Search results

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    Clown Fish Feeding

    Yeah they seem to be draggin there feet and refusing to eat at the moment. But they only been in tank 12 odd hours so i expect it's a settling thing.
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    Clown Fish Feeding

    I have mysis too plus brine with Spirulina and brine with garlic. Do you use flake or pellets as your day to day feed or do you mainly use frozen ?
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    Clown Fish Feeding

    How much should i feed my pair of clowns a day. I have frozen and live brine ? 1 cube over 2 days or less ?
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    Am I Ready For Fish

    I got 4 hermits (3 red 1 black and white) and 2 snails that have been in there for about a week. I lost 1 mexican turbo snail but i didn't find a body just an empty shell so i wondered if the hermits did him in. Is a clown fish a small fish ? Wouldn't i be better adding them as a pair rather...
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    Am I Ready For Fish

    Am i ready for Berta and Ernie my clown fish. Stats 380l tank 150l sump Temp 25c Salinity 1.025-1.026 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 2-5 Ph 8.3 Does it matter that i haven't got my proper lights yet ?
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    Nom Nom Snail

    I think my hermits might have eaten my mexican turbo snail. I was moving my cuc today and found his empty shell but none of the hermits have taken the shell. The hermits are only small i have 2 red i bought and (a red) and (a black and white) that hitchhiked. The snail was massive and the...
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    Glass Thickness For Diy Tank

    As someone who made up a tank to use as a sump i would say. Don't do it !!!! Unless you absolutely have to or are a glass cutter by trade. Probably cost you as much in silicon and glass as a cheap tank and is a whole lot of annoyance.
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    In My Tank I Have...

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    In My Tank I Have...

    killi fish
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    Testing Skimmer

    is ct1 reef safe ? Super glue is used a lot in marine tanks but not sure if thats viable with skimmer material / position of crack.
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    That !
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    for a 3000 lph pump you want 32mm pipe. To stop gurgling you will need a durso stand pipe this will reduce the noise but not stop it completely. If you want it to run silently you need to drill 2 holes and do 1 as a durso and 1 as a siphon. This is what i did on my build and it's very quiet and...
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    How are you going to do anything in your sump/ clean your skimmer out with such a small space ?
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    Unless the sump has water in it surely you can silcon the baffles in situ ? Micro bubbles are only an issue if you want sponges or sea horses. Otherwise it's just an aestetics thing.
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    Can I....? Run It Like This

    Trying to balance 2 pumps like that which where exactly the same would be a nightmare. 2 different pumps just wouldn't happen. If your going for a duel sump the one needs to overflow into the other, it's the only way this would work.
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    Noob Needs Advice

    Unfortunately a pair of clowns needs a 25gallon tank minimum and mandarins are very hard to keep even in large mature aquariums due to there dietary requirements.
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    Heater Reminder.. Check Em!

    I ordered a TC-10. It cuts the elec to heaters if temperature goes above a certain level and will even activate fans/cooler if the temp continues to rise.
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    Ro Pressure Gauge

    Higher pressure just increases litres per hour rather than water quality i believe.
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    Bloody Typical

    realy nice deal plate rock is hard to come by and generally more expensive.
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    Some People Simply Dont Know The Market Value

    You obviously don't realise the cost of marine. As others have said Live rock + corals + stock make this worth what he's asking. Tanks are worth very little but marine gear as long as it's a decent make really holds it's value.
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    Bacterial Additives...

    Don't some test kits effectively show nitrite + nitrate on there nitrate tests. Meaning a high nitrite will register as you having nitrate even if you have none.
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    Advise On Lighting Please

    If there pendants are good iquatics should start paying me a referal fee :crazy: or at least give me one for free perhaps :good:
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    Egg Crate

    Nice idea officially :ninja: ed
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    Are Vortechs Over Rated?

    1 mp40 on a 350l tank would be ample. you could get a mp10 to create cross flow if you liked but not a neccesity in my opinion.
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    Are Vortechs Over Rated?

    I really like my vortech and think they are excellent but mine certainly isn't silent. They are quiet 10-70% power but above 70% the noise increase is notable imo. The amount and type of water movement through my tank is excellent though. I would buy one again. The noise is a factor for me as...
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    Advise On Lighting Please

    He's saying he bought it even though there not out yet...... Sure you will get an email once they are released.
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    Chat Box?

    Yeah like the idea. Useful for quick questions and gibberings which don't really belong in there own thread.
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    Weekend Plan...

    Tried swearing at it. Burning it with lighters. Giving it the evil eye. Ignoring it. Nothing seems to work.
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    Weekend Plan...

    aquascaping/cursing the LR for not looking how i want it to here.
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    Reef Tank On A Shoe String

    I think 20l an hour is about max you can expect from a standard RO unit under good pressure. I'm lucky cause we got massive water pressure which helps speed of RO a lot. I'm running my Ro on end of hose. Carrying 500l of water upstairs 25l at a time would make me :(
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    Reef Tank On A Shoe String

    If i where doing it again i would leave it to run over night or set it going in the morning before leaving for work. 8 hours has produced about 200l of water for me so leaving it run while your in work or asleep should be perfectly safe. I got a 100gpd unit with about 120bar of pressure.
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    Reef Tank On A Shoe String

    My tank fully plumbed and in-situ. Feels like it's going to take 10 years to fill with water though. Curse you RO Unit !!!!! Sorry for the rubbish picture will take a better one once my pet rocks are stacked.
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    Is My Clown Sick?

    I don't have any experience with salt water but if that was fresh water i would swear it's a bacteria infection. The lines on the tail are the colouration of the fish you can see that the white patch spread most of the way into his body. I would say there is redness in the white patch in the...
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    Advise On Lighting Please

    When i spoke to iquatics they said if i sent them an email to [email protected] for the attention of andrew. That they would add me to a mailing list to be informed when they had stock to get a chance of one before they go on sale to general public. I will probably order some tubes as...
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    Advise On Lighting Please

    I'm going 6 tube 4ft model. I'll probably order a few different tubes and try some combinations and see what i like. 4 white 10-14k and 2 blue is quite a common choice but there are all sorts. Some people add a pink/purple tube, some mix in 1 or 2 6500k. 1 of the advantages of T5 is the ability...
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    Advise On Lighting Please

    Nothing good in reef keeping happens fast :P But seriously it's only 4 weeks.
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    Have You Been Attacked By Your Tank!

    Does a 2 inch cut along my palm from rough glass edge while putting together my sump count ?
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    What Gloves To Wear?

    Same although i have be "bitten" occasionally by a glass anemone or similar. Just like a nettle sting really.
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    Plumbing Bits Help!

    you need to insert a short length of 25mm pipe into the threaded end of tank connector and then stick you 90degree bend to that. The threaded piece should be out of the back of tank as this insures water tightness. I would run the ball valve with the water running the direction of the arrow...