition Required: 3" plus in size Price Limit: I`m prepared to pay a fair price, not a stupid one. Location: Local to Bournemouth. Please give me a shout if you or anyone...
  4. elisew

    Identification Problem.

    I did question the id because of the stripes/spots difference but apparently the stripes will fade more as the spots develop. I wasn't going to question it too much as people on the other forum know an awful lot more than I do about the Africans :unsure: I guess so many different strains of...
  5. elisew

    450L Of Salty Water To Tang Tank

    You're going to need lots of patience :lol:
  6. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    Can`t quite work out if you like them or not? :unsure: ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. elisew

    Breeding Pair Of Afra's

    Just a thought George, have you tried posting on the 'African Cichlid forum'? :unsure:
  8. elisew

    Identification Problem.

    Well so far only one attempt at id'ing your fish........Tilapia Mariae, apparently the bars will fade leaving the dark spots on the flanks.These fish grow fast and reach a size of 12",so would be careful with what it is housed with. :unsure:
  9. elisew

    Help, Fish Giving Birth... Continued - Guppies & Platies

    What size is the tank? You`ll soon get fed up with 'saving' the fry as guppies and platys are prolific breeders, you`ll likely have a constant stream of fry that you probably won`t be able to cope with. I used to keep guppies, mollies AND platys and in the end I just left the fry to their own...
  10. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    I added another 12 today to the 28 I first bought, there`s 40 in the tank now and have to say that not only is the tank looking more colourful, but the first lot of fish have become more confident :good: :good:
  11. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    It took me hours.....I`m just glad I don`t have to do such large water changes very often :crazy: My new additions that I received this morning: Taiwan Reef Male: Taiwan Reef Female: OB Fire: Socolofi: As of course my Gorgeous Jacob Male had to be included again too:
  12. elisew

    Cyathopharynx Furcifer

    Never kept them myself but the following links might help:
  13. elisew

    Advice Needed

    Well I think there are enough posts advising against keeping the pulcher with anything else so it`s not really that difficult a choice to make.....either a pair of pulcher and nothing else OR shellies and possibly a dickfeldi. You don`t have to have a pair of dickfeldi, I have a single one in...
  14. elisew

    What Do I Need

    I have no personal experience of the eheim filters I`m afraid, but it does sound like you need either another impeller or a new filter going by other filters I`ve had :unsure:
  15. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    I`d have been really gutted if the Jacob had died but luckily a couple of really good water changes sorted things out :good: New fish tomorrow!! :kana: :kana:
  16. elisew

    Advice Needed

    I did risk having a brichardi and shellies toghter.....big mistake!!....the brichardi was a nasty little bug ger that seemed to enjoy being aggressive and nipping big chunks out of the dorsal fins of the other tank mates. I personally would advise against keeping them together :no: :no:
  17. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    I can`t tell you how pleased I am at your decision!! I`m sure you won`t regret keeping them Mark :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :D :D :D :D
  18. elisew

    Identification Problem.

    I hope you don't mind but i've posted the pic on a forum that deals mainly with African cichlids, hopefully we can get an id for you :good:
  19. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    How are things going Mark?
  20. elisew

    450L Of Salty Water To Tang Tank

    Looks nice :good: Are you adding ammonia to cycle the tank? :unsure:
  21. elisew

    What Do I Need

    What filter do you have and what kind of noise is it making? :unsure:
  22. elisew

    Tang Compatability

    Yeah that would work well together, 12 of the cyps would be enough and would keep costs down too :good: As you have a nice open area at the left hand side you could put about 6 escargot shells there, the punks would have a nice area with a choice of shells and the boulders then, it'd look...
  23. elisew

    Tang Compatability

    Looks nice and clean :good: I bought my synodontis lucipinnis from Mikes Rifts, I have 6 because with a small number you'll rarely see them. I know my local MA has some lovely little petricola in as I bought 4 for my Malawi setup a couple of weeks ago :) As both the synos and the punks are...
  24. elisew

