Clown Fish Feeding


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
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How much should i feed my pair of clowns a day. I have frozen and live brine ? 1 cube over 2 days or less ?
Forget the brine and buy mysis, so much better. Feed them as much as they can eat in a few minutes
I have mysis too plus brine with Spirulina and brine with garlic. Do you use flake or pellets as your day to day feed or do you mainly use frozen ?
I feed my clowns and all my other fish a mixture of flake and brine, alternating every other day and a tiny sprinkle of flake of an evening.
Haven't tried mysis personally but my clowns will eat anything I put in there. Including fingers! Lol
Brine shrimp has very low neutritional value. So its ok to use to get clowns feeding in the first place but not ideal to get them to put weight on!
Yeah they seem to be draggin there feet and refusing to eat at the moment. But they only been in tank 12 odd hours so i expect it's a settling thing.
if after 24 hours they still refuse, try live brine from your LFS. even the most stubborn clowns cant resist live. then gradualy move them to frozen brine and then mysis
Think i got them beat with D and D reef paste :) at least the little one is nibbling it. The larger/ possible female is being more stubborn but no shock there :lol:

Just like to quickly say the people at South West Marines where excellent. Pleasant and extremely helpful. Especially as the clowns weren't even purchased there.

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