Fuzzy Fin Fish


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2003
Reaction score
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
My angelfish have had this fuzziness to the tips of their fins for about 19 days. I will post the specs on the tank below. I have treated with kanacyn, melafix, and a dose of Furcyn all of which has done nothing to make any changes. Their fins dont seem to be wasting like fin rot, but the growth just lingers on the tips of all fins with the exception of dorsal. If its colunarus, it has not gotten to the mouth area or doesnt seem to spread to any other part of their body that is visible. So, I am at a loss as to what to treat for, if anything. It does resemble cottony growth. The fish are eating normally and behavior has not changed.

The only changes to the tank have been a temperature drop due to installing an airconditioner, but was after noticing the fuzziness. The tank now stays a contant 80 degrees, whereas before the top of the tank was close 84 and the lower being 82. OOPs forgot, one other change was made to the lighting by installing a Coralife 48" flourescent at 96 watts with 6700k bulbs but I dont think this has anything to do with my problem.

The tank specs: 35% water change weekly
Dupla drops 4ml daily
Temp: 80 degrees

I am at wits end with this one as it doesnt seem to follow the traditional symptoms :/ I'll be leaving on vacation in less than 3 days and hope I dont come home to dead fish ;)
Hi Fishme2death.

It could be Oodinium. If you have a magnifying glass, look at the infected areas. If they are made up of dots, then this could be the cause. It is treatable with Forma-Green -or- Copper Sulfate.
I didnt think it was oodinium either, but I could be wrong as its only on the fins and has not gone to other parts.

I will post a pic of what it looks like.

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