I Need Help Pls! Important!


Fish Fanatic
May 7, 2008
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this morning when i was out,my dad did a 100% water change, yes a 100% water change. so now, all de bacteria has been destroyed and i need to recycle de tank again...i jus measured my ammonia lvl..it was 4.o ppm and my nitrite lvl is 0 ppm...wat should i do??? 25% water changes everyday??? pls dun tell me to give the fishes away while i recycle my tank or sumthing like tt...thank you
this morning when i was out,my dad did a 100% water change, yes a 100% water change. so now, all de bacteria has been destroyed and i need to recycle de tank again...i jus measured my ammonia lvl..it was 4.o ppm and my nitrite lvl is 0 ppm...wat should i do??? 25% water changes everyday??? pls dun tell me to give the fishes away while i recycle my tank or sumthing like tt...thank you

A 100% water change would not remove all of the bacteria, considering that they live in the filter rather then being waterbourne (for the most part). You need to do 50-75% water changes every day to control the ammonia level. Expect to lose a few fish if you want to keep them in there. :(
yeah 100% changes are fine, bacteria are not waterborne they live clinging on to things so live on the surfaces of the filter.
this morning when i was out,my dad did a 100% water change, yes a 100% water change. so now, all de bacteria has been destroyed and i need to recycle de tank again...i jus measured my ammonia lvl..it was 4.o ppm and my nitrite lvl is 0 ppm...wat should i do??? 25% water changes everyday??? pls dun tell me to give the fishes away while i recycle my tank or sumthing like tt...thank you

Previous posts suggest some kind of wum activity going on here imo
this morning when i was out,my dad did a 100% water change, yes a 100% water change. so now, all de bacteria has been destroyed and i need to recycle de tank again...i jus measured my ammonia lvl..it was 4.o ppm and my nitrite lvl is 0 ppm...wat should i do??? 25% water changes everyday??? pls dun tell me to give the fishes away while i recycle my tank or sumthing like tt...thank you

Previous posts suggest some kind of wum activity going on here imo


what do you mean 'wum activity'
Wiggles Underling Minions....... Warbeling Undulating Music

lol I have no clue what your on about! :rolleyes:
this morning when i was out,my dad did a 100% water change, yes a 100% water change. so now, all de bacteria has been destroyed and i need to recycle de tank again...i jus measured my ammonia lvl..it was 4.o ppm and my nitrite lvl is 0 ppm...wat should i do??? 25% water changes everyday??? pls dun tell me to give the fishes away while i recycle my tank or sumthing like tt...thank you

Previous posts suggest some kind of wum activity going on here imo


what do you mean 'wum activity'

sounds like something i order from my local chinese, tho saying that chinese sounds good to me at the moment.
sorry, I'm just now back to here, there was no clever slang, just thought it sounded really funny for some reason... assume what was really meant would be of the wriggling wum variety, like planaria, if small :lol:

UK Slang Lesson No 3

courtesy of urban dictionary WUM - Wind Up Merchant :D

never heard that before myself

edit - or something else considerably ruder but i doubt that's what he intended!!! lmao

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