450L Of Salty Water To Tang Tank

Ooooh happy bunny atm as my Calvus are dancing and nudging each other fingers crossed ;)
No no no just wild :)

Anyway here are some pics of them in the new home :)


Here is the male Utintas the tail is coloured and the body is just starting to turn blue


This is the bullied Male seems ok at the moment guessing with all the extra room its not an issue


The mother to be I think


The Telmatochromis temporalis 'shell fish'



The Synodontis lucipinnis these seem to be very active fish hard to get a good photo


The Male Calvus

Just fed them all and have noticed the flow is not quiet enough, but with my Tunze on its too much, ordered a lower pump to see if that fixes it

Have also ordered a fish trap just incase the female spits some young :p

I have been considering fry tanks not 100% sure wht to do yet might see if I cn get a custom made to fit in my sump should be able to fit a 24" x 10" x 15" deep in there
They all look fantastic!! Love the calvus :good: :good:

Your male cyp looks to be about the same stage of colouring as mine are now.....it seems to have taken ages but they look lovely though :D The female cyp does look to be definately holding :good: :good: :good:
looking forward to them all colouring up :)

Have ordered a simple breeding trap just in case she carrys them full term

I think I will look into growing on tank not sure how what where to put it yet but would like a few more more cyps and selling fry on could pay for them

I will ask my other half to see if she can bring home a HD camcorder for a video of the tank
Oops missed the star of the show looking forward to this one coloring up :)

Just found this journel :blush: but enjoyed every minute of reading it, even if I didnt understand a word :blink: and you have punks in your tank, do they have asbos :p

Seffie x

ps love the aquascape
No punks Seffie as the calvus might munch on them as they where to small anyway thought I would try doing a video

And Cyp number 2 carrying eggs :) amusing watching them drop the eggs then pick them up
I will do no idea when the first one will spit timer is on for number 2
Added 2 small bristlenoses fingers crossed the calvus dont try to snack on them :)

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