Baby Mollies


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2003
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I have a new addition to the family 30 Baby black Lyretail Mollies!!!! :D I woke up this morning and went to feed and they were swimming everywhere!!! :lol:

Now I have 53 baby Mollies!!!!!!! And I have another female due Friday :blink:
Hey congrats on all of the babies hope you have fun, im having a bit of trouble no pet stores around me have silver mollies anymore so i was wondering if a differant kind of molley would breeed with it? if so what kind? -_-
Did you ask when they will get a shipment in? My IFS gets there shipments in on Tuesday

Also sometimes my pet store will order me what i want..See if oyur will do this
If you want to breed them it works out better if you have a 2 female : 1 male ratio.
A ratio of 2 females : 1 male would probably be better then 2:2. That is, if you plan to breed them.
Actually, what would be even better is 3 females to 1 male. The males tend to annoy the females VERY quickly, so if there is 2 or more females, they don't bug just one of the females ALL the time. ;)
UPDATE::: Well I dont have 30 babies I have 34!!! :hyper: I found 3 more the next day and I found 1 yesterday :D They are very good hiders lol

All of them are doing very well eating like little pigs :fun:
are the mollies schooling fish? if so are anyof you looking to get rid of 2 males and 4 females? i would really hope if any of you would give me some of sell them. but i dont know how to do the whole money thing over the internet, so i was hoping someone was just overrun with babies and wanted to get rid of some of them.
I wouldnt know how to ship them :unsure: Where do you live? My babies arent old enough to go to their new homes yet, 1 batch is 5 1/2 weeks and the other batch are 1 1/2 weeks...I wont sell them until they are least 1 inch long if not longer..

But if I knew how to ship them I would send you some if you are in the States
Congrats on your new babies. Sadly, I just experienced an entire wipeout of my babies. 34 total and 3 are barely hanging on. Don't know what I did wrong. I placed a post just a few minutes ago about it.

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