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  1. elisew

    Transporting Livestock

    The shrimps will be fine in a bag with some of your tank water and some java moss to cling on to and the snails can be loosely wrapped in some wet kitchen paper then put into a small plastic bag (the ones that have the plastic seal strip?) :good:
  2. elisew

    Water Test Result !

    I would be more concerned about the ammonia level than the ph to be honest, you really need to be doing a really good gravel vac' and water change asap :look:
  3. elisew

    Id For Orange Malawi Mbuna

    Can`t see it very clearly i.e markings/egg spots etc but possibly a Red Zebra Peacock? :unsure: Have a google for some images and you should get some idea :good:
  4. elisew

    Fairy Cichlid Stocking Ideas?

    I believe you received some good answers in the thread you previously posted in the African section It has been explained that for you to be looking at the cichlids you`ve suggested, you need a bigger tank. You...
  5. elisew

    450L Of Salty Water To Tang Tank

    They all look fantastic!! Love the calvus :good: :good: Your male cyp looks to be about the same stage of colouring as mine are seems to have taken ages but they look lovely though :D The female cyp does look to be definately holding :good: :good: :good:
  6. elisew

    Just Did My First Water Change

    I always delay feeding my fish until right after a waterchange, they'll begin to realise something good comes after the disturbance and won't be so afraid ;)
  7. elisew

    Water Changes Tips And Tricks!

    I have a single mixer tap and have managed to get a hose connector attached to it, I now use a DIY Python because my back and shoulder was really giving me jip while doing water changes. It works really well, it`s great being able to sit down and have a cuppa while the tank is emptying and being...
  8. elisew

    Is Mopani Wood Okay For My Plec?

    Agree :nod: You`ll find Mopani is generally a bit more expensive than bogwood because it`s a harder wood :good:
  9. elisew

    Dechlorinating Water Advise

    +1 Seachem Prime. You can get a 250ml or 500ml bottle that will last you ages for a good price on fleabay :good: :good:
  10. elisew

    My L128 Blue Phantom

    He looks great!! :good: It`s nice to have a plec that`s 'different', I`m chuffed to bits with the 2x L200`s I got a little while ago :wub: :lol:
  11. elisew

    Tang Food

    Looks like you`ve got a good selection B-) The Hikari algae pellets are good for the lucipinnis too, mine seem to absolutely love them. Brineshrimp in garlic is another good one, all my Tangs go crazy for it :good:
  12. elisew

    450L Of Salty Water To Tang Tank

    I seem to have been waiting for ages for my cyps to colour up but they`re now getting more of the lilac/blue/purple body with yellow/blue fins, bet yours will look great when they colour too B-) Glad you finally got there, looks like a really nice mix :good: :good:
  13. elisew

    450L Of Salty Water To Tang Tank

    Hmm, I reckon..... Bucket 1......Punks Bucket 2......Lucipinnis Bucket 3.......Not sure, possibly multis? Bucket 4.......cyps Bucket 5.......Can`t tell for sure but looks like comps or calvus :unsure: Looking forward to seeing them all in their new home though :D
  14. elisew

    Lots Of Changes Coming - Could Use Some Input

    ;) :lol: :lol: The way house prices have gone, you`d be mad not to look at getting yourself on that ladder. You sound a lot calmer than I was 6 weeks before I got married, poor hubby was having his ear chewed about making sure everything was perfectly planned.......hmm, hang on....nothing...
  15. elisew

    Lots Of Changes Coming - Could Use Some Input

    6 weeks huh? Are you feeling nervous yet? :unsure: :lol: :lol: As for the nails issue, once the acrylic sets which is pretty much straight away, it`s rock hard and there shouldn`t be any 'fumes' or chemicals coming off them. I had acrylics when I got married but we didn`t have the fish...
  16. elisew

    450L Of Salty Water To Tang Tank

    The hosepipe thing that`s connected together via the standard hosepipe connectors. It`s made the water changes on my tanks soooooo much easier :good: :good: At least you`ll be able to make an informed choice on whatever you get :good:
  17. elisew

    450L Of Salty Water To Tang Tank

    Yeah it seems all done if you`re getting 0`s now :good: Looking forward to seeing what you decide on stocking it with now B-)
  18. elisew

    Tiger Oscar

    When you say the ammonia is a little high, what's the test results for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? Anything above 0 on your ammonia and nitrites needs bringing down ASAP with water changes no matter how much you need to change or how many times you have to do it. Danios are regularly used...
  19. elisew

    Is It Just Me That Finds It Strange....test Results

    I appreciate your reply, info is always helpful B-) question was about false test results being given by new people asking for help ;) I guess at the end of the day, if people can`t be honest when asking for help then they`re being fools to themselves and the fish they...
  20. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    Yeah I managed to get hold of 6 F1 Bengas and they`re lovely little fish, so calm and cute even though they look really drab at the mo :lol: Usisyas sound the same as yours colouring wise, they`ve all grown really well to be honest, hubby commented on the pics I emailed him in Afghan about...
  21. elisew

