Cichlids In A Roma 125L?


Fish Crazy
Mar 30, 2011
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OK is it possible for my to have a few cichlids in this tank or is it a little to small?
If I can what ones would you guys recommend? (I'm looking for colour: ))
And how many would you suggest. Thanks

Just incase you work in gallon the tank is 33 US gallons.
A trio of German Blue Rams would work fine, as would any Apistogramma species. Kribensis are also a good option or if you prefer larger cichlids, Keyhole Cichlids would work. There are many cichlids suitable for your tank.
A trio of German Blue Rams would work fine, as would any Apistogramma species. Kribensis are also a good option or if you prefer larger cichlids, Keyhole Cichlids would work. There are many cichlids suitable for your tank.

How many would you think i could fit in my tank? Links to pictures would be great if possible.
how many of what?

Sorry kind of a general question.
How many of a certain species of cichlid could I fit in my tank just for example. I still need to obviously research further before I think about taking the plunge but just wanted rough ideas of stockings and amounts i suppose.
What is the footprint of the tank ?
Could be a nice shell dweller tank or some small Tananyikan cichlids, don't know what you like though :good:
What is the footprint of the tank ?
Could be a nice shell dweller tank or some small Tananyikan cichlids, don't know what you like though :good:

80 x 35 x 45 cm
I'm just looking for colourful and active Cichlids really. I do like Kribensis but don't no how many I could have in this tank?
Any other stocking ideas and amounts i could carry will be appreciated.
What is the footprint of the tank ?
Could be a nice shell dweller tank or some small Tananyikan cichlids, don't know what you like though :good:

80 x 35 x 45 cm
I'm just looking for colourful and active Cichlids really. I do like Kribensis but don't no how many I could have in this tank?
Any other stocking ideas and amounts i could carry will be appreciated.

I had a similiar sized tank, kept tetras etc, had 1M/3F Kribensis in it.(worked ok), Later tank was stripped and kept shell dwellers in it (exLamprologus Multifasciatus) , very entertaining :good: had Neolamprologus Caudopunctatus and Julidochromis Dickfeldi :good:
You might want to look at some of the dwarf cichlids (SA), tank to tight for Malawi etc :good:
What is the footprint of the tank ?
Could be a nice shell dweller tank or some small Tananyikan cichlids, don't know what you like though :good:

80 x 35 x 45 cm
I'm just looking for colourful and active Cichlids really. I do like Kribensis but don't no how many I could have in this tank?
Any other stocking ideas and amounts i could carry will be appreciated.

I had a similiar sized tank, kept tetras etc, had 1M/3F Kribensis in it.(worked ok), Later tank was stripped and kept shell dwellers in it (exLamprologus Multifasciatus) , very entertaining :good: had Neolamprologus Caudopunctatus and Julidochromis Dickfeldi :good:
You might want to look at some of the dwarf cichlids (SA), tank to tight for Malawi etc :good:

I do really like Kribensis but to be honest, don't really think I'm cut out for breeding? Can you have all males together or all females? Is it possible to mix them and create conditions where they won't breed?
I would go with a pair of Kribensis. Why aren't you cut out for breeding? I wouldn't suggest more pairs than 1 in a tank that size due to them being very territorial when breeding.

These are mine:


Not as colourful i guess, but you could go with some Fairy Cichlids, they're a very active and intersting small Cichlids. Very beautiful and elegant with their lyretails and bright eyes.

These are mine in the same tank as what you have. They're in with a few platties and some gourami's and a few more. I have 4 Lamprologus Brichardi and they stick together and look out for each other very well!


As mentioned you could go with the small shell dwellers Neolamprologus Multifasciatus, POSSIBLY get away with having 2 pairs in the tank, at either end with clearly defined areas that they can make their own. As for others, i have no experience of, but the Rams are very colourful.

HTH, David.
You could go for a single sex tank but the majority of females of species are quite drab so an all female tank might make you feel a bit disappointed. An all male tank would likely end up an aggressive one and you wouldn`t get to see the natural displaying of the males because there are no females. If you have a mix then of course you have the breeding potential between them and there`s no way of stopping something that comes naturally to them so it is a bit of a conundrum :/

kiriyama`s suggestion on the mix of Tanganyikans would work well but I would advise caution if thinking about adding the brichardi, they`re very territorial and can be extremely aggressive to tankmates, I know that from experience :X

1 pair of Kribs along with some larger tetras or barbs would work, my Brother has that kind of setup and doesn`t have any bother. Clay pots, rocks or boulders would give the Kribs some areas to claim as their own territory :)

As has been said, the malawi/mbuna route wouldn`t be practical due to the size of your tank :no:
I would go with a pair of Kribensis. Why aren't you cut out for breeding? I wouldn't suggest more pairs than 1 in a tank that size due to them being very territorial when breeding.

These are mine:


Not as colourful i guess, but you could go with some Fairy Cichlids, they're a very active and intersting small Cichlids. Very beautiful and elegant with their lyretails and bright eyes.

These are mine in the same tank as what you have. They're in with a few platties and some gourami's and a few more. I have 4 Lamprologus Brichardi and they stick together and look out for each other very well!


As mentioned you could go with the small shell dwellers Neolamprologus Multifasciatus, POSSIBLY get away with having 2 pairs in the tank, at either end with clearly defined areas that they can make their own. As for others, i have no experience of, but the Rams are very colourful.

HTH, David.

The fairy's are beautiful. Would it be possible to have maybe 3-4 of them and then two Krib's?

The reason I don't want to breed is that I only have one tank, and at the moment don't plan on getting another one anytime soon.
I wouldn't just want to kill the fry so I'd be in a icky situation.
That's the problem mate, if you had the fairies and kribs and one or both decided to spawn then there would be a lot of aggression. My kribs are starting to boss their fry around as I believe they are ready to spawn again.

I had 4 fairies and a pair of kribs in my 180 litre tank and they were very much at either ends on the tank. I would say one or the other, but maybe you would be lucky and get away with it. I doubt it though. Lol.
I would go with a pair of Kribensis. Why aren't you cut out for breeding? I wouldn't suggest more pairs than 1 in a tank that size due to them being very territorial when breeding.

These are mine:


Not as colourful i guess, but you could go with some Fairy Cichlids, they're a very active and intersting small Cichlids. Very beautiful and elegant with their lyretails and bright eyes.

Kribs and a tropical community or even better a species tank of Brichardi, when they spawn the parents will raise the fry then these fry will help raise future generations of fry, really cool tank :good:

These are mine in the same tank as what you have. They're in with a few platties and some gourami's and a few more. I have 4 Lamprologus Brichardi and they stick together and look out for each other very well!


As mentioned you could go with the small shell dwellers Neolamprologus Multifasciatus, POSSIBLY get away with having 2 pairs in the tank, at either end with clearly defined areas that they can make their own. As for others, i have no experience of, but the Rams are very colourful.

HTH, David.

The fairy's are beautiful. Would it be possible to have maybe 3-4 of them and then two Krib's?

The reason I don't want to breed is that I only have one tank, and at the moment don't plan on getting another one anytime soon.
I wouldn't just want to kill the fry so I'd be in a icky situation.

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