Panda Cory...


Fish Crazy
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
Newcastle, uk
What is the minimum group size? I have two at the moment, they're pretty shy so i was thinking of getting a few more, would this help? ????
3 - 5 is usually a nice size, but i have 2 and they are fine together and are out and about.
How long have you had them? I had them for 2 weeks before they became comfortable.
mine are in a group on six and there scurry around together happilywhen i first got them there were a bit shy for a couple of days

I've had them both for a few weeks now, they seem alot smaller than i was expecting, so maybe they're still young?

They just seem really jumpy, whenever someone moves anywhere near the tank they hide, and every now and again jump at the sight of a neon? I thought increasing the group size to maybe 3-4 would help?
It is recomended to keep them in groups of 3 or more as they like to school , and will feel more secure :)

So yes , it would be wise to incease them to 3 or more :)
Increasing the school is a good idea. You may find that they remain jumpy whatever you do though. My peppereds (group of 4) are extremely happy, play all over the tank and spawn frequently, but they still dive for cover when I enter the room suddenly or move up to the tank so my shadow falls across the light. just instinct, I reckon.
I would go with as much as you can :) i started with 4 peppereds and they a little active but now i have 7 they are all over the place, you cant look at the tank without seeing them :D love em to bits, wouldnt mind some pands corys tho, the look nice but from what ive read things can easily go wrong :(

Hi !Gina :)

Pandas are naturally shy, but do seem to do better in larger groups. :nod:

They are smaller than many corys, with the females growing to 2" and the males somewhat smaller. They like cooler tank temperatures (71 to 75 degrees F.) and will spawn in a home aquarium when they are mature. They are slow growing corys, but thrive on a high protein diet of live blackworms or tubifex worms and/or frozen bloodworms, along with a good quality flake food and some algae wafers.

Another factor to consider is their tankmates. If they are nervous about them, they will hide. Pandas, more than any other cory I have, seem to appreciate being in a single species tank. Definitely do not keep them with aggressive or highly active fish. :D
I have about 9 small, young pandas in a 10 usg with 2 scarlett dario dario 1/2" females and a small bred Betta plakat male. They rule the tank and are happy. My only concern is that eventually I will have to move them. There may still be one lone one left in the miniatures tank that would not cooperate. They barely even hide when I lift the lid to feed.
Okay thanks alot for the advice, i'm deffinetly thinking of increasing the group size to 4, as for tank mates
my plec is pretty shy and the neons and guppy shouldnt bother them too much, but we'll see how they do as a group of 4


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