Kids got into the fish food#2


Feb 21, 2003
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Miserable Wells, Texas
I did a 50% water change and got as much of the food out as I could, thought it would be ok....but when I checked on it this afternoon....there was an awful smell, and you couldn't even see the 6 angels in the 10 gal tank...I just checked the water and
ammonia is @ 4.0-5.0
[email protected]
nitrates @ 2.0
Nitrites @ 4.0

The tank has an undergravel filter, I added a filter that hangs on the is for a 30 gal, put new cartridge in it...this was about 2 hrs ago, and I just took those water readings....
should I do another water change?or

should I crowd all 11 of my angels into 1- 10 gal tank till this one clears up,

or put them back in my large tank that is trying to cycle....and possibly has ich or something else.

or put them in the 29 gal I just set up last night to do a fishless cycle.

I can't believe this happend...I am seriously thinging fish just aren't for me anymore

what should I do......
This seems like a big decision on what to do. The bio in the filter must not have been able to keep up with the amount of fish that was in the tank. Thats the only thing I could guess with all that has happened. Sometimes though you may find its only temporary as spikes may occur suddenly and go away just as suddenly. Just a hint that I have found was it takes about 6 hours to see most affects of decreasing or increases.

I think my advice may not be sound, but I'd make a judgement call. I'd not put any fish in the larger tank or the 29 gallon tank for now since you dont know what may be in there and the other one hasnt cycled either. I'd do a large percentage of water change on the 10 that had the food stuck in it and keep a close eye on it til you can get the larger tank back to normal. I am hoping for you it may only be a few more days. I dont think in that amount of time the fish would be harmed if water changes are done frequently. I hope another comes on to give you more sound advice than I. But this may do til then.

Its in circumstances like this its real handy to have an established filter system as a back up. After having sick fish, I now keep one going just in case of emergencies.

I am hoping you get over this hurdle and come back to the forum and let us know how you are doing. I'd hate to loose you as a member as you are gifted to us all.

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