I Have new babies!!!


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
cardiff uk

I've just managed to catch 2 baby guppies in my tank but al my females are still fat i think i must of interuppted.

I keep ya posted guys

:D im a mummy
Big, Yeah more than likely you they are still having babies....I read that it can take several days for them to get them all out. I know my last platy was like three days and she finally looked skinny.

Congrats on the babies, its a great feeling when you see them the first time, just wait till they get a little bigger and they come out in the tank

Congrats on the new family, mine took several days to drop, be carefull they love to eat em big time. hope you have more sucess than me i got just 3, and they were in a breeding net. :D
Congrats on the babies. more will come :)
I have a different problem. I found 2 babies in one of my tanks and none of the girls were pregnant! LOL. I must have accidently scooped them out of the baby tank at one time or another. :*)

Baby update:- i currently have 5 guppy babies, born on my birthday 2nd may and still keep finding them.

Guppy breeding is sooooo exciting
update guppy family is now 11 so far and still more to catch in the net.
Bigfish :D

Congrats on your new arrivals. Glad you didnt have the fish we have as each time it gave birth it dropped at least 75-100 at a time. She is due again soon :blink: :hyper: and she is the most passive guppy we have. She is a treasure to watch. When she is near birth, she waits for us to scoop her up to put her in a hidding place to give birth :thumbs:

Wish all guppies were like her..........Hoping yours is as much fun or is that FIN :D
Did you guys ever have problems with mum after she had dropped her fry? all my moms except 1 have died 2 weeks after giving birth & just wondered why it happens, i try keeping the environmental conditions as normal as poss and feed them a varied diet but they always seem to go down with something.

Any advice would be great.
They sometimes die after they have babies sometimes it is to stressful for them to handle they might be a little older and cant handle having anymore babies I dont know that is the only thing I can think of to make them die after having babies. oh and congrats on the new additions but in a few months you will have more than you can deal with trust me. I am getting out of the livebearers I cant handle all of them babies at first I thought it was cool but now it isnt so cool with no where to house them at all. they breed like rabbits.
What do you do with the babies? Do you keep them all or do you give them away? I just wonder what you guys do with the babies just in case it happens to me soon. I haven't experince it yet but I know I will sometime soon and when I do, I plan on keeping some and giving some to my brother's kids. But if they breed like rabbits, I may not be able to keep them all nor have anyone to give it to so I would like to know what other option I have for these cuties? Pet store?
I have kept most of mine so far some die before they get to adulthood. I currently have 39 baby platies all different colours pink, orange, white with spots, black and orange and they are soo cute. Currently all 3wks old and growing pretty fast.

I :wub: my babies
Not good news im afraid :unsure: my 70 fry started to die off since end of last week, they started to scratch against the glass and heater, discovered they have Gill worms or Skin flukes most have died, they are all under sterazin treatment for 10 days now.

Some got squashed by the breeder box :/ it was floating about in the water and squashed some against glass by the time i released what had happened it was too late :sad: some of the nice ones to.

So at the moment i am busy cleaning the tank floor up with all the dead bodies littered everywhere.

I have more platies than guppies left at the moment.

But i have 4 platies that are pregnant 2 of them are heavily pregnant but wont drop them.

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