Any Ideas What This Is?!


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2008
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Well I went to the shop in Cov where Gill got all those wonderful Bettas to see if he had any females. Unfortunately there was only one left in the tank and she was very badly beaten so of course I had to buy her Lol! It struck me at the time that she looked different somehow, more elongated with a boxier face and once I got her home and in with the others I could she that her whole body was different. I checked her against my male PK but her shape doesnt look like him either. Despite being in a bad way she is very fiesty and constantly flaring at the others. Because of the bad fin damage I cant even tell if she is a male from her ventrails. I put her in a breeding box with my male PK and they both flared alot but then she lost all her colour and looked very subdued (no breeding stripes though)while he looked like he was starting to blow bubbles. Here the photos although they arnt very clear.



looks like a male to me
Would explain why its so battered then having been kept in a tank full of females! Guess Im gonna have to buy another tank, heater and filter now for him, not what I wanted to have to do but hey!
they didnt charge you for him/her did they? disgraceful they should be ashamed of the state of the poor thing, whether its been in a tank of others or not they shouldnt have sold it and shouldve quarantined it and healed it, loads of TLC needed.
Ohh Didn't spot that one, Must have been Hiding from the DT Females.

Russell will have more for sale on Friday next week. but he does not know if there will be any more DT's. Just whatever they send him from ADS Aquatics.
they didnt charge you for him/her did they? disgraceful they should be ashamed of the state of the poor thing, whether its been in a tank of others or not they shouldnt have sold it and shouldve quarantined it and healed it, loads of TLC needed.

This is what they look like if you rear a whole brood of them in one tank and don't separate the males soon enough....
they didnt charge you for him/her did they? disgraceful they should be ashamed of the state of the poor thing, whether its been in a tank of others or not they shouldnt have sold it and shouldve quarantined it and healed it, loads of TLC needed.
Cost me £2.50 but I was determined to rescue it! Wasnt sure if he would make the night to be honest but he seems a bit happier this morning :good:

Ohh Didn't spot that one, Must have been Hiding from the DT Females.

Russell will have more for sale on Friday next week. but he does not know if there will be any more DT's. Just whatever they send him from ADS Aquatics.

Well Ive gone and bought 3 beauties off Modaz now so I will wait a couple of months I think before going back. Took me ages to find it as I was walking round all the streets round the bus station, didnt realise there were shops actually inside the bus station Doh!

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