kevy said:
Okay, I’m definitely going fishless, I just wish I had more patience
. Looking at an empty tank for a couple weeks is going to suck.
Thanks for everyone’s advice
You sound like me, but if I can encourage you, sitting watching your fish die off one by one is an awful lot worse. There are no quick ways to do this. Cycling with fish might seem quick, but actually it takes months and at the end of it, your fish may be permenantly damaged (therefore get ill and die at some later date).
So what do you do in the meantime? You do your research. You go around fish shops (without your credit card) and you look at their stock. If they ask if you want to buy something say "No, my tank isn't cycled yet". If they reply "Huh?" or give you a load of flannel about how fish are hardier than expected etc (or worse - tries to sell you "Cycle"), you know that's a bad LFS. Remember this for future reference - don't buy living things from people who haven't got a clue. (Please note: fishless cycling is a relatively new concept, but they should know what the word "cycling" means).
Get on Ebay and get yourself a copy of Baesch's Aquarium Atlas Vol 1 (you don't need Part 2), or the compact edition. Alternatively, it's in most libraries. Baesch is the fish-keepers bible and will tell you everything you need to know about fish you're interested in, and also has amazing photos. Take Baesch to the LFS and learn to identify their stock.
At this point you can start posting "menus" for your new tank and we can discuss the pros and cons of your ideas. You can also invest in bogwood (which will need to be pre-soaked for a week or boiled), backgrounds, substrate, plants and rocks and get the scenery of your tank ready for the fish (you'd need to have an idea what type of fish you were getting at this point, since some fish eat plants!). You can buy some of this stuff cheaper online, but rocks obviously aren't good for mail-order!
By the time you get your first fish, your tank will be like a paradise for him and you can sit back and plan your next tank... Oops! Didn't mean to give the game away like that. No, no, when you've set up your first tank you'll relax and think about planning a model railway or something. You won't think about more tanks. Honest