Fish to cycle with?

Sounds like a great idea. I'm always hesitant to say how long a cycle will take unless it's the norm 4-6 weeks answer. Your's won't take that long tho. I'll just say that you are giving it a heck of a jumpstart with the filter and gravel.

The water...I wouldn't bother with that unless it's easy for you to transfer it. Yes, it can help, but I don't think it actually helps much at all as long as you de-chlor any water you use before adding it as chlorine will kill beneficial bacteria.
It has been one week and the fishless cycle of my 10 gal is almost done. Ammonia 0 every day and the Nitrites are down to .25 ppm It won't be long now. I'm so glad I went fishless.
Thanks again for everyones advice. The tank is up and cycling right now (fishless of course).

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