Search results

  1. K

    Thinking Of Getting A Hamster.

    You could also get a 20 gallon, and put some really nice toys in there!
  2. K

    New Members To The Household

    I third it, s/he's so cute! :wub: :wub:
  3. K

    Hamsters? Does Anyone Have Hammies?

    I have two. Russian drawf hamsters. Sven Boris And my sister's Long Haired Teddy Bear hamster Sprinkles Only have an animation. :fun:
  4. K

    My Bearded Dragon (joey)

    There, I hope that was the one you needed resized. :) And I'll NOM him too, if I can.
  5. K

    New Dog

    Wrong topic
  6. K

    My New Hamsters!

    Maybe, we just took pictures of my sister's long haired hamster, and we made a anmation outta it And today I gave them some carrots! And they put all there toilet paper in there wheel (Along with some food) it looks like they are...
  7. K

    My New Hamsters!

    Click here to watch Sven67 There that's a video of fat Sven. Click here to watch Boris58 And one of Boris. =]
  8. K

    My New Hamsters!

    They'er Russian Dwarf hamsters. :D I got them when my mom, and I went to look at the hamsters sence I was geting one for christmas, we saw them play fighting it was so cute, and they were really fun looking! They live in a CritterTrail X (Real good cage, hard to setup though. >_<) So...
  9. K

    Evil Hammie!

    Aw. He's cute! I am geting a hamster for christmas (I might get three sence I have enough) (Each have there own cage so don't worry) Most rodents just have red eyes, nothing to be called Satan!
  10. K

    Ahah I Am Soo Lucky!

    Sence it's almost christmas, and I usaully get 250 bucks, so when the new babies came we had no room for them in the ten gallon so I made a deal with my mom if I waited for christmas I could get a 20 gallon tank (Should be enough time for the babis to grow, and be with there mum, and dad? :sly...
  11. K

    Guppie Fry Wohoooooooooooo

    Congrats! When I had mine they were small enough to fit in the gravel, and get between the plants so make sure to look really hard. Or they can just be taking there sweet 'ole time giving birth. Problems letting go maybe? :P
  12. K

    Ten New Baby Fry!

    Thanks guys. :D Though I do have some question what type they are. When I first had live bearers I had two guppys (One female one male) one mollie, and a swordtail (Sword tail was female, and mollie was male) I know for a fact thes inbreaded so after there babies grew the colors were weird...
  13. K

    Ten New Baby Fry!

    Thanks! I was actually gonna take pictures, but my sister has the camera, and it's 4:40AM. :S I'll try to get some pictures in when she wakes up. :nod:
  14. K

    Ten New Baby Fry!

    After using my five gallon (I was gonna use for albinos but it was to small) I put my three males in there for awhile sence they were bugging my females. :lol: After I got the tank set up they went in, and my one fat female was VERY happy, and so she was swiming like crazy. So at 2AM I went to...
  15. K

    Question On Albino Catfish!

    Wow! Only 30 dollars? There's no Petland near us, but there is a Petsmart I'll check that out, and my mom is interest in fish (She likes the albinos too) but I have alot of tanks,and it's hard to get her to let me get one. :X but I'll try, and see if she will pitch in. :) P.S I live in...
  16. K

    Question On Albino Catfish!

    D: I'll try for a 15, my mom is a littel picky on my room full of fish. :lol: And they are, I just love watching them swim. :wub:
  17. K

    My New 16g Planted Tank... What Do You Think?

    Nice tank. The fish look happy. :D
  18. K

    Question On Albino Catfish!

    Thanks, I'll save up for a ten gallon. :nod:
  19. K

    Question On Albino Catfish!

    Hey, I have a extra five gallon tank, and I love Albino catfish so I am going to get some a few questions! Number One: How meny can be in a five gallon, and be happy? Number Two: Can it just be all albinos or do they need another kind of fish in there? Number Three: If so what kind of fish...
  20. K

    Got a new betta has weird lumps on head

    Weird this must be a sorta common thing.
  21. K

    Got a new betta has weird lumps on head

    She was to cute I couldn't of helped buying her, and its like she doesn't even notices them. Interesting, she was from Walmart. Does look like moles doesn't it?
  22. K

    Got a new betta has weird lumps on head

    I thought it looked like tumors to. I've been looking at her, it seems to not bother her. EDIT: Quouted wrong thing. xD
  23. K

    Got a new betta has weird lumps on head

    Well when I was geting stuff for my betta with HITH, I looked by the bettas saw a pretty littel female betta, had to have her but she has lumps on her head, any ideal what they are, and how to treat?
  24. K

    Can some one gimme a picture of a betta with..

    Okay, thanks for the help I really hope she gets better too.
  25. K

    Can some one gimme a picture of a betta with..

    Thanks I think she has it. :( Tomorrow I'll go to the store, and pick up some meds any suggestions?
  26. K

    Can some one gimme a picture of a betta with..

    Hole in the head, I need to find out if my betta has it. :(
  27. K


    :\ his guts are coming out and hes a white apple snail.
  28. K


    sorry it toke me so long to reply. Ive bin cleaning tanks. his tank is a five gallon his tail just looks stringy. the snail died I dunno how that happen Edit I clean his tank every monday
  29. K

    I DID IT!!!

    I thought I was the only one that didnt like touching my fishies. XD
  30. K


    Thats what I thought I mean ranger is lazy but I am sure he wouldn't let a slow snail eat his tail but I'll remove him to be safe
  31. K


    Sould I put the snail in with my mollies? I'll put him in a bowl till you reply.
  32. K


    Well Ranger had ick on his head I treated it, it slowly went away but their was like a dint in his head from the ick. So I got him a white apple snail to clean his tank. But a week latter after I got the snail thiers stringy peices of his tail :( Hes not eating hes never moving barly. please...
  33. K

    Help ranger looks sick!

    Oh i am so glad to hear that I really hope so! ^_^
  34. K

    Help ranger looks sick!

    I'm treating him with ich and no not like pine cone and he donesn't look bloated.
  35. K

    Help ranger looks sick!

    soo is he going to die? :(
  36. K

    Help ranger looks sick!

    Okay I really hope he'll be okay :(
  37. K

    Help ranger looks sick!

    Well it is summer now, and his tanks at 80 hes looking hot hes all lazy, and one of his gileds are kind of stuck out, and just today he got some ick on his head, and his scales look like their sticking out, and hes not eating his food I even tryed blood worms. please help me I don't want my...
  38. K


    Maybe hes getin back at her for destoryin his nest O.o
  39. K

    Tail-less Betta

    Cool looks like your gonna have a tail-less wonder ^_^
  40. K

    Look what I got!

    SO PERRTY! ^_^