What Went Wrong?


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2008
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Ive been conditioning a couple of my Bettas over the last week or so and yesterday put my girl in a breeding box in my males tank and everything seemed to be going according to plan. My male built a lovely bubble nest and once I released the female this morning he would chase her but then keep going back to the nest to add more bubbles, he seemed very proud of it! Ive just taken the female out and put her in her own tank as she wasnt having any of it and her fins were getting too ripped. She barred up and kept pointing her head down but simply refused to let him near her or go under the nest. Feel so sorry for my male as he was so excited and proud of his nest! Could it be that she wasnt conditioned enough?
You could try putting her back in her chimney in the spawning tank and leave them overnight, then try again tomorrow. We released our female last night for 3 hrs put her back overnight and then let her out again today. 4 hrs later they were at it.

If you don't want to try again now, then I'd condition her for another week and then try again. Good luck :good:
You could try putting her back in her chimney in the spawning tank and leave them overnight, then try again tomorrow. We released our female last night for 3 hrs put her back overnight and then let her out again today. 4 hrs later they were at it.

If you don't want to try again now, then I'd condition her for another week and then try again. Good luck :good:
Great, I will try that then! Does conditioning make her produce eggs or does that happen when she sees the male?
It's the 2 or 3 days when the female is in the chimney and can see the male that she produces the eggs. The conditioning part is to get her in the best physical condition possible for the breeding process.
i wouldve lft her in there, she would go and hide at times anyway as its part of the courtship process, with he head pointing down she is more than ready, try again tomorrow and if nothing happens with in an hour leave her there, they will spawn i promise you. the ripped fins are just part of it im afraid but they are both showing signs of willingness so it should be fine to let them proceed. sit back and except the battling as the part when they wrap and eggs fall is the best bit to see and well worth the hassle of getting them to spawn. :good:
Thanks for all your advice! I put her back in this morning and she was a different fish! She swam straight up to him beneath the nest and they have been wrapping ever since! It took a couple of hours for them to get any eggs but there are plenty now! This is the first time Ive tried to breed Bettas so wish me luck! The male is a gorgeous PK and the female Im hoping is a PK too, I guess time will tell Lol! :wub: :wub:
Wishing you loads of luck with them :good: :good: You'll be another one glued to your tank from now on :lol: :lol:
Well its not looking too great as the nest is falling apart and some of the eggs are just clinging to the edge of the tank. He is half heartidly trying to blow the ones that fall back up but Im sure hes been eating some and he seems a bit fed with collecting them now! Hopefully when they hatch he may renew his interest but Im not keeping my hopes up. :rolleyes:

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