Guppie Fry Wohoooooooooooo


Fish Addict
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
South Yorkshire - England
I posted yesterday about a sudden ammonia spike in my tank.... I put that i had 5 female guppies all pregnant, anyway, this morning, i tested the water, it still had a trace of ammonia, so off i went for my bucket and syphon to do a water change, when i saw 2 little fy swimming around the top of the tank :D i still did a water change, but was careful not to suck up the 2 fry, anyway, after putting new water back in, i went to get my net, to keep them safe from the other fish, and when i got back, i could only find 1 :-( so i thought it must have been eaten, i caught the 1 baby fry, and put it in the net, where it is happily swimming along :D i sat there admiring my tank for what must have been 10 mins or so :rolleyes: when i saw it, the other baby fry :hyper: so i caught that one, and put it in the net with the other baby fry :D .

The guppies still look very fat, so im not sure, if one of them has had some fry in the night, and they have all been eaten, apart from these 2, or whether she will give birth to more? does anyone know?

C x :*
When I had mine they were small enough to fit in the gravel, and get between the plants so make sure to look really hard.
Or they can just be taking there sweet 'ole time giving birth.

Problems letting go maybe? :p
I have looked really hard, believe me...., i cant see anymore yet :/ i have 5 females that are all pregnant, and at different stages, there is 2 that could be the new mum, but both still look heavily pregnant.... i have other fish in there, including zebra danios, and 1 dwarf gourami, so if there were more fry born in the night, im sure they were eaten by these ....

The 2 fry are doing fine still :D

C x
Congrats :thumbs:

they do get eaten quite quickly in a community tank though :(

But just being pregnant or a couple of fry wouldn't cause a spike - I think it's due to the filter pad you removed.....
Here are a couple of pics, who i think the new mummy is, although she still looks very large and pregnant to me, so maybe she will have more, over the next few days?? :/

Claire :*


I think I see a fry at the top of the water in the second picture? Nice pictures!
No there is no fry in those pics, they are safe and sound in there breeding net, even though there tank was accidently smashed today, they are now housed in my 180 juwel vision, still in there net :D They are growing too lol :D

C x
Not sure about her having more fry if she has not had them yet but I would say that your fish seem to be verrrrrry well fed. My swordies look a lot more pregnant after they have had a good feeding. I am not dissing you on the fat fish since I am also a member of over-feeders-anonymus. I can not help it though! They get sooooo happy when they get that extra pinch how can I deny them :dunno:
Really nice! I don't have any guppies so Im not sure how to breed them...But the mommy guppy is enormous!!! In a good way cuz she may still have some babehs in her...:fish:

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