My New Hamsters!


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2005
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New york.
They'er Russian Dwarf hamsters. :D

I got them when my mom, and I went to look at the hamsters sence I was geting one for christmas, we saw them play fighting it was so cute, and they were really fun looking!
They live in a CritterTrail X (Real good cage, hard to setup though. >_<)
So yesterday I put them in there balls (I got them three days ago), and I decided to see if they'd let me pet them. They did! Not alot though. But my sister (And my friend that has had one, and still has a chinchilla) said to see if they'd let me hold them so my sister, and I made a gate like-thing with our legs so they couldn't escape, and sure enough they let us hold them!
After awhile Sven started pooping on my sister so we put took some pictures of them, and put them back in there cage!

Here are some pictures. ^_^

Boris (Nicknamed Papa)


I have a video of them with them climbing all over me >< but I don't know how to upload it.

Oh, and they love play fighting over there toilet paper, and sleeping on eachother.
So cute! :wub: Any chance of more pictures?

Arrowhead - The videos loaded for me, but it took a long time. Perhaps you didn't wait long enough?
Maybe, we just took pictures of my sister's long haired hamster, and we made a anmation outta it

And today I gave them some carrots! And they put all there toilet paper in there wheel (Along with some food) it looks like they are camped out. :lol:

Edit: Here are some new pictures I just took Sprinkles when he just woke up

The Dwarfie's cage

Sorry if they'er too big >_<

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