Search results

  1. W

    Breeding Guppies

    ok cant see a problem but £2 for guppies :o smell a fish (no pun intended)
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    where not sure what it is i dont think it is a L134 the patterning is differnt there was three of them in with a L129 i was collecting and i decided to take the lot, the shop had them in under "false Zebras" will try and get some better pictures of them tonight Clare
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    My Bearded Dragon (joey)

    he's beautifull i have a trio of bearded dragons
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    sorry it's not a very good photo will try and get some of my others when the batteries have chardge up Clare
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    Starlight Bristlenose Success

    sadly there not 183s i wish there were i have been looking for some of these for a long while, i'm hoping theres some coming in on a shipment a wholeseller is getting in but he cant promise there will be on there :sad: Clare
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    At Last Endler Babies

    sorry i havnt got back sooner the endlers are just swrodtail endlers, bought enougher pair at the weekend ther ein a little quarintine tank came home today to find that the female had given birth to around 15 babies :) .....i'm hoping to expand my collection but finding differnt strains in...
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    Starlight Bristlenose Success

    wonderful i have some of these i wish mine would hurry up and breed i want cute babies :lol:
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    Bumblebee Catfish...

    i have the mircroglanis version lively little fellows there are :lol:
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    At Last Endler Babies

    I purchased 4 pairs of endler babies saly i lost one of the female (think it was stress of moving as she was pregnant) but the others have been busy and i now have around 40 endler babies in my little growing on tank, i'm very happy as you can tell as i had to wait two years before i found some...
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    Festive Labradors

    aww meg looks alot like my Choclate Lab remmie aka choclate monster photos arnt that good as off my phone will have to get some decent ones of her....may i ask where you got her from?? Clare
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    Hard Life Being A Dog

    awww lovely are there workign goldies, i saw a really dark goldie yesterday what i call the old fashioned goldie beautifull :wub:
  13. W


    now Big MIck are you the Big mick i know of NOBS?????????????
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    Gibbiceps Sailfin & Common Bristle Nose

    ooohhh where did you get your L183 i've been after one of those for a long time :wub:
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    Finally Black-sword Fry

    congratulations :party:
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    How Long

    dont give up we all start somewhere no one is ever an expert we all learn new things all the time this site is really helpful and will help get you sorted good look with all your fish
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    I Have Babies :wub:

    4 of my female guppies looked very pregnant so i popped each of them into my 1 gallon breeding tanks and this monring one has given birth (around 40 babies) and the other three look like its going to be very soon i love guppie babies :wub:
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    Whats The Preferred Food For A Large Catfish

    for a filter i would recommend a Kockney 5 bay filter there excellent thats what we use on our koi pond
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    November's Pet Of The Month

    woodie got two nominations!!! she says thanks !!!
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    Black Lab

    silver Labs dont exsits and are a cross breed just beacause the dog is KC reg dosnt make it a pure bred if you look at the photos you can tell it isnt a a lab it looks more like a weirm :nod:
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    Your Biggest Catfish Picks

    [code] :lol: beautifu fish :drool:
  22. W

    Can I Mix Cory Species?

    yeah :nod: my bronze and pandas all get on corries are very very sociable little things :wub:
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    Plec Suggestions

    sorry to her that :sad:
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    Your Biggest Catfish Picks

    ohhh that might have been it then :rolleyes: i take it the channles are its smaller cousin i dont really know much about cold water catfish
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    Come Share Your Pics with me and my friend PART II

    which one the big one? he was BIG and he was just a normal plec as far as i know
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    Your Biggest Catfish Picks

    it was on one of the fishing programmes my boyfriend watches this fish was over 6ft in lenght :nod:
  27. W

    New L029

    wow never seen a rhino plec before going to go and see if i can find it on planet catfish :D
  28. W

    Come Share Your Pics with me and my friend PART II

    here are some of my plecs the pictures arnt very good as there taken of my mobile phone as when i go with digi cam there all seem to dissappear :no: this picture is taken in my holding tank where my fishes go when i'm doing the yearly big clean out so dont worry he wasnt in there long :)
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    My day out at stapley - water gardens

    from what i rember there didnt say anything -_- but it wa taken a while ago so there might have said somethig and i have just forgotten :lol:
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    New L029

    would a rhino plec be a BN ?? :huh:
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    thanks :D
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    Whats The Preferred Food For A Large Catfish

    i know a fish farm over here and there feed there channles whole trout but there also love the large trout pellets you can get as there really oily
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    Pictus Catfish

    best site on the web for info about catfish is planet catfish and hers a link to pictus cats :D
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    Panda Cory...

    mine are in a group on six and there scurry around together happilywhen i first got them there were a bit shy for a couple of days
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    Your Biggest Catfish Picks

    Hi Soaup the room itself is going to be made out of brick and is several hundred square feet, then for the ponds are going to be in the corners with tanks along the the walls for smaller fish then i'm either going to use the ponds in the picture (blue tanks) or build new ones out of brick and...
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    yes i aslo prefer the classic small labs and i try to breed that into my puppies my friend has a large lab that looks my like a mastiff and there just not my cup of tea :no:
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    Black Lab

    labradors can have white on there chest this is called in working circles as the "queens stamps" as many of the queens labs have a white bit on there chest and my own dog ty has a bit and i can trace his pedigree back to the early 1900's what also includes alot of the queens pedigree what is...
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    Your Biggest Catfish Picks

    we do have two 16foot by 12foot by 4foot deep tanks but there need alot of work doing on them and were not sure if there will be repairable will get a photo of them when we go up to the farm as where storing them in a friends barn at the moment due to there size or not hence where we got the...