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Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2003
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I want to set up a planted tank. I'd like to just set up a 10 gallon untill I get the hang of it but I have no clue how.

All the infomation I've read is either VERY basic or way to complex, so I was wondering if someone could explain a couple of things to me. Like what plants are good for beginners, what is consitered high/low light in terms of wattage, (I've heard 1-2 watts but I don't know if thats consitered bright or dim), which fish don't get along with plants, plant care, and stuff like that.

Or even better does anyone know of a good site so they don't have to type everything for me? Either way...thanks.
hey Kevy,
You'll need about 2watts of light per gallon of water to successfully grow alot of plants, so you'll be needing around 20watts of light for your 10 gallon tank. Java ferns are nice plants to grow & the fish dont eat them, also stay away from Amazon Swords cos they'll quickly outgrow your 10 gallon
Sounds good, know any other plants that would suit my tank well?

(by the way the picture by your name is awesome, I spent some time sparing at it.)

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