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  1. F

    Remove me from this forum

    I came to this forum thinking I could get help from time to time and to also add my two cents. I think I'll add my two cents now as it has gotten me little help when I needed it most. I have posted several different problems and have gotten little to no response. I'm very disenchanted...
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    Fuzzy Fin

    The details are in the emergency forum under the same title: Fuzzy Fish Fin
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    Fuzzy Fin

    Asking for a clue what this is???????
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    Fuzzy Fin Fish

    I didnt think it was oodinium either, but I could be wrong as its only on the fins and has not gone to other parts. I will post a pic of what it looks like.
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    Fuzzy Fin Fish

    My angelfish have had this fuzziness to the tips of their fins for about 19 days. I will post the specs on the tank below. I have treated with kanacyn, melafix, and a dose of Furcyn all of which has done nothing to make any changes. Their fins dont seem to be wasting like fin rot, but the...
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    Crypts and Vals

    :rolleyes: Well, I guess I'll take this question elsewhere :/
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    Anybody here a dog lover?

    Love the animals :D I have a Collie that needs as much attention as the fish. She is sensitive to foods and has allergies to alot of things. She had a spider bite last year that put a hive the size of Cleveland on her rump and had to get it shaved and treated :-( at the vets. She is high...
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    Lighting 4 Planted Tank

    BTW, welcome to the forum!!!.....Hoping you like it here as there is a wealth of information and sharing as you can see. :) You may get many different variations on this subject, so its is up to you on how to change your lighting situation. There will be anything from do-it-yourself (DIY)...
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    Crypts and Vals

    I purchased what I thought was crypts and some different types of Corkscrew Vals at a LFS two weeks ago. I have found after buying from several stores the plants never seem to be what they are labeled in the store which rather ticks me off. I no longer patronize one LFS as it has even happened...
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    Set up new CO2 system today

    When I first started mine it took about 72 hours with the ingredients it came with. From then on, I did some research on the subject and decided to use my own ingredients which for one is cheaper and two it lasts longer. If I remember correctly air is a deterant for its activation or...
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    Albino corys

    Hiya I have 5 corydorus plateatus (albino cory). They are a treasure to watch play in sand and rooting for things. They seem to be much calmer than the bronze corys. My tank stays at 7.0 Ph and they dont seem to be suffering at that level. I feed them frozen blood worms they cant get enough...
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    Angel Swimmers/Fry

    I had never realized angelfish were born as tiny as guppies. Do they even look like angelfish when they are born (I mean the shape)?? This is so interesting!!!.........Mama keep up the good hard work. I am sure you are very proud. :thumbs: I am hoping, at least in this next generation, to...
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    Snowflake Eel

    I have a spiny eel. What we have done is use a turkey baster.........cut part of the end off, but made sure it had no sharp edges. The frozen food (bloodworms, mosquito larvae, brine shrimp) was put in the rubber top of the baster with water then shaken. The eel would actually crawl into the...
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    fish tricks

    :fun: :fun: :fun: I felt like I was in Behavioral Mod Class all over again....... :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: B)
  16. F

    What is that in my tank??

    mama I'm so glad I didnt end up with hydra along with the planaria. I think both of them together would have kept me from indoor fishkeeping all together. (hate worms) :sick: I am a big baby when it comes to worms. To really find out if you have them, when you turn your lights off at night...
  17. F

    Angel Fin Rot

    I purchased an angel over a week ago. It was the best one the lfs had but was in with ill fish. Its in a hospital tank. I have been adding kanacyn every day for a week, but the fish's swimming fins (forgot the name of them...... :shifty: me bad) have been deteriorating still. I also have...
  18. F


    Was a little concerned on that sea shell you added to the tank. Some will leach into the water causing instability in the ph levels and since this is a small tank that has its own set of problems due to its size, you might have some problems down the line. I'd use rock formations or something...
  19. F

    What is that in my tank??

    Mama I had told you in one of my prior post that I had these too after a fishless cycle. One of them is planaria. You can look those up on the net. They arent harmful unless in excess from what I understand. They will kill small fry though. Mine dwindled in numbers after tank cleanings...
  20. F


    Just want to add something. Was reading in some of the posts about messes on the floor from the hoses coming out of the buckets on water changes. I bought a shower curtain from a cheap store for $1.00 and lay that out on the carpet. I put the buckets on it and wipe away the water after I'm...
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    I Have new babies!!!

