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  1. Frollickyfish

    Its Raining!

    Well Im trying desperately to take a photo of my White Peacock Endlers to put on Ebay but the blinkin things wont stay still long enough. :angry:
  2. Frollickyfish

    My New Girlies!

    Lol! Shes started to come out of herself a bit now and coloured up. Her sister is a right fiesty one chasing the bigger ones but hides when they turn round lol! The copper one is hiding alot but when she does appear seems happy enough so all going well :good:
  3. Frollickyfish

    Posh Boy

    Awww he is lush! :hyper: :drool:
  4. Frollickyfish


    Didnt want to hijack someone elses post with my pics lol so Ive started another thats further down this page lol!
  5. Frollickyfish

    My Babies Have Built Their First Nests!

    They are soooooo gorgeous bless em! How old are they now?
  6. Frollickyfish

    My New Girlies!

    Sorry lol! I was determined to get her! Going to let her settle in for a week and then start conditioning her and Princess, should get some booootiful babies! :drool:
  7. Frollickyfish

    My New Girlies!

    My three new beautiful girls from Modaz arrived this morning and have happily settled down in there new tank. Here are the photos although they dont do them justice. My SD Copper female: My two Crowntail sisters: And here is their new home:
  8. Frollickyfish


    Ha ha! Im terrible at remembering to leave feedback but done yours now :lol: Still trying to get some good pics that arnt too blurry!
  9. Frollickyfish

    Thanks Hoddy

    Blimey! You are gonna need zillions of tanks lol! :hyper:
  10. Frollickyfish


    Glad hes doing well :good: I got my 3 girls from Modaz this morning too, cant wait to get some photos!
  11. Frollickyfish

    Thanks Hoddy

    Well done, they are stunning! I was gonna go and get some from him but it was a 2 hour round trip so changed my mind.
  12. Frollickyfish

    Beautiful Halfmoon Got Attacked

    Never used it but it sounds great stuff and is from a good company, may have to get some myself lol! :good: I should imagine you can use it with Melafix just check on both the labels and remember to go easy on the Melafix!
  13. Frollickyfish

    Rescue Betta Update!

    Easily 20, possibly more :hyper:
  14. Frollickyfish

    Rescue Betta Update!

    You could feed them both on some cooled boiled peas. Once they are cool just remove the outer shell and squeeze them gently into the water. It should help them open their bowels lol! Then dont feed them for a couple of days to make sure they are clear.
  15. Frollickyfish

    Beautiful Halfmoon Got Attacked

    You can get the leaves off Ebay. Have you added any Aquarium salt as this will help heal and fight any infection? Be careful using Melafix in a small tank especially if its not filtered as its easy to overdose and Ive heard many people say its caused sticky fins. Id put some in but at slightly...
  16. Frollickyfish

    Rescue Betta Update!

    Thats great :good: How big is the tank? If its big enough it might be worth adding more so they dont end up fighting when they are fit enough.
  17. Frollickyfish

    Any Ideas What This Is?!

    Cost me £2.50 but I was determined to rescue it! Wasnt sure if he would make the night to be honest but he seems a bit happier this morning :good: Well Ive gone and bought 3 beauties off Modaz now so I will wait a couple of months I think before going back. Took me ages to find it as I was...
  18. Frollickyfish

    Any Ideas What This Is?!

    Would explain why its so battered then having been kept in a tank full of females! Guess Im gonna have to buy another tank, heater and filter now for him, not what I wanted to have to do but hey!
  19. Frollickyfish

    Any Ideas What This Is?!

