Search results

  1. fishboy619

    Bumblebee Goby

    you have asked the question that nobody knows the answer to its a matter of opinion based on peoples own experiences. i keep mine in freshwater, and they are doing very well. they arent to hard to feed, mine will take frozen or live foods, and sometimes go for flakes and other fishfood. when i...
  2. fishboy619

    Never Thought I'd See This...

    my guess the frog alreaddy dead before snail eating it, other wise surely the frog would have swam away before the snail got a hold of it
  3. fishboy619

    Khuli Kwestion

    well in the end its your choice, i was only giving my opinion, atleast you realalised the risk and left the kuhliis out for now to be on the safe side. personally i think the kuhliis are well suited for 10gallon tanks and bigger, but my opinion. i wouldnt add any ninja shrimp or cherry shrimps...
  4. fishboy619

    Khuli Kwestion

    hummmm.....thats a hard one, it wont over stock the tank adding a few kuhliis, but the aggression could be a problem as you say. i have one very aggressive dwarf puffer who will attack anything, but saying that, i have 3 DP's in a 15gallon along with apple snails, ottos and a ghost shrimp, so i...
  5. fishboy619

    How Many Adfs In 2.5 Gal?

    most shrimps will go for anything, all mine tend to do, algea wafers, catfish pellets, flakes, anything the shrimps can grab, they will eat. having a few shrimps with ADF's might be a good idea, clean the leftovers from the frogs.
  6. fishboy619

    Just Set Up My Adf Tank!

    i tlooks good. i dont often like blue gravel, but it looks good in this tank as like you said, looks like water around the island. i would probally move the plant to the back and have an open space for them, or even add some smaller plants there, but its good for now. more plants would be a hit...
  7. fishboy619

    Coll Pool

    i cant chose i like them all! whats cold water marine? i didnt know there was such a thing
  8. fishboy619

    Khuli Kwestion

    it depends on what other fish are going to be in the tank bill, in general, i count them as an inch less than they are, because of their long body shape. and to behonest, they do prefer bigger groups, 2 is the minimum, but bigger groups and you will see more active behaviour. i had 2, and they...
  9. fishboy619

    First Tank

    it has a heater in the tank, you can see it clearly in the first picture
  10. fishboy619

    Heater Stance

    some cant be fully submerged so i have them vertically next the the filter out put so the heat is carried along. the ones that can be fully submerged, are placed horizontal near the base of the aquarium, a few inches from the substrate, as heat rises, it carries the warmth up to the surface, and...
  11. fishboy619

    Is He Really Habrosus

    looks very much like a harbrosus to me
  12. fishboy619

    Small Reptiles

    i admit its cute, but i think all geckos are. its just leopard geckos need floor space, and i havent the room for a long tank. sorry. (note; i have the same cave in one of my fish tanks, lol. good choice)
  13. fishboy619

    My Tank

    your dwarf puffer tank is looking very nice now. when those none aquatic plants die off, just replace with aquatic ones. when i first added my dwarf puffers to the tank they are in now, they did chase each other and have small scraps with each other, till a rank is achived. you just need to not...
  14. fishboy619

    Adf's How Much To Feed?

    i would let the cube defrost, best way i find is placing in in a small glass (i use a old shot glass) and add a little tank water to the glass. with in 15min it will be defrosted.
  15. fishboy619

    Small Reptiles

    those dwarf sand geckos look perfect. but i wouldnt be sure how available they would be. cost wouldnt be too much of a problem, i could save up. i will visit a few reptile shops when i get a chance and see what they say
  16. fishboy619

    Adf's How Much To Feed?

    i feed them every 2-3 days, as much as they will eat till they're bellies are nice and round. i also feed glassworms, daphina and brine shrimsp, sometimes all 4 mixed. again i feed till my frogs have a round belly. i have 2 in one tank, and tend to use just under 1 frozen cube. so with 5 i would...
  17. fishboy619

    Small Reptiles

    is it really aggressive? what do the really small snakes eat? surely they can have only baby mice as they would be too big. i do like the leopard geckos, but i like the idea of having a smaller reptile, and a gecko that climbs up walls etc, lol. thanks for all your help guys.
  18. fishboy619

    Small Reptiles

    thanks, what are AFTG's? arent they any dwarf geckos, i found some on google, but very little info about them, are they rare? what about small snakes, do all snakes eat mice and other baby mammals, or can they eat insects?
  19. fishboy619

    Juwel Filter Media Changes?

    why should we forget the nitrate sponges? i know carbon can leak things back into the water after a while, and dont do much in terms of ongoing aquarium maintance, but i thought nitrate sponges helps remove nitrates and did something useful.
  20. fishboy619

    Small Reptiles

    i would prefer to handle my reptile, and something quick isnt the best, if it escaped i would be devastated. not saying it has to be tortoise slow, just not super quick. what newts do you keep? spiders are a NO, my mum doesnt like them, i dont like them, lol. most bugs dont bother me, but...
  21. fishboy619

