how many tiger barbs?


Fish Crazy
Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego, Ca
Ok, in terms of gallons per fish, whats the ideal ration of it for the tiger babrbs? I saw some people do 2 fish per gallon :hyper: .

Is this true?

cos i have a 75 gallon, and thinking of doing an all barb "natural" planted tank.

the stock includes: rosy barbs, gold barbs and tiger barbs. thanx.
Sounds like a beautiful tank you're setting up. :)

It's hard to say exactly. If I had to generalize I would say 1 fish per 2-3 gallons with barbs. I'm pretty cautious with stocking and this is just my opinion. I've seen others keep more and some keep less per gallon.
To every inch of fish a gallon. What SMB suggested is very true, cause they have boundaries in the tank and they also need oxygen and room space. :thumbs:
Like smb said I believe that barbs need about a 1fish : 2gallion ration. Sounds like a great tank good luck ;)
r_is_here said:
cos i have a 75 gallon, and thinking of doing an all barb "natural" planted tank.

I don't know how many/gal, but if you take tigerbarbs, keep in mind that they are fin nippers. So don't buy any fish with them, which has long/large fins.. And I think it's even ridiculous to give any advice "1 fish/2 gal" because fishes behave diffrently, some need's more space than others although their sizes are same.

75 us gal is ~280 liters. Maybe about 20 tigers is ok.

the stock includes: rosy barbs, gold barbs and tiger barbs.

So, you're going to keep 3 species.. Hmm.. Rosy barb, as you probably know, needs cool water 18-22C. So, it would be prob. better, if you don't buy these with your other fishes. Gold barbs (Barbus semifasciolatus schuberti) isn't a real fish, it's Barbus semifasciolatus yellow "modification".

10-13 tigers
5-7 gold barbs

Do not overstock -> It means only troubles.
I have a 68 Gallon tank and i keep 30 tiger barbs in it. They are very happy in there. I used to have 17 in a 12 gallon tank but it was far to over crowded, one of the barbs was so badly fin nipped he could barely swim, which caused me to purchase the far larger tank.

Never over crowd a tank it will only cause problems. Place a few fish in there first and see if they look fine and most definitatly stop when they appear to be crowded.
I know tiger barbs are calmer in schools, butwould a group that big (15+) leave other fish (plecos or smaller tetra schools) alone completely?
tiger barbs are schooling fish.When put into a large school their aggresion GENERALLY stays within the school,however long flowing fins are an attractive target ;) so use other fish accordingly......Air

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