    Praise For Maidenhead Aquatics

    Sounds like my local MA, great staff who give good, honest advice :good: :good:
  22. elisew

    Is It Just Me That Finds It Strange....test Results

    Yeah I understand what you`re saying but I did say I get the feeling that 'some people are lying' therefore there are some who might not be or probably aren`t. I`m not saying everyone who claims to have 0 nitrates IS lying though, I`m really not putting everyone in the same pot :no: I am...
  23. elisew

    Is It Just Me That Finds It Strange....test Results

    I didn`t think it was just me but thought it could have been :crazy: :lol: Yeah, it`s likely that even with RO water that there may be some small amount of Nitrates I think. It`s not a case of blowing this up into something that`s a massive issue but I really do wish that people would be...
  24. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    Oh that`s a bummer, I`m really sorry to hear that Mark :sad: I`m hoping that the Jacob and red top females will do ok but it`s hit and miss I guess so I`m not banking on them reaching the point of successfully spitting but we`ll see. I`m not going to mess around with stripping them or...
  25. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    How are the holding females doing Mark? Any fry yet :unsure: I have one more week before my Jacob and red top females are due to spit :fish:
  26. elisew

    Is It Just Me That Finds It Strange....test Results

    Ok, I`d like to ask for other peoples opinions on a matter regarding new members posting and asking for help. Now don`t get me wrong, I`m asking this because maybe I`m reading too much into it but here goes.......... Does anyone else find it annoying...ok maybe not annoying but find it very...
  27. elisew

    The Great Rift Valley

    It has been on before but I found it fascinating and could watch it over and over again :good: :good:
  28. elisew

    450L Of Salty Water To Tang Tank

    I ended up with 2 black calvus and 1 yellow comp (rehomed 2 but 1 died). I rehomed the comps believing them to be calvus but found out after not so. To be honest I can't help you to choose between the two as I really like both. I guess it will just come down to you making a choice at the last...
  29. elisew

    450L Of Salty Water To Tang Tank

    Oops, double post -_-
  30. elisew

    450L Of Salty Water To Tang Tank

    So new fish photos soon then? It`ll be nice to see you finally get some fish in the tank :nod: Not much fun doing such big water changes, thank God for the 'python' hose principle is all I can say for my 2X 380L tanks :crazy: But at least you`re pretty much there now :good: :good:
  31. elisew

    0.25-0.50 Ammonia

    I don`t think it`s a filtering problem as that filter is more than enough for that size tank. It might be a good idea if you haven`t done so already to stop feeding the fish until the levels drop to 0. Whenever I`ve had any problem with ammonia or nitrites I`ve been advised by the breeder I buy...
  32. elisew

    Roma 125L, 33 Us Gallon Mbuna Stocking....?

    From reading this thread through so far I see it as a case of Ragtagcurtis wants advice about mbuna, we have explained why from our own personal experiences why his tank is too small but he/she is going to do what they want anyway. I don`t really think there`s a lot more that can be said to be...
  33. elisew

    March 2011 Fish Of The Month Winner Is.......

    Well done Mark :) My vote had to go for the Jacob, considering I`m biased...i love my Jacob too :good: :lol: :lol:
  34. elisew

    Mollie Being Harassed

    If your tank is big enough then I would strongly advise adding another couple of female mollys as 1 male needs to be able to spread his friskiness. Possibly add another 2 females to keep him happy and stop any harassment on just that 1 female ;)
  35. elisew

    Cichlids In A Roma 125L?

    You could go for a single sex tank but the majority of females of species are quite drab so an all female tank might make you feel a bit disappointed. An all male tank would likely end up an aggressive one and you wouldn`t get to see the natural displaying of the males because there are no...
  36. elisew

    450L Of Salty Water To Tang Tank

    So am I getting the blame for encouraging you? :unsure: :lol: :lol: You`ll love the punks if you get them, they`re entertaining and give a bit more colour to the tank with the yellow of their fins. They`re funny, proud little fish who will swim around with their fins erect a lot of the...
  37. elisew

    Best Way Of Treating Suspected Whitespot

    If you`re going to up the temperature, do it slowly over a day or 2 and increase the movement at the surface of the water. Oxygen will deplete as the water gets warmer so as much aeration as you can get will be good :good:
  38. elisew

    Water Test Levels Ok Or Not

    Any levels above 0 for the ammonia AND nitrite means a water change is required to bring it down to 0. Nitrates aren`t so much of a concern, I think around 40 seems acceptable as this is what some peoples water is straight from the tap, it`s when the nitrate levels creep above what the tap...
  39. elisew

    Tds Meter

    I know this is marine chit chat but when I was using RO water for my tropical setup I bought one of the ones in the first link as it was recommended by a couple of the lads at my local MA. Only used the meter about half a dozen times because I changed over to Tanganyikans but I found it to be a...
  40. elisew

    Odd Molly Behavior..? (Couple Of Pictures)

    You say 0 for NITRATE and Ammonia, did you test for NITRITE? It`s rare for nitrates to be at 0 :huh: What test kit do you use, are you using test strips? :unsure: