My New Girlies!


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2008
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My three new beautiful girls from Modaz arrived this morning and have happily settled down in there new tank. Here are the photos although they dont do them justice.

My SD Copper female:

My two Crowntail sisters:


And here is their new home:
Soooooo lovely :wub: and I think you beat me to that little cambo girl by about 1 hour :lol: :lol: But that's ok they've got a lovely home now :good:
Soooooo lovely :wub: and I think you beat me to that little cambo girl by about 1 hour :lol: :lol: But that's ok they've got a lovely home now :good:
Sorry lol! I was determined to get her! Going to let her settle in for a week and then start conditioning her and Princess, should get some booootiful babies! :drool: probs Frollicky. You will get some super babies from her I'm sure :good: And I must learn to be more decisive and not dither so much next time :lol: :lol: . Anyway have hopefully sorted a couple of girls out from Modaz now.

Good luck with the spawn :good:
oh nice home for them :good: :good: thanks for the pics, the little green and red is a bit of a wimp isnt she?
oh nice home for them :good: :good: thanks for the pics, the little green and red is a bit of a wimp isnt she?
Lol! Shes started to come out of herself a bit now and coloured up. Her sister is a right fiesty one chasing the bigger ones but hides when they turn round lol! The copper one is hiding alot but when she does appear seems happy enough so all going well :good:

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