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  1. V

    Recommendations For Juwel Rekord 96

    Just think how much MORE money the manufacturers would make if we replaced our media every month like they want us to.
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    Tank Light Question

    Go on, throw some more in there - you can't have too many plants.
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    Is Fish-keeping Cruelty To Fishes?

    Depends who you know.................
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    I Need Help Pls! Important!

    I feel VERY old...................
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    Best Way To Move A Tank Downstairs?

    I'd take all the water and gravel out of the tank. Even if you only leave 1/5 of the water plus the gravel in it, it's still going to be heavy considering you're going downstairs, not up. All it needs is the water to slosh about and gravity will do the rest; remember, you won't be falling onto...
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    New Tank: Aqua One Aquamode 600

    I'd go for the Honey Gouramis over the Dwarves; less risk of disease. I'd have another couple of Corys, too.
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    What Filter?

    Have a look at; their prices on the Tetratec externals are just about unbeatable. You get everything you'll need with them, too.
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    Newbie Advice

    The majority of the bacteria lives on/in the filter media and inside the filter. A small amount lives on substrate, but if the sponges have been washed in tap water, that's most of the bacteria gone, I'm afraid.
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    Do They Grow

    Once you get the plants out of the pots, trim the roots before planting and it will stimulate growth.
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    New Tank: Aqua One Aquamode 600

    Unfortunately, the bacteria you need for your filter don't live in free water; they live (partly) on objects in the tank, but mainly on the filter media itself (as well as the surfaces inside and outside the filter). Ask the shop if they can let you have a little filter media (if they use...
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    Goldfish - Tropical Tank?

    If you've found him a new home, maybe the new owner would let you have a bit of filter media in return; much better than exposing new fish to ammonia. Once their gills are burned, they won't heal.
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    Going On Holiday - 4 Weeks!

    That's a good point; try to fill several large plastic bottles with dechlorinated water and leave them in a cupboard somewhere (out of the light). Mark a level on the tank and tell your helper that if it falls to that point, to empty the bottled water in to bring it back up to the usual level.
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    Going On Holiday - 4 Weeks!

    Don't worry about it; the fish will be fed twice a week, not every day, so the water quality shouldn't suffer. Are you leaving the food already measured out and hiding the rest away?. However well-meaning your 'minder' may be, the sight of a tub of food might just be too tempting. Just do a...
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    Lousy Fish Filters

    If you want really reliable internal filters for small-ish tanks, I wouldn't look any further than the Fluvals (Plus 1 and Plus 2); I had a Plus 4 in my 4ft tank for a couple of years and never had a minute's bother with it. You'll still need a bucket or two when you do your regular water...
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    Depending on how big you're eventually going to go, I'd have a look at the Tetratec externals, either the EX700 or the EX1200. Have a look at for probably the cheapest prices around. You get EVERYTHING with the Tetratecs; media, tubing and spraybar.
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    How To I Grow Water Lettuce

    Doesn't it just?. I bought some from Andy at Greenline and I was having to throw around 50% of it away every water change (every ten days). Wouldn't be without it, though.
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    Lousy Fish Filters

    You really need to buy a siphon to do water changes; that way you can vacuum the gravel while removing water; you won't believe how much gunk a gravel vac will remove. Please don't strip the tanks down every couple of months, either - with regular water changes every week (replacing around 20%...
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    Butchered Platy :-(

    Did they say what that was supposed to do?.
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    Aggressive Tetra

    Just my 2p, but Neons are very active fish and, although small, need decent swimming space. I wouldn't keep them in less than a 2ft tank. With most fish, they prefer to be in groups of at least 5/6 (which is why most shops sell them in that quantity). Have you room for a larger tank?.
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    A Fish Got Stuck In A Gap And Died

    Maybe the best thing would be to empty the tank, then just fill in any gaps with black sealant, rather than starting again from scratch.
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    Goldfish - Tropical Tank?

    Bear in mind, too that if keeping both Coldwater and Trops in the same tank, you can't give either fish the best conditions possible. Any Goldfish in a Trop tank will also add greatly to the strain on the filter, being some of the messiest fish around. Please reconsider; you want your fish to...
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    Dwarf Gourami

    I'm sure you'd change your mind if you saw the fish in the Leeds shop. Pop in and ask for Mick. If you're into L no. Plecs, they have some really good ones in. Debs really knows her Malawis, too. The fish are something of a step up from any other 'ordinary' pet shop I've been in. I've never...
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    55 Gal Questions

    The longest guarantee would swing it for me.
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    Dwarf Gourami

    That's a shame; Pet City in Leeds always has plenty of Honeys in.
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    15 Gallon Help

    You can use your filter media (sponges) until they're almost falling apart - the manufacturers would LOVE you to buy new ones every month; if you do that, you'll have a tank that's cycling every month. If and when you do have to replace stuff, don't do it all at once; give the new sponge a good...
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    Entirely welcome.
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    Getting Fed Up And Put Off The Hobby Of Fish Keeping!

    I've been keeping Cardinals for the last four years with no problems; just take time acclimatising them and don't get any until your tank has been cycled and matured for a good 3-4 months. Much hardier than Neons if you take a little care.
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    Visitherm; I doubt you'll find anything else with a five-year guarantee. Never had a minute's trouble with mine.
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    Eggs :) Hatched Collected 8 But What To Feed?

    You're lucky; I've just had my third lot of eggs vanish into thin air from the breeding net. Actually, the second lot did hatch, but the fry disappeared. Not happy.
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    I really don't think you need to look any further than the Tetratec; all filter media, pipes & tubing are included.
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    Why Do Some People Have Fish Houses?

    A lot of people who breed fish keep fish houses, too.
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    Getting Fed Up And Put Off The Hobby Of Fish Keeping!

    If you do lose any more fish, the worst thing you can do is replace them. You need to find out exactly what's wrong first.
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    Positioning My Fish Tank

    60l for 2-4 Goldfish?. You'll need a bigger tank quicker than you think. Goldfish are one of the messiest fish to keep. 20 gallons for the first fish, an extra 10 for each subsequent one. I'd also be wary of putting a tank on anything not made for the purpose.
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    15 Gallon Help

    I'd go for Honey Gourami; Dwarf Gourami are prone to a fatal Iridovirus. I wouldn't go for anything too lively in a tank that size.
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    Help! Please! 1st Visit To This Website.

    You seem to have gone back to exactly what you were doing before, despite everything people have advised you. The same thing WILL happen again. Stress will weaken a fishes system and leave it open to diseases; please take the Guppies and Silver Tips back to the shop, along with one of the...
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    Going To Go Pressurised With My Co2

    That's what puts me off too.
  37. V

    Bought A Tank Today

    Nice size for a paperweight though..........
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    Upsizing My Tank

    That should be fine, as the filter won't be coping with a larger number of fish. I wouldn't save more than around 50% of the old tank water; just treat it as a large water change. When you swap over, just make sure beforehand what you're going to do and don't rush.