I'm Soooo Excited....


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
Manchester, England
I am sat here, with the front door open, waiting fr the mail van to bring me my baby copper from Netty and Bronzecat. I feel like I am gonna puke, I am so excited! Tracked him and it says he has left the delivery office, so I guess he is having a nice tour of droylsden as I type... :p I hope he arrives OK. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HIM!!!!

Here are some pics Netty took of him yesterday before packing him up!



I guess I will struggle to get a good pic of him for a while, he is gonna be settling in... and I have 3 silk plants in a small tank for him, it looks a bit jungle-like in there! He also has a bit of bogwood with an arch in it to swim through! :)
Very pretty, and neat too, hope he gets to you soon :)
HE'S HERE! In perfect condition, and so well packaged - I was very impressed. Thank you, Netty and Bronzecat, you have done a great job!
he is so cute, and so very tiny! I swear his bidy is no longer than my thumbnail!
:lol: your funny lol, everytime the mail man arrives for me its always bills and bills and bills lol
congrats on arrival, hope you post some pics
Thanks so much Tibby :good: Glad he's ok and that you are pleased with him......makes all the hard work worth it!!!

Now you need to get us lots of pics of him in his new Mancunian home lol
Well, the lil fella is settling in well. I gave him a Hikari pellet to see what he thought of it - he couldn't fit it in his mouth, so pursued it round the tank instead, giving it a suck! Then the phone went, so i don't know if he eventually managed to suck it to bits! I've given him a few baby brine shrimp which he ignored, preferring instead to look at me and dart around! I guess he will eat them in his own sweet time :p
No new pics yet, he is busy swimming in and out of silk plants and peeping out at me, so i will give him a few days to get used to my constant staring and then will try for some pics!
Any good name ideas, anyone?
lol.....giving you the run around already!!!! I usually break the pellet apart for them at this age and like you said he'll eat when he feels more settled and there isn't a huge face gawking at him :lol: :lol: :lol:
He is still doing good, has had some bloodworms and got fat! :p Still no name has emerged for him yet, I am still trying to think of something suitable! I have to stop calling him Squirt or Titch as he will grow to be a big fish! :p Tempted to just call him Fish, hehe.
One of his brothers has just arrived at mine lol! Will get some pics up soon! :good:
congrats on your new fish, he is a cutie. it must be nice to have a postman that delivers to the door.
He is still doing good, has had some bloodworms and got fat! :p Still no name has emerged for him yet, I am still trying to think of something suitable! I have to stop calling him Squirt or Titch as he will grow to be a big fish! :p Tempted to just call him Fish, hehe.

You can't call him "Fish" even Squirt or Titch is better :lol: :lol: Glad he's started eating for you......he was actually one of the biggest piggies of the bunch lol

One of his brothers has just arrived at mine lol! Will get some pics up soon! :good:

:good: :good: So glad he's with you ok. It's gonna be great seeing all these brothers on the forum!!!!
Sweet! But mine's prettier :p hehe
Just tried to get a pics of him now but he is taking the piss.... posing then legging it as soon as I focus on him! lol. Doesn't help that the tank has no light :S Damn it! Will try tomorrow if we get any sunlight. IF. It has rained almost continuosly in manchester for ages now!

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