Water Test Result !


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
peteborough, cambs, uk
hi done may water test just now and got-

ph 8.0

ammonia 0.25

nitrite 0

nitrate 40

bit better but still finding it hard to get the ph down !

have tried 30% water changes and adding mopani root but ph just wont come down :sad:
can anyone think of some thing i could try to drop it ?

all ready stocked my tank along time ago !!

15 blue neon tetra
5 Gouramis
1 red tail shark
1 rusty brown Plec
3 blood spot etera
2 Niger Cichlid
2 Angels (small)
2 algae loach
3 clown loachs

my tap water test at 7.4 and low and behold 7.4 to 7.6 is want i need to get to :look:
Have you tried a bigger water change, something in the range of 60% to 80%. From what information i have read this might help.
ok will try it at the weekend
thay was my last resort as it takes ages removing about 400ltrs of water :(

but hay got to sort ph out
I would be more concerned about the ammonia level than the ph to be honest, you really need to be doing a really good gravel vac' and water change asap :look:
I am going to deviate from the standard here and suggest that you ignore the pH. Do a huge water change to get your ammonia under control instead. I have yet to see fish adversely affected by the actual natural pH of tap water but have seen many fish lost to ammonia poisoning. I even have a natural nitrite concentration of about 0.5 ppm of nitrite in my tap water but do not hesitate to use 90% water changes when my fish are having water quality issues. Nice clean water always seems to help.

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