Oh My Goodness...No Way


Feb 21, 2003
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Miserable Wells, Texas
ok......this is unlike anything all the books and everyone says.................I have angel eggs....... :p
I currently have 3 adults 2 silverdollar size and 3 about quarter size angels in a 10 gal tank...just a holding tank till my big one cycles.........................well go figure, I come in to feed them and find a couple hundred eggs on the slate......there tubes are still extended, and are trying to lay more......OMG :hyper: :hyper:
What do I do????
Take all the others out and just leave the parents and eggs, or will this disturb them??

There's a couple of things you could do......................

All these fish in a 10 gallon tank will surely lead to the eggs being eaten....either by the parents (as a defense mechanism) or the other angels!!!

You can pull out the slate and hatch them artificially...if you have the right equipment to do this!!

You would need.........

1. A gallon glass ice tea jar or a spare 5 or 10 gallon tank

2. an air pump and air stone

3. Methylene blue

Here is how you proceed...........(for a spare tank)

Fill the spare tank half way with water from the angels tank

Take any container that is used for the aquarium (one that the slate will fit in). Place it in the tank and put the slate into it making sure the eggs are completely covered with water.

Next, place the container holding the slate/eggs into the hatching tank.

Place the slate on an angle leaning it against one side of the tank.

Place the airstone in front of the slate and conect it to the air pump.

Have a gentle stream of bubbles (you will also need a valve to control the output of the airstone)to keep the eggs clean and aerated.

Place enough methylene blue in the tank to turn the water a dark blue. (some breeders do not use methylene blue, I do)

That's all there is to it to get started.

If it was me, I would probably not bother. Since this is the first spawn the eggs are probably not fertile or they will be gone shortly after the spawning is complete.

Do not fret tho....if the pair spawned in this tank chances are really good they will spawn in their new tank as well!!

Keep us posted.

Hey CM,

I don't need it at the moment (and v.jealous of Mamaphish) but nice post, thanks for the info..... :D
:*) I sorry fishsmurf :*)

:angel: :wizard: :eek: I will blow some Angeldust your way! :eek: :wizard: :angel:

I did however take all other fish out of that tank...then I just couldn't stand it....I had to take the eggs out too.

I put them in a clean 2 1/2 gal tank, and got up this morning and all were still clear!!
By this afternoon about 5 had turned white, but I got some plastic tweezers and removed them (plus about 10 that were fine! :-( ) and some of the debris on the bottom of the tank with a turkey baster.

If they do survive, and start hatching tomorrow, they will wiggle for about 3 days right?
Do I need to keep the air flow going in the tank in the same place, or what?
Do I need to change water at all?
I can't believe I have forgotten how I used to do this.....
oh...I did not use the Methylene blue...it was about midnight when I discovered them, and no LFS around here!

Thanks for all your help CM :D

I think I used that once before, but never
did again......amazing how your mind goes when children come!! :fun: :hyper: :S
I have wigglers !!!!!! 8) :angel: :fun: :S :shifty: 8)

My angel eggs started wiggling today.....
I got home last night and about half had already fallen off the slate and laying with the infected ones on the bottom, so spent a couple hours last night sorting them out, and....I think I probably saved more than half so far....It was a pretty good batch...I am guessing 300-400 starting out.
I wasn't really prepared for the angels to start spawning yet, so I didn't have everything set up, so I guess you could call this first batch an experiment...but going well so far.
I am going to see if the pair will raise the next batch.

:angel: :wub: :angel:
Congrats MamaPish :thumbs:

...since your Angel babies had babies...does that make you "GrandmamaPish" :p :p :lol: :lol: :lol:

...Ow...smack recieved. :D
Dont know real sure what puffer was getting whacked for .......I was thinking she should change her name to GrannyPish......lmao

You know we love you Mama

ok....If you need me I will be in the bathroom plucking my 4ft long grey hairs out of my head.......or maybe I'll just put it up in a bun :-( :-(
I am glad you have angel eggs I wish you alot of luck with them let me know how it goes with them because i am thinking about stiing up my 20 long with angels I have 5 tanks I have plans for each one of them just waiting on a few to cycle I have done real good so far I havent lost a fish yet.

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