    Well I went to the shop in Cov where Gill got all those wonderful Bettas to see if he had any females. Unfortunately there was only one left in the tank and she was very badly beaten so of course I had to buy her Lol! It struck me at the time that she looked different somehow, more elongated...
  20. Frollickyfish

    Lets Just Drop The Subject Now Please

    Its ok. Look on the bright side, at least its good advertising coz so many will now have seen them and you havent had to blatently advertise them on here yourself! Bet they will go for loads more now. :good:
  21. Frollickyfish

    Lets Just Drop The Subject Now Please

    Well this whole thread has really annoyed me coz Ive got them on watch and now everyone will have seen them- GRRRR! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  22. Frollickyfish


    OMG! I am so gonna have to get over my fear of driving round Coventry! :lol:
  23. Frollickyfish

    What Will They Be?

    My babies are doing really well now and are all free swimming. :wub: Im still not sure if the mother is a PK or a VT so Im wondering what I will get if she is a VT? The male is most definitely a PK!
  24. Frollickyfish

    Meet Wonderlust

    Thanks for that :good: Hoping to go Saturday afternoon so if you get there before me please dont buy them all! :lol:
  25. Frollickyfish

    Heres Custard My Mg Girlie

    Shes boootiful! :hyper:
  26. Frollickyfish

    Heater Pad

    Do you mean an undergravel heater? If so Im sure one of the sellers on here does them as Im thinking of getting some. I think this is where I saw them but the site is down at the moment:
  27. Frollickyfish

    Pk X Drct Spawn

    Put me down for a couple of females :good:
  28. Frollickyfish

    Im Gonna Cry

    Thanks hun! Was just so shocked to see the big hole in her poor tummy, I was tempted to wack them all on the head with the net I fished her out with. :angry:
  29. Frollickyfish

    Meet Wonderlust

    I am waiitng for his next shipment of Females to come in. Did he say when that would be? Its only about 15mins from me. I hate driving round Cov though I always end up in the wrong lane and getting lost so will have to borrow a Sat Nav. :rolleyes:
  30. Frollickyfish

    Im Gonna Cry

    Yes thats what Ive done and they seem to be settling back down now. Just wish Id been there to stop it from happening but I guess its just part of nature. Feel better for the glass of wine, thanks! :lol:
  31. Frollickyfish

    Im Gonna Cry

    Just gone to feed my girls and one of them was lying dead on the bottom with the others eating her stomach. :-( Ive removed her obviously but now they are all flaring at each other. I removed the worst offender and put her in a breeding box in with one of my males to check if she was infact a...
  32. Frollickyfish

    Meet Wonderlust

    OMG! Where did you buy him from? :hyper:
  33. Frollickyfish

    What Went Wrong?

    Well its not looking too great as the nest is falling apart and some of the eggs are just clinging to the edge of the tank. He is half heartidly trying to blow the ones that fall back up but Im sure hes been eating some and he seems a bit fed with collecting them now! Hopefully when they hatch...
  34. Frollickyfish

    Pk Male For Sale

    If he was a female PK Id have him lol!
  35. Frollickyfish

    Do Bettas Make A Noise? Update - Yes!

    One of mine makes a similar noise but only when he is eating as if he is crunching on his pellets. :lol:
  36. Frollickyfish

    What Is It With Melanogasters?

    Ive got a few pairs that Im trying to breed. :drool: The females have just got their black bellies so Im hoping I should have some fry within the next couple of months. If you can wait that long I could sell you some if you like. :good:
  37. Frollickyfish

    Arghhh #### Why?!

    So glad hes getting better hun. :good:
  38. Frollickyfish

    What Went Wrong?

    Thanks for all your advice! I put her back in this morning and she was a different fish! She swam straight up to him beneath the nest and they have been wrapping ever since! It took a couple of hours for them to get any eggs but there are plenty now! This is the first time Ive tried to breed...
  39. Frollickyfish

    What Went Wrong?

    Great, I will try that then! Does conditioning make her produce eggs or does that happen when she sees the male?
  40. Frollickyfish

    What Went Wrong?

    Ive been conditioning a couple of my Bettas over the last week or so and yesterday put my girl in a breeding box in my males tank and everything seemed to be going according to plan. My male built a lovely bubble nest and once I released the female this morning he would chase her but then keep...