    Tang Compatability

    It`s a nice, peaceful selection but.......I would personally advise against 6 of the ventralis because they do grow quite big and are very, very zippy, busy fish. I think 4 would be better with possibly 1 Calvus? As the ventralis and cyps are mid-top you could indeed have some shell dwellers, a...
  25. elisew

    380L Malawi Setup

    Well I`ve recently had a right nightmare with the Malawi tank :hyper: I tested my water one morning last week and the nitrites were off the chart! My male Jacobfreibergi was looking really bad, he was listless, floating onto his side and gasping like mad, I really thought he was going to die...
  26. elisew

    Happy Birthday - Kiriyama!

    Happy Birthday xxx Hope you`ve had a good day xxx :drinks: :bday:
  27. elisew

    Suitable Size Tank For A....

    Was just going to post to say that price is quite expensive imo and you really need to look at 2 or 3 females at least with 1 male. :good:
  28. elisew

    Help On Keeping Malawi's

    If you want to keep Malawi you really need to be looking at a minimum size of 200-240L plus fort he tank and a good filtration system i.e external filter or 2 :good: The tank size you have now, as doresy says you could keep some Tangs but you wouldn`t be able to have many :no:
  29. elisew

    Breeding Pair Of Afra's

    Not close enough for me to consider taking them off your hands unfortunately, huge shame as P&P would cost too much for me too :/ I sincerely hope you find a great home for them though ;)
  30. elisew

    Breeding Pair Of Afra's

    They look gorgeous George. Where abouts are you located? :unsure:
  31. elisew

    My Community Is Not Floating My Boat Any More...

    Hey Jo :) If you`re thinking about shell dwellers you might want to consider the Multis over the ocellatus as the occies are pretty aggressive. In my experience with the multis, I`ve so far found them to be pretty chilled, not afraid to nip a fishes backside if it comes a bit too close to...
  32. elisew

    Multifasciatus Fry.....yayyyyy!

    Yeah it took them a while after moving them to the 35L to start breeding again, i'm trying to leave them alone as much as possible apart from feeding and water changes, hence the cr@ppy mess on the shells which I hate grrr. They seem to be breeding for England now though :lol: I'm now using the...
  33. elisew

    Multifasciatus Fry.....yayyyyy!

    There are even more fry in the multi tank now! A vid of the babies now:
  34. elisew

    Truely Amazing!

    Wow that`s beautiful!! :hyper: :hyper: :wub: I just hope the earthquakes in Japan haven`t caused any problems for such a fantastic looking aquarium, it`s bad enough that so many people are suffering there without the wildlife and attractions suffering too :sad:
  35. elisew

    Hybrids Or Purist

    It`s not something I would specifically look to achieve with my fish but if it happens then it happens, I personally couldn`t cull any hybrids myself either. I currently have 3 pairs of gorgeous Peacocks in my Malawi setup at the moment and I`m fully aware that they can and may well cross...
  36. elisew

    A Few Of My Favs

    Very, very nice mix of cracking looking fish :good: :good:
  37. elisew

    Hello From South Florida.

    Hi and welcome to TFF :) Nice tank, the air bubbles makes it look like you have a waterfall running down the back, it looks nice in the pic :good: Regarding the bottom dwellers for your tank, I personally would suggest either a bristlenose plec which doesn`t grow very big or 6 corys. Both...
  38. elisew

    Just A Couple Of Pics

    Cracking phots!! :good: :good: Hubby bought me a canon 500D recently and I`ve been toying with the idea of buying another lens, it`s all confusing to me at the moment though until I get more used to the settings and which produces the better results :look: I`d love to be able to get great...
  39. elisew

    Am I Really Being Cruel?!

    I think you have enough fish to know whether they're happy and well looked after enough :) I used to keep my Betta in a 20L and he was happier in that size tank than he was in a 35L, I think too much space really does make them feel insecure. Use your own instinct and do what you personally...