First Tank


Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2007
Reaction score
Chatham, Kent
Heres some pics of my first tank - all opinions welcome

Apologies for poor quality - they are off my phone :crazy:



Looks abit bare. I would get some more fake plants in there. Looks good tho.

PS You shouldn't really have your gold fish in there. They are cold water fish not tropical. They like high oxyqen levels so make sure you have alot of water movement at the surface (it looks like you do)..
a bit emptyor my liking have u considered buying live plants and bog wood for a natrual look?
i would agree with the others amnd say its too bare. try adding some live/fake plants and some bogwood. maybe a cove or something aswell. i would also add a background. i do like the plant you have in now, its very good for a fake plant. not sure about the root structure thing, but thats my opinion.
i see a heater in there, so its a tropical tank, and goldifhs arent tropical, i would advise you take them back to the store. maybe purchase some more tropical fish, many tetras would be good. or livebearers (if you can deal with the fry), some small gouramies, or many others. i would suggest doing some research beofre buying anything, so money is saved and you get what you really want.
what size is the tank, did you cycle it?
the root structure would look good in the back right corner and build up from there but apart from that move the goldfish out there int perfect temp for COLDwater and TROPICAL averidge tropical temp is 24 to 25 and coldwater is 16 and below i think
nice tank looks good

i would deffo add some more plants and rocks though
Thanks for comments - will add more plants - going to look into live ones.

Was a bit skint on cash, hence the limited deco.

The Goldfish were from old tank, don't want to let them go :-(.

In a couple of weeks though - 2 Months tops; Going to transfer Goldfish into Father -In-Laws Pond.
couple of things
1. how big is the tank
2. I would definitely buy more decor. i like aquariums that are all fake plants and fake driftwood and decor that is more colorful and elegant than natural also colors I think are better in aquariums with fake plants with planted aquariums I like ones that are real with live plants driftwood and maybe sunken ship or rock caves a little darker colors. thats just my opinion and there are many circumstances where I like to mix and match but it all depends on you if you like to look at your fish all the time then give fewer hiding spots if you like to watch them feed and play and swim ocasionaly put more stuff in it just all depends but what matters most is that you like it but for your fishes hapiness sake i woulda some caves or something more as shelter if you are short on cash then you can improvise with tubberware CUT OUT THE BOTTOM AND DROM IT IN ON ITS SIDE and your swish will have a ball chasing each other through it and swimming through it in general. also you make a cave the same way with a pot for plants
Actually, I like how it's bare like that. It looks big and open. Looks really nice. :hyper: !
now who said this was a tropical setup? i have kept guppies for many years some in tropical some in coldwater usually lowest is around 18, the only problem i see is that the goldfish will outgrow the tank and they are high watse producers but as they are being moved i see no problem. how many guppies do you have and are they same sex or mixed? think more plants would look good in there :good:
but you don't know what temp the heater is kept at, i had a heater in with my goldfish to keep the temp stable and to avoid swings that could kill the fish

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