Search results

  1. Frollickyfish

    I'm Soooo Excited....

    One of his brothers has just arrived at mine lol! Will get some pics up soon! :good:
  2. Frollickyfish

    Bettas I Sold On Ebay - Advice Again

    Looks good to me! :good:
  3. Frollickyfish

    Advice Plz

  4. Frollickyfish

    I Think Princess Is Dying.

    Yeah I hope so. Glad your female got better, what was wrong with her? May have to have one of yours regardless though just to cheer myself up lol! How much are you selling the males for? :good:
  5. Frollickyfish

    I Think Princess Is Dying.

    No he wont even try bloodworm which really makes me worry as he normally goes mad for them. :sad: If the worst happens then I will have to buy one of your lovely coppers!
  6. Frollickyfish

    I Think Princess Is Dying.

    Just the same so far. :sad: Wish he would at least eat something but nothing will tempt him.
  7. Frollickyfish

    I Think Princess Is Dying.

    Thanks! I will be gutted if he dies and so will my 3yr old daughter as its her fish. :(
  8. Frollickyfish

    Advice Plz

    I think the trouble is is that there is so much dodgy stuff going on on Ebay you have to seem professional so as not to get a black mark against you as people expect fast delivery of items. If you had sold them on here then things are alot more more personal and friendly as buyers would "know"...
  9. Frollickyfish

    I Think Princess Is Dying.

    Thanks both of you Ive added both the anti internal bacterial stuff but just at half a pipette as there is under 10 litres in there and Ive put an air stone in too. Just hope I manage to save him and Ive not left it too late.
  10. Frollickyfish

    I Think Princess Is Dying.

    No, theres no bloating but as he is such a light colour anyway its hard to tell if he has gone paler or not. Ive got some anti internal bacterial stuff, do you think its worth doing another water change and treating with that?
  11. Frollickyfish

    I Think Princess Is Dying.

    Really upset because my beautiful pink HM I got from Shell looks like hes dying. :no: Last week I noticed He has bitten his fins and was lethargic and spitting his food out instead of eating it. Ive lowered the water level, treated with salt and a bit of Melafix and raised the temperature. He...
  12. Frollickyfish

    More Eggs......yay!

    Oh Wow I bet they will be gorgeous! :hyper: :drool:
  13. Frollickyfish

    Everything To Know About The Betta Species

    I just get an error message :sad:
  14. Frollickyfish

    Betta Pairs

    An oviposter is not a good way of sexing them as some boys have them too! :crazy:
  15. Frollickyfish

    Betta Picta

    I think generally with mouthbrooders you need to move the brooding males to a seperate tank and then put them back into their own once they have spit the fry out otherwise the adults eat the fry. I think they generally hold them in their mouth from around 9-14 days. Care of the fry will just be...
  16. Frollickyfish

    Worrie Bout My Crowntail That Wont Flare

    I only get a page asking me to log in :sad:
  17. Frollickyfish

    New Home Whole Tank Photo

    Personally if I dont like someones fish I simply dont comment but then Ive always been a bit of a diplomat! I think if you cant say anything nice then dont say anything at all, there is enough nastyness in the world without adding to it personnally.
  18. Frollickyfish

    Female Betta`s Wanted

    Freudian slip or what?! Think you have accidentally given away why you are so busy! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. Frollickyfish

    Female Betta`s Wanted

    Hes still got a load on Ebay at cheep Buy it Now prices :good:
  20. Frollickyfish

    Individual Tank Bettas Vs Community Tank Bettas?

    This thread is a couple of years old. :rolleyes:
  21. Frollickyfish

    Votes Needed

  22. Frollickyfish

    Wow...what Do You Guys Think?

    Ive just bought some off him. :good: The pic is of fully grown ones not the ones hes selling but my little ones are soooo cute :drool:
  23. Frollickyfish

    Anyone Want Any Of These?

    Id love some! Are you selling some? :drool:
  24. Frollickyfish

    The Postman Has Just Brought Me.....

    Yeah Ive told him the bills and junk mail isnt good enough and he needs to bring me betta post lol :lol: :lol: :lol: They are really small and skittish so I havent managed to take any good photos yet. The Ebay seller has just relisted some more if anyone is interested!
  25. Frollickyfish

    The Postman Has Just Brought Me.....

    ..... some BETTA EDITHAE! So excited! They are acclimatising at the moment so I will get some pics of them when they have settled down a bit! :hyper:
  26. Frollickyfish

    Oh My Poor Girl :(

    I think Hawkins was thinking of how unheated water here in the uk can get very cold indeed and so would slowly kill a tropical fish, but your climate is probably warmer than here. Ive heared horror stories about Melafix too and I swear it caused sticky fins in one of my bettas. I think its...
  27. Frollickyfish

    The Storm Is Over

    Oh bless. Must have been so hard to put her out of her misery but well done for being so brave and at least you know you have done the best you could for her. :(
  28. Frollickyfish

    New Kid On The Block

    Hes gorgeous :hyper: Id love some but cant find any anywhere :no:
  29. Frollickyfish

    Clearance Bettas!

    Was beginning to think Id missed them as Ive been out all day lol! Need more females!
  30. Frollickyfish

    Is This A Bubble Nest?

    Looks like one to me. :good:
  31. Frollickyfish

    My First Bubblenest From My Fry!

    Aww bless! How old is he?
  32. Frollickyfish

    The Next Pair......coppers

    Aww they are soooo cute! :hyper: :drool:
  33. Frollickyfish

    The Next Pair......coppers

    Can you get some photos? :drool: :drool: :drool:
  34. Frollickyfish

    Bl@@dy Dog- Grrr!

    Saturday would be great, thanks! You have got to be one of the most honest Ebay sellers Ive ever dealt with! :hyper:
  35. Frollickyfish

    Bl@@dy Dog- Grrr!

    Was just setting up a new Betta tank, went out the room to get some more water and my Jack Russell chewed up my matured sponge filter. :crazy: Just bought a new one from your Ebay shop Modaz so please hurry up and post it lol!
  36. Frollickyfish

    White Peacock Endlers

    Lol! Well I should have some more soon too so might go for that! Ill let you know when they have coloured up! :good:
  37. Frollickyfish

    White Peacock Endlers

    Yeah, Ive bought fish by post before but never posted them myself! Ive put that people can collect too so maybe someone local will buy them. Hey, feel free to bid Paul Lol! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  38. Frollickyfish

    White Peacock Endlers

    Im in Hinckley in the UK so a bit too far for you Im afraid! Ive started the bidding at £3.99, not sure what it will go to though! Thanks Paul!
  39. Frollickyfish

    White Peacock Endlers

    Well I have just put some of my young Peocock endlers on Ebay. This is the first time Ive sold fish and Im soooo nervous! I also feel like such a bad mummy for selling them :no: I must have taken well over 100 photos of the parents and still couldnt get a good pic as they wouldnt stay still...