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  1. K

    Lots of Red Tailed Sharks?

    Larger than a 55 gallon? And did she have other fish in there too? Edit: Didn't mean to hit submit :X
  2. K

    Lots of Red Tailed Sharks?

    I've read that red tailed sharks can be like barbs, one is fine, and more then 6 is fine but anything else is bad. Is this completely true? Will 6 red tailed sharks be okay in my 55 gallon alone with barbs?
  3. K

    Angel Fish and the others

    Barbs are fin nippers. Even more so when they are in groups less than 5 or 6. So no you can't really do that with some type of problem arising. I don't even know if 3 adult angels will even be happy in a tank that big, but I'm sure about the first thing I said.
  4. K

    Can fish breed with other types of fish???

    I don't think so. I'd imagen they could try but I don't think anything would come of it. But then again I don't really know, I'm just guessing. Though platies and swordtails can breed with eachother.
  5. K

    Interestin fish...

    The stores around here don't know, or have a label other then upside-down catfish. When I looked up S. nigriventris all the pictures showed a multi color one. The ones I've seen are completely black with a lot of wiskers. Do you know what kind these are?
  6. K

    Cleaning rocks & wood

    Gravel I'm not sure about, but I can explain to you how I clean rocks/wood. Mind you I clean them and put them into a tank that won't have fish for another week or two, so there is probably a better way. First I fill my bathtub with warm water, and scrub for a while. A long while, so I cover...
  7. K

    Never again!!

    Seeing the poor conditions of fish at Wal-marts just makes me want to work there more. I'm 100% sure I know more about fish then the people that currently work in the fish area (I've told costumers about the fish they were buying and stopped a couple of people from putting oscars in their 10...
  8. K

    New fry . . .what to feed?

    You're going to want to keep them away from the other fish until they are big enough that they won't fit in the mouths of the other fish. Maybe even bigger so they don't get bullied a lot. I've had mine away for about 3 and a half weeks, and they are still way to small. When you feed them...
  9. K

    Interestin fish...

    Is it okay to mix barbs from different stores? None of the pet stores around me carry more then 4 or 5 healthy ones at a time. Should I buy them all the same day or is it okay to get groups of them a couple days apart? I'm just afraid that if I put some in before the others, they might not...
  10. K

    Employees at Petco

    "The employee can and will be only as good as the training they receive!!" I completely agree with cichlidmaster there. I've had my share of bad experiences with employees, so I'm just always sure to know about what I'm buying. And try not to stereotype, I'm sure there are some people on here...
  11. K

    Film at the top of the water?

    Hahaha Well I did it, and it worked fine, now I just need to try another type of flake for the small tank I guess.
  12. K

    Interestin fish...

    Alright, I'll look into those loaches, thanks.
  13. K

    Interestin fish...

    I'm not sure which kind upside-down catfish. I'd ask before I bought though. Which kind are good for what? Any other suggestions?
  14. K

    Film at the top of the water?

    Yea, the agitation from the filter is enough, I think. I've never done anything to my Ph, so I guess it must be the food. I use the same flakes in all my tanks but i guess because this is the smallest, it is the only one that it shows up on. I'll try the newspaper thing, well, I'm going to...
  15. K

    Interestin fish...

    I'm setting up a 55 gallon, which I plan to put 10+ barbs in (mostly tigers with a couple others mixed in). I'm also looking for ideas of what other active, interesting fish that can go in there and get alone fine with the barbs. Here are some ideas I've had, suggestions are more then welcome...
  16. K

    Film at the top of the water?

    On the surface of my 5 gallon there is this rainbow colored stuff. Its a very thin layer, and the colors almost make me think it is some kind of oil. Maybe from food? The tank has about 15 fry, still only like 3 weeks old. I feed them crushed flakes 4-5 times a day. 90% of it gets eaten...
  17. K

    Fish to cycle with?

    Thanks again for everyones advice. The tank is up and cycling right now (fishless of course).
  18. K

    Fish to cycle with?

    Is there anything wrong with doing any of these things in my 55 gallon? (Haven’t gotten it yet just trying to set out a plan first) Adding the wastewater from the next water change (8 gallons worth) from my mature tanks into the new one, then willing it with dechlorinated tap water. Rinsing...
  19. K

    Fish to cycle with?

    Okay, I’m definitely going fishless, I just wish I had more patience :crazy: . Looking at an empty tank for a couple weeks is going to suck. Thanks for everyone’s advice :)
  20. K

    Fish to cycle with?

