Help ranger looks sick!


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
New york.
Well it is summer now, and his tanks at 80 hes looking hot hes all lazy, and one of his gileds are kind of stuck out, and just today he got some ick on his head, and his scales look like their sticking out, and hes not eating his food I even tryed blood worms.
please help me I don't want my first betta to die. :( i've had him for a long time and gained attached to him.
80 is a fine temperature for a Betta, but it does sound like he's sick. Treating him with an anti-parasite medication for the ich would be a very good start right now.
If scales are sticking out he has dropsy and sad to say that's the last stage of the desease.
If it is dropsy, then he might, yes.

Is he bloated through his belly area? Are the scales sticking out like pinecones?

Either way, you should start treating him for Ich if he has it.

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