There Coming Tuesday


Fish Crazy
Oct 18, 2009
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Ordered 10 Neolaprologus Multifasciatus was going to be 8 but there were only 10 left at wildwoods so I thought what the hell! Next tueday they will be here, ordered some more shells and rehoming current stock friday.

Replacing some sponge filter media with a bag of oyster shells, am I right in doing this?

Will hopefully have some pics up soon.
Ordered 10 Neolaprologus Multifasciatus was going to be 8 but there were only 10 left at wildwoods so I thought what the hell! Next tueday they will be here, ordered some more shells and rehoming current stock friday.

Replacing some sponge filter media with a bag of oyster shells, am I right in doing this?

Will hopefully have some pics up soon.

Which filter do you have already? Not sure about you replacing filter sponge with the oyster shells, it`s usually crushed oyster shell I believe although hopefully will correct me if I`m wrong :unsure:
IF you have an external filter such as the Fluval 405 for example, you should be able to put some crushed oyster shell inside a ladies stocking and put that into one of the compartments of your filter.

Good news on the multis, you`re going to find them very entertaining :good: :good: :good:
Sorry i meant crushed shell, I will be putting it in a filter bag with a cable tie on at the very bottom of the filter replacing a sponge layer. Mainly to prevent any shell escaping and reaching the impeller. Eheim 2215 classic filter by the way.

They will only be 1.5-2cm my tank will be empty lol
Well done on the Multies :hyper:

I was going to use the crushed oyster shell but :unsure: what I would say is be careful how much you add. Only add a small amount at a time and after a day or so check the change in our pH, if you add to much it can actually knock the pH way off the scale, not good. I did see a thread about this a while back, should have bookmarked it :blush: A bit of googling and you should find it, will explain how much to add to water volume etc, either that or just head over to the big forum

and ask someone there... hope this helps :unsure:

looking forward to seeing some pics. from you on Tuesday :good:
Decided against adding the crushed shell as I did a Ph test the day after adding the rock and that has taken it to 7.4.

At what size do the multies become sexually mature and form pairs?
New tank layout, just waiting for 12 more shells taking it up to 36 shells.


Needs a little clean due to me disturbing the sand to lay slate on the bottom so bits of roots flying about from the old plants.
New tank layout, just waiting for 12 more shells taking it up to 36 shells.


Needs a little clean due to me disturbing the sand to lay slate on the bottom so bits of roots flying about from the old plants.

That's neat looking :good:
Decided against adding the crushed shell as I did a Ph test the day after adding the rock and that has taken it to 7.4.

At what size do the multies become sexually mature and form pairs?
New tank layout, just waiting for 12 more shells taking it up to 36 shells.


Needs a little clean due to me disturbing the sand to lay slate on the bottom so bits of roots flying about from the old plants.

Looks nice :good: :good:

Can`t answer your question about the multis, sorry but I don`t know off the top of my head :/
Tank looking very nice , excellent composition, very pleasing on the eye, your fish are gonna love it in there, wouldn't worry to much about pH, it's fine, looking nice :good:
Decided against adding the crushed shell as I did a Ph test the day after adding the rock and that has taken it to 7.4.

At what size do the multies become sexually mature and form pairs?

Youll prob see some behaviour in a couple of months
That looks lovely, similar to how I imagine mine looking once I've got my finger out!
Great looking tank, be sure to post some photos when the fish are in!
great looking tank . im liking the looks of these multies more and more latley . i can immagine them being interesting little fish .
Thanks for the positive comments! :good:

Recieved a phone call this morning from Wildwoods and said that theyve had to split the 10 multis up because of fighting, so I could either have a full refund or half and 5 sent out. I decided to take the full refund...

Went up to a store in leeds which had L.Similis but only had 4 which was a shame as he was going to give 6 for £50.

Spotted 2 Brevis with disticnt tan lines down their sides one alot larger than the other guarding a shell. Thinking that they maybe a pair I couldnt resist.

On the way home popped into another store that had N.Multi and Occelatus Blue which were both £11.25 he had 6 of each so I decided to get the multis and a free tufa rock as they wouldnt come out. Managed to get they price down to £58.

I know I shouldnt really got the brevis but if I see any problems I will remove them.

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