    "If you "seed" the tank from another, matured tank, it can literally take 2 weeks." Would putting some gravel from an old tank into the new one work? What about if I put a filter cartrige from a mature filter into the new filter?
  21. K

    Fish to cycle with?

    Fishless cycle only taking 2 weeks for a 55 gallon? I though it'd be a lot longer. Is that the way when you add household ammonia at the start, then every other day? Can anyone give me directions about how to do his? I've read about doing it with 10 and 20 gallons but not 55's. How much...
  22. K

    Fish to cycle with?

    I'm getting read to start cycling my 55 gallon using fish. The guy at the LPS said most tetras are good, is this true? I'm looking for a couple of schooling fish that can withstand the ammonia and nitrate spikes, something other than zebra danios and possibly flashy/colorful. Anyone have...
  23. K

    how many tiger barbs?

    I know tiger barbs are calmer in schools, butwould a group that big (15+) leave other fish (plecos or smaller tetra schools) alone completely?
  24. K

    Gravel !

    I've read so many different things about this. Some things say 1 - 1.5 lbs per gallon (.45 - 0.68kg per 3.8 L), some things say less then 1/4 inch (.64cm), some say its only decoration and is not needed at all while others say they hold bacteria and make fish feel more at home. So, how much...
  25. K

    Two Flying Foxes Died

  26. K

    Two Flying Foxes Died

    Last night I put 3 flying foxes into my 20 gallon tank. Its only been running for about a month and a half. There are also two swordtails, and 1 mollie in the tank. The water has been slightly greenish a month ago but that went down when I kept the lights out for a bit longer each day. Now...
  27. K

    What Size are fry when born?

    Don't wait too long before putting her in a new tank. If she is very pregnunt and you move her it can stress her out. Even more so if that water has a different Ph, temp, (little change is fine) or anything like that.
  28. K

    Fish Compatability

    I think those sharks get way too big for a 15 gallon.
  29. K

    Opinions needed please

    Yea, blue gills are really pretty. Ones that live in heavily weeded areas are a lot darker and the blue under thier mouth is really cool. The ones that live in open areas that get a lot of sun seem bland as far as blue gills go. If I ever get a sunny I'd like to see if he would change his...
  30. K

    Opinions needed please

    I'll tell you what I know through fishing experience... They usually don't grow more then 5 or 6 inches. 95% of the ones (millions) I've seen have been less than 6 inches, but I've seen some like 12. They eat anything, (foil, hooks, paper, rocks, so be carefull what you drop in the tank)...
  31. K

    Baby Mollies

    A ratio of 2 females : 1 male would probably be better then 2:2. That is, if you plan to breed them.
  32. K

    Baby Mollies

    If you want to breed them it works out better if you have a 2 female : 1 male ratio.
  33. K

    i need some advice asap

    Water changes. Do a bigger one now, and do them more often, I guess.
  34. K

    New to

    Sounds good, know any other plants that would suit my tank well? (by the way the picture by your name is awesome, I spent some time sparing at it.)
  35. K

    New to

    I want to set up a planted tank. I'd like to just set up a 10 gallon untill I get the hang of it but I have no clue how. All the infomation I've read is either VERY basic or way to complex, so I was wondering if someone could explain a couple of things to me. Like what plants are good for...
  36. K

    What the..?

    I think the things they can do with genetics are pretty awesome. I don't think there is anything wrong with testing it on fish and doing experiments, but producing hundreds of thousands of them for commercial sale is different. I signed the petition. Did you guys read about the rabbit? They...
  37. K

    zebra danio sucked up filter

    Cut out a piece of pantyhose and wraped it around the intake of the filter, then keep it on with a rubber band. Most particles will still be able to get through, but some won't so either change the pantyhose every once in a while or clean the outside with a gravel cleaner while doing a water...
  38. K

    quarantine tank

    Yea, I never quarantined either but I can understand why someone with a couple hundred dollars worth of fish in a tank might want too.
  39. K

    This forum = AWESOME!

    :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: Like the top of this page says "The friendliest Forum Around", that is so true. I have been on a few forums and this is, without a doubt, the friendliest. I came here knowing next to nothing about...
  40. K

    Fish that won't eat fry?

    You had it correct the first time. I was kind of hoping there would be some kind of omnivore I could just put in there. Oh well, thanks for the reply. Oh and yea, the tank is established. The previous residents found a new home :( (Ich that was discovered too late)