    Bigfish :D Congrats on your new arrivals. Glad you didnt have the fish we have as each time it gave birth it dropped at least 75-100 at a time. She is due again soon :blink: :hyper: and she is the most passive guppy we have. She is a treasure to watch. When she is near birth, she waits...
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    General and carbon hardness

    As of now my Kh=9-10 and GH=4 :o :o :o :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I'll get this right now.......they are backwards :fun: Gh=9-10 Kh=4 :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
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    Fishless cycling

    Mama Good luck with your fishless cycle. I did one too and it worked out great. I had no beneficial bacteria to start with, but completed the cycle in 14 days. The only thing I see in one of your posts was that you use some food to cycle it in. I know there doesnt seem to be "the right or...
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    observations about weather loaches

    Since this post, I have a mission to find these creatures of the water. My LFS is out of them right now, but plan on keeping up the looking. I wish to add them to my outdoor pond as an added feature for those late nights on the deck. Thanks for the post as I get ideas from everyone :D
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    Pregnant Guppy

    I understand with guppies if they arent old enough they will withhold birth til they are. We have females that are about 3 months old and are pregnant but wont drop. I am under the impression they wont give birth til they are around 6 months old. :crazy: :fun:
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    General and carbon hardness

    Kryten Dare I ask what brand test you use. Or maybe the difference is that you are in the UK??? I have a test for GH and KH and it does not give you the "ppm". I know there is a formula to change my test numbers into ones like yours. Anyone Know????? As of now my Kh=9-10 and GH=4. Does...
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    I differ somewhat. Online script kitties use the word "peep" in a negative way. Its to mean that you are uneducated and dont have the know how to keep a hacker from getting into your computer. When I first saw this "peep" word in this forum I was set back as to its meaning since I have spent...
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    new tank, and problems

    I want to address the lighting that you have mentioned in your post. floresent lighting that i keep on 4 hours a day, large amazon sword plant i put in the tank is slowly turning brown and losing it's leaves, My lighting is keep on during the day about 10-12 hours. It is a fully planted...
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    Oh My Goodness...No Way

    Mama :D I'll take a few of them off your hands :hyper: . Congrats!!!!
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    Favorite Tank Always!!

    :lol: This is my outdoor pond area that we get to sit at late at night or just anytime. It houses 3 koi and a feeder goldfish that got away from my daughters Oscars, so he found a new home. I have had this set up for more than 3 years.
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  32. F

    normal flourescent light

    Most likely if you are in the US, the bulb is only a 15 watt bulb. That seems to be the standard here. If you have changed the bulb, I have no idea what it could be but doubt its over 20 watts due to buying bulbs myself and finding nothing under that amount for that size tank lid. In a 10...
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    Head to Head Comparison

    I have no experience with the Via model, but do own two separate Fluval models. I own the 304 and a 404 Fluval. You just have to watch which version of both that are still out in stores. The main visual differences are the hose colors and the shut off valves. The older versions have clear...
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    Hardware placement

    :o I swear you must have read my mind :D I made this post as I think I do have a dead spot. Wouldnt you know that is where all the fish hang out and does get the dirtiest. So I am off to get a small powerhead to fix that problem. I heard on the radio there was a sale on light bulbs at...
  35. F

    Female Bettas

    I have to thank you all for posting the site on what a female betta looks like. I posted the question awhile back on the differences in the male and female and now have my answer. My daughter does have a male and female it turns out. :D In separate tanks of course :lol: We put the female...
  36. F

    Hardware placement

    I've gone back and read prior posts to find some answers to questions that I have always had. I couldnt find those answers or maybe I missed them somewhere. I realize there are many variables that may or may not change the answers. (i.e. size of the tank, type of filter, planted tank, etc)...
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    Kids got into the fish food#2

    This seems like a big decision on what to do. The bio in the filter must not have been able to keep up with the amount of fish that was in the tank. Thats the only thing I could guess with all that has happened. Sometimes though you may find its only temporary as spikes may occur suddenly and...
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    Here we go again.......

    I wont be able to help much with you problem tank, but the new one I may be able to throw some good hints. I did a fishless cycle on my large 4 foot tank. I added enough ammonia to get at least a 5.0 ammonia reading. I let that rock and did nothing to the water except make sure I kept the 5.0...
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    plastic plants + Dishwashers

    I would think there still may be some soap residue in the dishwasher. The other issue is the drying agent in most dishwashers to keep off spots from glasses. I'd be concerned!!!
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    Aggressive Female Guppies

    Well, I can say I have one agressive female guppy but it doesnt go as far as fin nipping. It does bump sides of other fish during feedings just to steal the food. Are you sure it's the guppies doing it????? :unsure: Using Melafix to heal the fins should do the trick. Follow the directions...