My New 16g Planted Tank... What Do You Think?


New Member
Oct 11, 2005
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Hey all, got a new 16G planted tropical tank with a C02 unit.. what do you think?

The inhabitants so far are:

1x Angel Fish
2x Congo Tetra
2x Black Phantom Tetra
1x Albino Catfish

Got a nice piece of bogwood and a cool coconut cave in there... what do you think of the layout of the tank. Positive critisism welcomed.

close up of the cave

and my angel fish...

So whaddya think?
Lovely tank, although i think you might need to work on your stocking.
You cant keep an angel in this 16 as it doesn't have sufficient height
You need to keep congo tetras in a shoal but they grow too large to be kept in this tank
Your other tetras need to be kept in a shoal (at least 6)
If the albino catfish is a cory you're going to need to get him some buddies.
Sorry to bring the bad news but the tank looks beautiful anyway :D
Nice looking tank you got here mate!! i agree with Siamese Fighter05 tho. Deffo get some mates for you cory. They are much more fun to watch :D

:crazy: Could you minimize the pics by alot because they are all blurry and I can't see them.

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