    Small Reptiles

    i will look into the tree frogs thanks. i would probally be a little scared of the poison arror frogs escaping or poisoning me, lol. maybe when i get some experience.
  22. fishboy619

    My Leopard Gecko

    ahhhh, thanks for explaining. i learnt something new.
  23. fishboy619

    Small Reptiles

    i am doing a lot of research first, thats why i asked here, and looking for somewhere to start. i would never buy any animal unless i had done plenty of research before hand. the thing is, i would like a small, easy to care for reptile, but dont know where to start, if i am given a species, i...
  24. fishboy619

    My Leopard Gecko

    lovely gecko. it may be me, but does that tank look...empty? not trying to be rude, but usally at reptile shops that have a substrate on the floor and some branch/ leave things for them. or is that wrong? either way the gecko looks very health and she seems to like it.
  25. fishboy619

    Would A Snail And 3 Endler's Work In Here

    snails do poop a lot, but they do eat a lot of leftovers so its kinda 2 and 2. i would add the endlers and snails. i wouldnt have thought u would be over stocked then, but hold of any more fish as most likely the endlers with have fry. also, make sure you have more females then males, otherwise...
  26. fishboy619

    Small Reptiles

    i was looking at getting a small viverium and wondered what reptiles would be best placed into the viverium. i would like something that stays small, and easy to care for. is there any reptile that could do with out a heat lamp/heat mat? or do all reptiles need one. it will be probally a taller...
  27. fishboy619

    5 Gallon Stocking

    thanks candyraver, you are free to copy any images i have and use them yourself, that goes for anyone. i think the general idea for the tank spazzinout that everyone is happy with would probally to change the guppies after the fry have grown up and sold and to get a betta and something else...
  28. fishboy619

    How Many Adfs In 2.5 Gal?

    ive never had any problems with shrimps and frogs living together. and the extra shrimp can clean up what the frogs leave, but they would still need to be fed aswell.
  29. fishboy619

    Sparkling Gouramies

    bump anyone have any ideas yet?
  30. fishboy619

    How Many Adfs In 2.5 Gal?

    my honest opinion i would say 2. you could make the tank a really nice and lovely looking with small plants and caves, nice sandy substrate i find is best for the frogs. i wouldnt add a female betta. partly as i belive they belong in no smaller tanks then 5gallons, but also is such a small tank...
  31. fishboy619

    5 Gallon Stocking

    in my opinion, the only common fish that should be placed into 5gallon tanks are either a betta or a dwarf puffer. a shrimp tank would look good, or if you are inot something different, snails and frogs, but thats getting away from fish keeping...
  32. fishboy619

    8000 Gallon Tank

    huge fishtank or what? god knows what i would stock that with, just about everything at the fish store, lol. intresting video
  33. fishboy619

    Singular Fish For Ten Gallons

    dwarf puffer, sparkling gouramie, honey gouramie, dwarf gouramie, bumble bee goby, endlers, Mosquitofish. or if you are wanting small shoaling fish: small rasboras (spotted),dwarf cories, pygmy hatchets, or even shell dwelling cichlids
  34. fishboy619


    some bumblebee gobies are freshwater, they come from freshwater in the wild some species, and do very well in freshwater. they may be hard to feed, but i dont think that means i shouldnt have them, i have a brine shrimp culture which i could use, and most bumblebee gobies can take to frozen, and...
  35. fishboy619


    i have kept bettas in communities before, some are aggrssive, but a lot of mine have been fine with carfully chosen tank mates, some, most, bumblebee gobies are brackiah, but some species are freshwater, and they some from freshwater in the wild, so its fine.
  36. fishboy619

    Both My 10 Gallons

    is that small 1 gallon tank at the bottom of the main tank? how do you feed the guppies and clean the tank out, do you lift it up everytime? not to be picky, but wont the top of the gallon tank need a surface where air meets water. not much of a fan of the bowl thing, but the large rocks do look...
  37. fishboy619


    if i was to say i would like a tank with (and expect size to be plenty big enough, and fully mature): sparkling gouramies bumble bee gobies cardinal tetra C.harbrosus kuhlii loaches betta shrimps (amano, cherry, crystals) ottos would they be any aggression problems. i know bettas and gouramies...
  38. fishboy619

    A Few New Pictures With Some New Faces...

    some nice fish there, picture 14 of the tank, looks a little full. how big is the tank?
  39. fishboy619

    Some New Pix - Got Bored And Upgraded + New Bumblebee Shrimp

    great pics. whats the floating plant above the rasboras? the pygmy corys are brill. nice idea with the daphina in the glass. do they breed quickley so you feed them to your fish? the betta rfy as nice too. hope you get some nice adults.
  40. fishboy619

    Took Some Pictures Thought Id Show You Guys

    love the bogwood. i counted 13 cardinal tetra too, lol. and some other fish. care to shine some light on what they are? just asking as im intrested. lovely angel too. very pretty.